Heart of Darkness

Chapter 124 - 95 Part 4

Chapter 124 - 95 Part 4

Rayven allowed Angelica to cry as much as she needed and then when she calmed down he listened to her speak about her mother. He got emotional as well while he listened. She had missed her mother so much and from her stories her mother reminded him of his own. Warm, wise and gentle. Full of love and strength. His mother had stood tall despite his father's daily abuse that was followed by his. Her son's abuse. How much that must have hurt. He hated himself even more now.

He had a mother for so many years that he never appreciated and Angelica who so badly wanted a mother, lost hers. Life was unjust or maybe it just didn't discriminate between good and bad people. It randomly took and gave and some got lucky and others very unlucky.

He had unfortunately been a lucky bastard and even now he got lucky again. There was no way a man like him deserved a woman like her. It didn't matter how good he turned out to be. He was so much older than her and with the few years she had lived, he should know much more. But he didn't. In experience and wisdom, he was much younger than her. Like a child just learning to walk, he was learning the value of life and love and he had the best teacher.

Rayven stroked Angelica's back gently as she lay in his arms. She had stopped crying and her breathing was slowly becoming normal.

"Don't sleep yet," he whispered. "You need to eat first."

Her shoulders shook a little as she chuckled in silence but said nothing. Rayven held her for a little while more before leaving her shortly to bring some food.

Angelica ate in bed quietly. It was as if she was tired of talking. Even chewing. She chewed as if she was bored. The empty and lost look in her eyes was something he knew so well. He had seen it plenty of times while looking at himself in the mirror. She was pushed over the edge and he contributed to it.

They had only been married for almost a week and all this happened. The days after marriage should have been the most beautiful and memorable days of her life. But because of his stubbornness and lies, he had turned it into a nightmare.

He watched her in silence feeling sorry for all that he had done. He really needed to do better.

With red and swollen eyes she looked up at him. "Did my blood have any effect?"


She nodded. "It won't have any effect," she said.

"How do you know?"

"It was part of my dream," she told him what she saw in her dream.

Rayven listened carefully. He had suspected this once and it turned out to be true. Her powers were transferred to her brother. Of course her mother would also take care of the blood since that could expose her as well.

"I remembered more things. I don't know what Constantine found in my home but my mother got rid of everything that could cause any suspicion. What do you think he found?"

"I don't know," Rayven said. That man was cunning and he couldn't figure him out.

So far he knew nothing and prepared nothing. Those he was seeking for help had their own problems to deal with. How would they help him? He was on the losing end. Skender and him wouldn't be able to fight Constantine alone. Skender wouldn't gain his powers in just a few days. That wasn't how it worked with demon powers and if he somehow released his power then it wouldn't be in a state where he would be able to control it. He would destroy everything and then he would be punished for it and punish himself. He would fall into a dark place. His demon would take control.

Rayven also worried about that part. He knew how destructive a powerful and an uncontrollable demon could be. The Arch would kill him if they couldn't get him under control and he threatened to expose them.

The only person who was making a change was Angelica. He had gotten angry at her for going down to the dungeon but she had been able to get answers because of it. She was again saving herself and he should have helped her instead of trying to stop her and telling her to do nothing. Wasn't it her brave and independent nature that had caught his attention first and made him interested in her? Weren't these the qualities he loved about her the most? And now he suddenly wanted her to do nothing and let him do everything. He was wrong. He should let her lean on him when she wanted to but also fight for herself. Instead of restricting her, he should support her. She was after all doing much better than him.

"He was here today. I spoke to him." She said.

"What did he say?"

"A lot of things. Mostly how you and William will be in danger because of me."

"We will be alright," he assured her.

She tilted her head slightly and narrowed her eyes. "Will you?"

Rayven thought about how many things could go wrong and then he looked at Angelica. He couldn't be prideful right now, so he swallowed his pride and asked her, "what do you think we should do?"

He felt a sting in his heart as he asked her. It seemed like his pride was still there.

Angelica blinked a few times in surprise before her eyes softened and he could see the smile in them. The sting in his heart was quickly replaced by a warm feeling. He knew he had done something right from the look on her face and he felt like a child being praised by his teacher.

"You might not agree with this…" she began looking hesitant. "But I think we should talk to him."

Rayven became thoughtful. Of course he didn't agree with this. Talking to him would mean negotiating and giving in to one of his terms which Rayven didn't like even though some things could be less worse than the other. Angelica would of course choose the way that would cause less harm to those she cared about and put herself last. That he didn't want.

He smiled. "I'll think about it. But for now let's forget all of that. I want you to rest and have a good time. How about we go to my world?"

"You mean the demon world?" Her eyes were wide with surprise.

He chuckled. "Yes. And demons don't go around with their fangs exposed so don't worry. We can stay there for a few days, far away from all this."

She nodded slowly. "What about William?"

"I'll take him to one of the Lords so he can stay there. Will that be alright?"

Angelica was thoughtful for a moment and then nodded. After she was done eating, she lay down and he let her sleep. He could take her there tomorrow. There was no rush.

Rayven stared at the ceiling while lying next to his sleeping wife in the dark. He kept thinking and wondering. If Angelica's blood had no effect, he wouldn't gain any strength and it wouldn't be right to take blood from little William. Just how much blood would he need even if he decided to take from him? One of them getting strong wouldn't be enough either. Rayven was sure that Constantine had his own army. They wouldn't be fighting him alone.

Sighing he turned back and forth in bed and when it was almost sunrise, he went to look for William. He compelled the teachers to believe he was badly injured and needed to go home to recover before continuing his training. William looked worried as soon as he saw him. He woke up from his sleep with eyes wide.

"Did something happen to Angelica?"

"No, but I need you to come with me."

Rayven knew he couldn't take him to Skender. The castle wasn't the safest place since many people came and left. He would have to take him to one of the Lords and he would have taken him to Acheron if he had been in a better condition but now he would have to take him to Lazarus. He didn't like the idea very much but he didn't have any other choice.

"Where are we?" William asked when they arrived outside Lazarus's mansion.

"This is Lord Quintus's home," Rayven explained.

William looked fascinated by the grand mansion. Lazarus made sure his mansion stood out and displayed both his wealth and his taste.

"What are we doing here?"

"I don't think it is safe for you to stay in military camp anymore. You should stay here until we solve the problem."

"What happened?"

"Just a shade threatening us," Rayven said calmly.

"And how are you going to solve it?" William wondered.

"I am not sure," Rayven admitted.

William frowned. "He is very dangerous. You should be careful."

Rayven nodded. "Did you see something?"

"Not something. I have always known the enemy is powerful and His Majesty won't be able to protect me anytime soon."

Rayven became thoughtful. "What do you mean exactly?"

"I never know exactly. It is just an interpretation and a feeling I get from my dreams. The enemy won't be defeated anytime soon. It is further in the future and it will happen when the enemy's enemy becomes powerful."

The enemy's enemy? He was still talking about Skender. But what would happen if they couldn't defeat the enemy now? They needed to.

"We have to defeat the enemy," Rayven said.

William just looked at him but said nothing. He turned to look at the mansion again.

"How long will I have to stay here?" He asked.

"Hopefully not too long," Rayven replied.

When they went inside Lazarus had company. Acheron was seated on the couch, looking better than what he did the last few days. Vitale and Blayze were also there enjoying a morning tea and Skender was having his coffee. It seemed like they gathered at Lazarus's home now that Rayven was married and had a wife at home.

They were surprised when they saw him arrive with William. Bringing the innocent boy to a promiscuous man's house wasn't ideal. Rayven told them telepathically why he brought the boy there and he could see a few of them fighting back a peal of laughter.

Lazarus's eyes widened and he asked him if he was serious.

William was polite as always and greeted each one of them.

"You are growing fast, young boy," Lazarus said. "I hope camp is not too hard."

"Not at all my lord," William replied. His gaze shifted swiftly to look at Skender who smiled at him but William looked worried before looking back at Lazarus again.

"Can William stay with you for a few days?" Rayven asked him.

"Exactly how many days? I don't want to corrupt the young boy," Lazarus replied.

"I am sure you can behave for a few days," Rayven said.

All of them laughed. "Are you sure?"

"I think William is mature enough," Vitale said. "Who knows, he might be the one to teach Zarus a few things."

"I like that idea," Acheron agreed.

Blazye shook his head. "I say take the innocent boy back before we have another male harlot."

"Watch your mouth!" Rayven said covering William's ears. He couldn't believe these men.

William removed his hands. "I know what it means," he said looking up at him.

"I know," Rayven sighed still annoyed. Angelica wouldn't like this. He looked at Skender for help but he didn't look bothered.

"No women, drinks or parties. Three days? Can you not handle that?" He asked Lazarus.

"Three days?!" Lazarus looked at him as if he had lost his mind.

"I would have left him with Acheron but I don't want the boy to become a meal."

"That hurts Rayven," Acheron said playfully.

"He could stay with Blayze," Lazarus suggested but Rayven knew that he must have been joking.

"I don't think so," he said.

"I agree," Blayze nodded.

"He can stay with me," Vitale said looking at the boy. "If that is alright with you?"

There was a silent exchange of looks between him and William and then William nodded.

Rayven looked at Vitale. The man was very calm and collected. His aura was almost icy. He could feel the cold whenever he walked past him. He was also the oldest of them so he was more powerful than all except for Skender when he regained his powers. Rayven had heard stories about how he lost his mate and son but he wasn't sure if those rumors were true. The dead look in his eyes on the other hand told him he had been through a lot of suffering. He just wasn't one to complain or ever show them his suffering. Whenever he was around he was poised.

"I will take care of him.. Enjoy your time with your wife," he assured him telepathically.


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