Heaven Defying Supreme

Chapter 60: the eve of the decisive battle

Chapter 60: the eve of the decisive battle

Chapter 60 The Eve of the Final Battle

"Disciple understands." Tan Yun said truthfully: "Disciple knows Linghu Changkong's background. Disciple said Linghu Changkong, not because he wanted you to uphold justice for disciple. These things can be solved by disciple."

"Well, I'm ashamed to say it! Although this old man is the great elder of the outer sect, he sometimes faces some challenges to the sect rules and disciplines who should be severely punished, but he can only turn a blind eye." Shen Qingqiu sighed: "Okay, not to mention these people. It hurts God."

Shen Qingqiu also wanted to punish Linghu Changkong who sent Ye Tian to kill Tan Yun according to the sect rules. However, Linghu Changkong was a descendant of the Holy Spirit of the Inner Sect, the grandson of Zeng (Chong), the chief elder. This backstage is so powerful, so powerful that even 10,000 Shen Qingqiu can't shake it!

Therefore, he can only sigh!

Then, he looked at Tan Yun expectantly, "You are a good seedling. Since you can compete with Ye Tian, the old man looks forward to your performance in the trial qualification battle."

"Disciple do your best." Tan Yun finished speaking, then said: "Elder, I have something I want to ask you."

"But it doesn't matter."

"Elder, at dawn tomorrow, the disciple and Ye Tian will be on the final battle stage." Tan Yun said calmly: "He is a strong person on the Qianlong list. If the disciple kills him, will the disciple still have to participate in the test? Qualification battle?"

"What? Tan Yun, are you crazy? How can you fight Ye Tian decisively!" Xue Ziyan said with a panicked expression, "He is the ninety-eighth strongman on the Qianlong list! You have another accident, Senior Sister Mu, How sad it should be, have you thought about it?"

"Senior Sister Xue, don't worry, I promise that you will be safe and sound, and you will not be frightened again." Tan Yun said sincerely.

"You'd better keep your word, Ye Tian is not a good person." Xue Ziyan said angrily.

At this moment, Shen Qingqiu stared at Tan Yun as if looking at a monster, "If you can really kill Ye Tian, then the old man promises you, you are the ninety-eighth powerhouse on the Qianlong list!"

"Thank you, Elder." Tan Yun bowed and said, "If there is nothing else, the disciple wants to retire first."

"Well, let's go." After Shen Qingqiu motioned for Tan Yun and the two to leave, he looked at Tan Yun's back, his cloudy eyes showed strong expectations, "If this kid can really kill Ye Tian, he will be a genius among geniuses. The monster!"

After leaving the Promise Hall, Tan Yun clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Xue, for looking for the Great Elder to help me, otherwise, I might not be able to escape today."

"Thank me for what? It's Senior Sister Mu who asked me to find the Great Elder. If you want to thank you, Senior Sister Mu." Xue Ziyan glanced at Tan Yun, "Senior Sister Mu is awake, she's very weak, and now she's worried about you, so go back and see. Look at her."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xue Ziyan noticed something out of the corner of her eye, turned her head and said anxiously, "Senior Sister Mu, you are weak, how did you escape!"

Tan Yun slowly turned his head to the side, the haggard-looking Mu Menggu was standing not far away when a gust of wind blew, her delicate body swayed, and she looked so weak.

She looked at Tan Yun affectionately and silently, and said softly, "I'm not worried about you, so I just wanted to come and see. Now that you're okay, I'm relieved."

"Mengjiao!" Tan Yun's voice contained deep love, his figure disappeared in a flash, and the next moment, he hugged Mu Mengjiao by the waist, "Where do you want to go back?"

Mu Mengqi happily buried her head in Tan Yun's chest and let him hold it. She felt a sense of security in her heart at this moment, "Go back to my pavilion, I want you to accompany me."

"Okay." Tan Yun walked towards Mu Meng's pavilion with a smile like a spring breeze.

Looking at Tan Yun's **** right face, Mu Mengji said distressedly, "Who hurt you?"

"Old Shizhang." Tan Yun said coldly: "I will kill this old thing and the law enforcement elder soon!"

Xue Ziyan didn't want to accompany her, but she thought that Tan Yun's current state was low and Mu Mengjia had not regained her strength, so she silently followed behind the two, sincerely feeling happy for Tan Yun and Mu Mengjia's love.

"Look, look, Tan Yun and Senior Sister Mu..." While the disciples were whispering in the street, Tan Yun walked all the way into Mu Mengjia's pavilion...

The bright moon is embedded in the dome, the stars are in the sky, and the moonlight is like water, covering the 800-mile pavilion group surrounded by aura.

At the top of the pavilion, Tan Yun sat with a smile, while Mu Mengya cuddled in his arms, enjoying the quiet time quietly.

"Tan Yun, when did you decide the battle of life and death with Ye Tian?" Mu Meng said softly.

"Twenty-nine days ago." Tan Yun smiled slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I'm afraid you'll be worried."

"You're so kind." Mu Mengyu smiled back, "Promise me, no matter what difficulties in the future, let me bear with you, okay?"

"Okay." Tan Yun nodded heavily, "Mengyu, you don't say it, but I know you are worried about the battle between me and Ye Tianming. Don't worry, the one who will live to the end must be me, not him."

"Well, I believe you." Mu Meng nodded slightly, looked up at the night sky, and said happily: "Tan Yun, the night tonight is really beautiful!"

"Yeah, it's beautiful, but it's not one ten thousandth as good as you." Tan Yun looked at the stunning beauty in his arms and said sincerely.

"Poor mouth." Mu Mengjia still turned her back to Tan Yun, looking at the night sky, with a slight shyness on her face, "Tan Yun, what you said in front of my couch was sincere?"

"Of course." Tan Yun hugged Mu Meng for a few minutes, his tone was sincere and domineering, "I love you, from now on you are my woman, and no man should try to hit you."

"Well, it feels so good to be in your arms." Mu Meng giggled like a flower.

"Mengba, I also have a question I want to ask you." Tan Yun asked in confusion, "When did you fall in love with me?"

"Although I don't know when I fell in love with you, I know when I fell in love with you." Mu Meng nodded and smiled, and immediately, she seemed to think of something, and she was charming.

"When?" Tan Yun asked curiously.

"I won't say it." Mu Meng pursed his lips. Some are indescribable.

"Say it!" Tan Yun became more and more curious.

"Okay then." Mu Meng croaked like a mosquito: "Perhaps it was from the moment you jumped off the back of the crane with me in your arms and threw me into the cold pool."

"Perhaps from the night you detoxified me."

Tan Yun was stunned when he heard the words, "Removing the poison? I didn't remove the poison for you. I just found some elixir in the valley and took it for you... I understand, were you pretending to be dizzy at the time!"

"You're dead, people ignore you!"

"Hahaha, I'll just say, why are you so sensitive when you're dizzy..."

Under the stars, Tan Yun and Mu Meng were chatting and chatting, and they talked a lot.

Tan Yun and Mu Mengji, in order not to spoil the good times at the moment, neither asked nor mentioned about Mu Mengji's life experience and hatred...

at the same time.

Murong Kun paced back and forth in the room angrily. He had already learned from his subordinates that after Tan Yun returned to the sect alive, he was almost executed by the law enforcement elders.

"I'm so mad! Peng Zhang led so many people to kill him, yet he still came back alive!"


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