He Holds a Rose from the Abyss

Chapter 34.2

Chapter 34.2

Huberts arrival did not seem to stir up any ripples either. Chi Lang inquired from Longbeard, and according to him, Hubert had left alone again.

His ability to survive came from the necromancer, and that necromancer was dead, so Hubert wouldnt live much longer.

Chi Lang met Song Xinan when he was going back to the dormitory that day.

Song Xinan stood beside the statue, as if blending into the night.

Why are you standing here? Its scary at night. Chi Lang walked over.

The magic circle is ready to use, back to the modern world, Song Xinan said.

Chi Lang: Did it go so well? But why dont you look too good?

Song Xinan: Only one person can be allowed to go back.

Chi Lang was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while: Then you, go back, after all, you found it also, I cant go back alone like this.

Song Nanxin clenched his fist: Actually, I hope you can go back.

Chi Lang felt a little strange, he asked: Why?

Song Xinan lowered his head, his voice a little dry: In modern times, Im not a very outstanding person, every day is repeating the last day. But here, because of that special magical power, I have also become a very prominent figure.

Chi Lang didnt know how to answer. He thought for a while: Its up to you to decide whether to go back or not. If you dont want to, just stay here.

Chi Lang, like thinking of something very happy, smiled and said, I will not leave until I find a way to go back for two people, if you dont leave, we can both study Chinese food together.

Song Xinan closed his eyes and said, But Im also afraid that if I dont go back, Ill become someone I hate.

Chi Lang: ?

Song Xinan: The reason why the necromancer was able to resurrect Hubert and keep him from being discovered by the Magic Association is that there is someone from the church doing the covering.

What good does resurrecting Hubert do to you? Hes a magician.

If he stays in the Magic Association, one day, people will know that the Magic Association allows necromancy and is willing to live with the undead, and they will be afraid. This is the time to strike the prestige of the Magic Association.

And that necromancer, in theory, can manipulate Huberts actions, so that, too, will not increase the power of the Magic Association, and may even enhance the power of the Church.

The last thing is, I can also let Hubert repair that magic circle.

Chi Lang reluctantly understood what Song Xinan meant, and then said, The Church and the Magic Association are already in a competitive relationship, so its understandable for you to do so. However, its not right to revive the dead, and nobody asked him if he wanted to come back to life, and now, he has to undergo a second death Other than that, I dont know what to say.

But since you choose to stay here, with your status in the church, accept this but again, I hope you dont, I dont want to have to part ways with you, too, one day.

Chi Lang patted Song Xinan on the shoulder: I appreciate that you still told me about the magic circle.

No, there wont be a day when we part ways, Song Xinans voice trembled. I promise.

After bidding farewell to Song Xinan, Chi Lang returned to his dorm room.

There was no light in the room, and the curtains covered the windows so tightly that only the scent of roses could be smelled.

When he took a step inside, he felt someone holding his hand.

It was Sheffield.

Chi Lang let Sheffield pull him to the window, and Sheffield didnt say a word during the process. Chi Lang was a little confused: What is this?

Sheffield kissed him and put his right hand on the back of his head. In this darkness, Chi Lang could only vaguely see the outline of Sheffield.

After Sheffield let him go, Chi Lang said almost immediately, Use an illumination spell on your face later. Ill be in a very, very good mood when I look at your face.

Sheffields light laugh came from the darkness, he opened his mouth, his voice a little hoarse: You only want to look at my face?

Chi Lang felt that this sentence had the same meaning as Do you only like my face? He felt that answering yes was a bit sloppy, and answering no seemed a bit too perfunctory.

He dizzily thought for a while, and then said, No, no, no I still like I like

What to say?

I like that you are gentle with me? Ah, this is too mushy.

I like your cooking? Ah, it goes against my heart, the cooking skill that always burns bread?

I like your mind? Its a bit fake, its not impressive enough.

Chi Lang closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said, I also like your body.

What a good answer, both vulgar and elegant.

In the midst of his complacency, he heard Sheffield say back, What a coincidence, so do I. Chi Lang was completely unable to find anything to say back at this point.

Sheffield suddenly reached out and opened the curtains. It was late at night. Looking up at the sky, he could see stars strung together, spreading all the way to the end of the sky.

Chi Lang: Wow, I didnt notice it when I just went back to the dorm, its so beautiful.

Sheffield didnt say anything, took him by the shoulders and they leaned together, looking out the window at the starry sky together.

Chi Lang began to talk about todays events, which were nothing more than trivial matters, such as how Berg lost his temper today, and how Longbeard stole food.

I heard that Hubert left.

Yes, he wont live much longer.

Do you still hate him?

I dont know, after so long, I cant remember the hatred clearly.

Chi Lang looked into Sheffields eyes, and in this window filled with scattered stars, he felt that the starlight fell into Sheffields eyes.

So, what do you remember about the past?

Sheffield kissed the corner of his eyes and said softly, I dont remember, even if I do, its just some vague fragments.

But I remember now, and the memory has never been so clear since I met you.

If I wanted to know any more magic, Sheffield looked out the window, I would want to walk under the stars with you every single day.

Chi Lang also looked out the window: Its okay, even if there are no stars, even if its raining, even if its filled with fog, there are still stars in your eyes.

He heard the sound of a bell ringing. It was the big clock in the academy. The history of this clock is very old. At this time, it was like an old man making a trembling sound.

The bell rang in Chi Langs heart one after another. He counted the bells silently in his heart, but inevitably felt a slight loss, and when the clock finished ringing, he would always be a little disappointed, as if completely saying goodbye to yesterday.

Sheffield: Its the next day.

Chi Lang: Its good, today is also a good day.

Sheffield kissed him again. In fact, Chi Long has never had much willpower, so he was easily kissed into a daze, unable to tell north from south.

He sat down on the bed in a daze and reached out to feel rose petals on the sheets.

Beneath him lay a layer of rose petals. The realization made his heart tremble, and even the place kissed by Sheffield felt like being brushed by flame.

Sheffield suddenly stopped, and Chi Lang muttered a few words: Why did you stop?

It might be painful.

Chi Lang:  

He didnt know how to reply, this question really made him hard to say anything back, but it was really a little difficult for him.

I really, really like you, if it really hurts, can you kiss me more? I hardly know who I am when Im being kissed by you that would be better

The clock would ring every hour, and Sheffield listened to the chimes, feeling as if those past hatreds were getting farther and farther away from him, separated by a growing fog.

Losing these pasts did not make him feel lost.

In his new rosy dream, he forgot all the things that had brought him unpleasantness.

All that he had was accepted by another person, including his false appearance and his rotten heart.

Sheffield could feel that Chi Lang was too sleepy to open his eyes, and his consciousness was a little blurry.

At the end of the session, he whispered something in Chi Langs ear.

Chi Lang couldnt tell what he meant and couldnt give a response. He just used the last of his strength to kiss Sheffields lips, and then smiled Good night.

Sheffield seemed to hear the bell again, dang dang, and his heart became very peaceful.

He could not restrain the reverie in his heart he would always be there for his rose, cutting through the thorns, until the end of his life.


The End. There are still 6 extra chaps.


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