He Loved My Sister

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

We’re Getting Married?

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Hildea’s POV)

Dad is drenched in sweat, and his face looks flushed from how much he ran.

Don’t tell me that you have been looking for me all this time?

“You …. Ah … I know that something happened to you and just how much this Father of yours ……..”

(Tn: Sears wanted to tell Hildea that he was aware that something happened to her and that he was deeply worried, but he can’t speak properly because he’s exhausted from running)

I’m stunned by his intense reaction. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen my father look like this.

“Are you worried about me?”

“Of course! You have no idea how worried I am.”

I lick my lips. My heart aches for some reason.

I’m sorry.

I was so confused about what happened earlier, that I forgot about how you would react.

No, I really didn’t know that you were looking for me……

It’s a strange feeling. And I can tell even without looking in a mirror that my expression is completely distorted.

Now when I look at my Father’s face, I don’t see his usual tense countenance or detached cold demeanor.

Maybe it’s because of my Father’s crying face.

I can’t say anything, so I just grab the hem of his clothes.

“No, it’s okay. Don’t be surprised, baby. I’m glad you’re back safe and that’s enough.”

I lean my head against my father while being held in his arms, as he continues  muttering like that.

My dad isn’t trying to make me feel sorry for him.

Me too. That’s enough for me too.

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-


After falling asleep in my Father’s arms yesterday, I wake up to someone hugging me and steadily breathing beside me.

‘It’s already morning.’

A pink-haired girl, who mumbles with her mouth wide open, continues to slumber.

And the girl is clutching my hand tightly as if she doesn’t want to let go.


It’s my little sister, but her cheeks look like steamed buns.

How come her cheeks look so soft and cute?

‘I can’t imagine it. The future of that thief (Gabriel) and our lovely Rosé.’

My thoughts gradually wander back to that boy.

What happened to that kid who was pushed through the dirty hole?

I poke Rosé’s soft cheek and yawn, thinking about getting some more sleep. It’s at that moment.


The door slams open, and Lira surges in with a harassed face.

“Lira, what’s wrong?”

“Miss! Miss Hill, you’re finally awake. That’s good. All I have to do is wake Miss Rose. Youngest Miss, please wake up. Now is not the time to sleep like that. Come on, get up.”

I’m shocked.

Lira, the calmest and most collected person I know, looks so agitated right now.

She even dragged Rosé, who was still sleeping with her head on the pillow, out of bed and sat her down.

Why are you waking her up like that?

Just as Lira is about to nag again, Rosé lets out a hissing sound with one eye barely open.

“Muaaah, better.”

“No, please open your eyes. Both eyes! Why are you so sluggish in the morning?”


“Miss Hill shouldn’t be like that either – you should also prepare to leave. Come on. Everyone come in and get the girls ready.”

Under Lira’s command, the other maids rush in.

We’re moved, washed, and dressed up like dolls in a matter of seconds.

Rosé is wearing a bright pink dress, and I’m in a calm yellow dress.

It feels like we’re heading to a party.

“What’s all this about? You need to explain it to us.”

“You’ll find out when you go down.”

What? There’s not a war, is there?

‘Ugh, is that even possible?’

I need to consider this seriously.

In fact, it was said that a territorial war broke out in the neighboring kingdom, and many people were killed.

In the story of <The Young Miss is Sweet>, there was no information about when/why the estate where Rosé’s kingdom would be burned down or when war would break out. But it was already proven that unforeseen changes could occur when I was born.

“An unexpected guest came and the house is in chaos.”


It was another maid who answered. Having seen her face a few times, I recognize the maid named Sien, who I’ve become accustomed to.

She is one of the maids who always looks uncomfortable facing me.

I want to smile and say hello, but I stopped trying since it didn’t work in the past.

Instead, I’ve decided to express my feelings directly.

“Thank you for explaining, Sien.”


(TN: Seriously Sien speak up!!!!!)


She doesn’t answer. I feel dejected for a second. Ah, it seems like my first attempt is a failure.

Bitterness wells up briefly. Is my face that scary and unpleasant?

Or are you embarrassed because I called your name?

Still, I gained some courage from my father’s behavior last night. I calmly look in the mirror and stare at my face for a while.

Let’s be brave from now on.

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Sien’s POV)

‘My Lady, she called my name!’

Even if Hildea died, she would never have any idea that Sien is stomping her feet on the sidelines, while the other maids look back at her with fiercely jealous expressions.

Sien held back to prevent herself from collapsing from happiness. She sticks out her tongue at Lira, who is currently the embodiment of jealousy.

She’s the only one who has ever been called by name.

It was a minor incident but in any case, Sien decided to brag about it to everyone in the conversation notes.

-ˏˋ ━━━━━━ ʚ ɞ ━━━━━━ ˊˎ-

(Hildea’s POV)

I walk down gracefully with Rosé, after barely getting dressed.

‘I’m glad it’s not a war.’

But I didn’t know this was gonna happen.



As soon as I see the visitor, I know why the Hillington mansion has been overturned.

Don’t tell me the guest is him.

‘Why are you here?’


He was the boy I saved yesterday using the doghole.

A boy with angelic features, bright hair, and a cold, mask-like face.

Purple eyes reflect the light and shine with a colorful brilliance.

Although he looks beautiful on the outside, I know very well how cold Gabriel is to everyone other than Rose, so there is a subtle tension in the air.

(TN: Hildea refers about Gabriel’s attitude based on the original novel)

I shrug my shoulders and come back to my senses.

‘No. He stole from our mansion, so why should I be nervous?’

And I’m also his lifesaver, I’m the one who helped him get away last night, so why should I be worried?


“…Hill. You’re here…….”

“I was late getting ready. I’m sorry.”


Huh? That’s weird. Why does he look sad?

I think it’s just an illusion. As I walk towards my father, I can feel his eyes following me.

It’s because I can’t cling to my Father like a child in front of a guest. In addition, Rosé, who is still learning following etiquette, is hidden to the side.

‘This scene wasn’t part of the novel so Gabriel doesn’t love Rosé yet.’

Taking a deep breath, I try to recall the noble etiquette that I’ve learned.

‘I can’t show you any faults.’

Since my Father and Gabriel are already talking in an equal manner, it’s enough for me to pull out a nearby chair and sit down.

As long as we don’t look at each other…….

That should have been the case.



As I try to calmly sit down, I can see Gabriel looking straight at me. I stop moving.

‘What, hey?’


It’s not just a quick glance.

‘He’s definitely staring at me right now.’

Oh you ungrateful thing, Isn’t this called ingratitude?

However, my embarrassment only lasts for a brief moment.

Since I was taught how to hide my feelings with a poker face, I’m already used to this kind of situation.

Don’t show what you’re thinking inside to those who are hostile or to those who offer favors.

“Should I say hello first?”

You came here first as a guest, so you have to say the first word. You little imp!

As he turns towards my Father, the boy’s eyebrows twitch.

I look at my Father’s face as well, and I notice that his lips are trembling.

Huh? Don’t tell me you’re holding back your laughter……? No way.

“I’m sorry, My lady. My name is Gabriel of Belfius.”

It was a brief introduction. In response, I bow slightly and say hello.

“I am Hildea Hillington, it is an honor to meet you. And this is my sister Rosériel Hillington.”

A moment of silence passed, but the snowball fight between me and Gabriel continued.

(TN: Snowball fight, she talks about the staring contest between the two of them.)

Given the cold atmosphere that lingers around the table from the time before we sat down, it seems that Gabriel hasn’t come here with good intentions.

‘Well. He is the kid who tried to create a flaw by stealing the token anyway.’

But as soon as I see Rosériel, I know very well how she’ll react.….

Gabriel’s gaze toward Rosé is more than I expected, but it’s far from being mesmerized or in love.

It’s completely indifferent.

It’s strange in many ways.

‘No matter how much I dig through my memories, this never happened before. No way … Is it because of what happened yesterday? Because he couldn’t steal the token? Is the Emperor keeping our family in check? If not, then why is Gabriel here already?’

I’m really confused.

Gabriel’s eyes alternate between me and Rosé.

I keep my back straight, but I swallow down a lump in my throat.

It’s because his piercing gaze looks like he’s judging us as if trying to recall something.

‘Don’t tell me you remember me yesterday.’

At that point of doubt, the boy turns to Rosé, who is laughing and smiling next to me.


It’s a moment of relief and an indescribable emotion at the same time.

‘I guess he came here to see Rosé as well. It’s just a weird approach.’

“Duke of Belfius.”

Just then my dad opens his mouth as if he won’t allow any further confrontation.

“Then I must give you my reason for such a rude and unexpected visit. And to even ask the presence of both of your daughters.”

Huh? You asked for us?

When I look at my Father in surprise, I can see Gabriel’s lips curving slightly.

Even though I know it’s fake, his smile is so pretty that I’m mesmerized by it.

Somehow or the other, I can hear the subtle sound of teeth grinding in the background.

“I am.”

Then Gabriel spoke slowly.

“I’m here to ask for the marriage between Hillington and Belfius.”



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