He Loved My Sister

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

(Hildea’s POV)

“If you would allow me….”

‘What is he trying to say? Is he asking for my approval?‘

I only understood his bizarre behavior then, and chuckled to myself inside.

Rosé seems to like him a lot. I can even see their determination to get married.

He must be worried, thinking that Rosé might get a boyfriend while he is on the battlefield.

“… May I send it to you?”


While happily thinking about Rosé, I missed his question.

‘But maybe it would be okay for him to write a letter to Rosé.’

I nodded indifferently.

“Yeah, I’m sure she’ll be happy.”



It’s clear that Rosé would be delighted.

‘But why?’

As he paused, Gabriel’s face flushed red. He looks like someone with an allergic reaction after eating a certain food. I was startled by the sudden change.

“Hey. Are you okay?”


Since I was worried about his situation, I tried to reach out to him, but he flinched at my touch and took a half-step back.



‘Wait, is he really okay? He looks really weird.’

“Ahm, my name, you said just now….”

(TN: Haha Gabriel is hopeless =))

Gabriel rubbed his ears as if they itched.

“Wait. Did something happen to your ears?”

“No, no.. it’s not like that.”

I thought about it seriously. I wonder if there’s anything in this area that would cause this kind of allergic reaction.

“Please stop scratching. It would probably be better to have it looked at by a physician. Do you feel any other abnormalities besides your ears?”

(TN: My gosh, his heart Hildea hahaha.)

Because of my ability, I’m now more knowledgeable about plants so I know which plants are edible or not.

‘Is there grass around here that could affect Gabriel like this?’

‘Wait a minute.’

My eyes narrowed as something came to my mind.

‘Hopefully it’s not an allergy.’

‘… Is it because we’re talking about Rosé right now? Is that the reason why he’s blushing?’

‘Wow, I’m in awe.’

‘It seems like I was right.’

‘Oh, my. How can there be such a pure guy? Is it because he’s the male lead?’

‘Is he that happy?’

Gabriel from the original book was a fully devoted male lead to Rosériel; he was sweet, kind, and warm only towards the woman he loved.

Gabriel suddenly looked serious, perhaps because he noticed my perplexed expression. However, his face was still as red as a tomato.

“Lady Hildea, I’m not normally like this.”

‘I don’t think so. I can tell that you will always be like this in the future.’

“Okay, I understand.”


Thinking like that, the boy immediately changed his expression, which showed his cute side.

Even though that love is not directed towards me, my heart is touched.

But then again I can’t help but feel a little bitter.

‘Will I ever be able to meet someone with such unconditional affection for me?’

“Do not worry. Rosé will love it.”

“… Oh, really?”

“Yeah, definitely.”

“Only Lady Rosé would love it?”

“…..? Yes?”

‘Then who else is there?’

I told a boy, who’s deeply in love, something that he would want to hear the most, but what’s with his reaction? It seems like his shoulders are drooping.

‘I’m really not sure, but I guess we’re good now.’

I decided to go back since Gabriel was no longer talking. As I left, I could see him standing alone as if he was waiting for someone.

‘Looks like he’s waiting for Rosé again.’

Anyway, I have too much work to worry about a boy who’s practically a stranger.

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(3rd Person POV)

“Chris, were you meditating? It’s almost time for dinner, so let’s go down now.”

The boy, who was quietly meditating inside the prayer room in a reverent atmosphere, opened his eyes.

“Priest Hamel. Can I ask for a few more minutes to pray?”

“You’re not allowed to pray that hard. You have to take care of your health as well.”

Hamel, the head priest, looked at Chris full of respect.

He is definitely younger than the other priests, but his divine power is unbelievable for his age, which is only twelve years old.

Even his long, beautiful silver hair and the friendly green eyes make him look like the embodiment of a god.

Supreme Priest, Chris.

The one who loves God the most.

The representative of the divine blessing.

The person who gives the blessings.

All the glorious names belong to that young priest.

Among the people of the Mielle Empire, all who were born with special abilities and blessings received them through the mouth of the highest priest at the time.

Therefore, the supreme priest was like a living god to the people.

They were so powerful that even the Emperor could not easily touch them.

Because the supreme priest was born into their world as the supreme priest.

“By the way, Chris. I heard that a person came from the Imperial Palace a few days ago. What did they want?”

For a moment, Chris’s smile disappeared, and then immediately reappeared.

“You’ve heard about it. Well not many people would have known about it.”

“Yeah, they sometimes make demands that are beyond the line. That’s why I can’t help, but be worried.”

The supreme priest smiled softly, as if he was an innocent angel.

“By the way, Priest Hamel.”


“Who else knows about this?”

“…… Pardon?”

Hamel had a strange feeling. As always, Chris smiled like a cute kid, but the way he spoke gave off a feeling of authority.

Without realizing it, the mid-level priest staggered backwards, but there was nowhere for him to retreat.

“I’m asking you, who else knew about it?”

“It’s something that only I know, but then again why are you asking…”

Hamel couldn’t continue his words.

It was because he screamed as an intense pain cut through his heart.

Chris showed a dazzling smile as he gazed at the other person in pain. Then he gently whispered,

“I’m glad that you’re the only one.”


After the priest’s heart burst, a deadly quiet resounded inside the room.

And soon after no other sounds were heard.

(TN: Omo we have a killer priest here)

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Hildea’s POV)


I opened my eyes wide.

“What was that?”

(TN: Wow! Can this be another ability of Hildea?)

It seemed like I had a very scary dream, but I woke up feeling very uncomfortable. That was why I couldn’t remember what happened in my dream.

And after checking today’s date, I let out a frustrated sigh.

‘It’s happening today.’

‘That damn boat ride.’

Gabriel is going to be my future brother-in-law. Even though he’s indifferent towards me and hardens his face every time he sees me, I still treat him like my own family.

Moreover, Gabriel, who has to go to war at such a young age, is somewhat pitiful.

So I was even more mindful and tried to make him stick with Rosé, but I was ambushed out of nowhere.

“I want to go with my sister!”



“Sister, let’s go boating together. Rosé wants to be with her sister and sister is okay with that right?”

The problem is that my sister, Rosériel, likes me too much.

I peeked at Gabriel’s face which had collapsed when he heard this. He must have wanted this to be a date for both him and Rosé.

This older sister doesn’t intend to become a third wheel on their couple’s date….

“My Lady, please wake up? Oh my, you’re already awake.”

After greeting Lira, I began to prepare my ceremonial outfit from head to toe.

But then…..


This is definitely cheating.


I shed tears of blood as I called my sister’s name inwardly.

There is no pink-haired girl smiling at the meeting place.

“You’re here, Lady Hildea.”

There is only Gabriel, who is staring at me with a pale face.

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Rosériel’s 3rd person POV)

The pink-haired girl hummed. As she looked at her open notebook, a loud ringing notification was heard.

-You are invited to the conversation.

– He obviously has no intention of getting married.

Biting her lip, the girl picked up a pen and began to scribble.

– I think so too. It seems like he needs to work harder, because he hasn’t proven himself yet.

The conversation that followed was quite intense; people hoped that someone like Belfius, whom they hated, would leave the mansion as soon as possible.

The girl’s eyes narrowed affectionately.

“You can do it, male lead-sama.”

(TN: Omo, is this a sign that Rosé is definitely transmigrated as well?)

(PN: Called it!)

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Hildea’s POV)

‘Can it be any more awkward than this?’

Whenever I went out with our lively Rosé, it was always a boat ride full of pleasant memories.

‘If you don’t like it that much, we can always go back.’

It’s nice to see how devoted he is to my cherished sister, but it’s awkward if he keeps covering his face whenever he faces me.

Compared to when he smiled softly in front of Rosé, Gabriel has a tense face the whole time, maybe because he isn’t satisfied boating with me.

And he seems to be holding his breath for some reason.

I sighed.

“We’re almost there.”

‘Can you give me some answers, please?’

I’m desperately hoping our boat would reach its destination as quickly as possible and end this suffocating situation.

Suddenly, my stomach churned and shook.



The escort knights, attendants, and maids followed along, but they aren’t in the same boat with us.

Even if we were all together on the boat, it wouldn’t have helped.

The boat tilted in a direction as if it had been caught by something in the lake.

I leaned over to check.

At that moment, I had a ridiculous thought.

‘Is it okay if I drink the water from the lake?’

But it’s not an exaggeration. Since my dress has several layers on it, if I fall over like this, I don’t think that I’ll be able to get out of the water…?


At that moment, someone called my name and grabbed my hand. My body was hugged tightly and our eyes met for a brief moment.

It was Gabriel.

‘Why are you looking at me like that?’

The boy was looking at me with a bewildered face. He didn’t show his usual stiff expression or a sign of dislike, just a surprised face.

‘As if you were very worried about me.’

And then we fell in together.


-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(3rd Person’s POV)


Hildea’s face was a deep shade of red.

The way she closed her eyes as if she couldn’t come to her senses pained the onlooker’s heart.

Gabriel crushed the hearts of those working for the Hillingtons, who were all passionate followers of Hildea.

‘Our little lady is so sick!’

‘Damn you Belfius!’

Just then, Rosériel, who was guarding Hildea by her side, grumbled.Fôll0w current novÊls o/n n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(c/o/m)

“You should have grabbed this opportunity since you saved her. But why did you immediately leave?”

After waking up, Hildea scolded her twin sister for being immature.

“Rosé, Achoo! Where did you go? Achoo! Why didn’t… Achoo!”

“Sister, please calm down, don’t move too much. You still have a fever….”

Everyone wiped away their tears with handkerchiefs.

Hildea von Hillington.

Our first lady is a very smart and very calm person.

There was no one in the Hillington residence who hadn’t received help from her, even though she was only an eight year old girl. It was like that….



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