Having children earns benefit, start competing for dominance in the world by marrying a wife

Chapter 295: 215: Come to Your Aunt’s Room Tonight_2

Chapter 295: Chapter 215: Come to Your Aunt’s Room Tonight_2

Why would Chu Yuqin ask such a question for no reason?

Lu Chen looked at Chu Yuqin in confusion and said, “Could it be that Madam

Chu has had some wine this morning?”

Chu Yuqin answered, “No, I’m just asking.”

Lu Chen said, “Of course, my Immortal Technique can sober a person up, but I don’t understand why you are asking this, Madam Chu.”

Chu Yuqin then leaned closer to Lu Chen and whispered in his ear, “Chen’er, come to my room tonight, I have something to discuss with you.”

As Chu Yuqin drew suddenly near, Lu Chen instantly smelled a faint fragrance, which stirred him greatly; it was the scent of an aroused woman.

Lu Chen seemed to understand what Chu Yuqin intended; it appeared she had finally made up her mind. However, her question about sobering up still confused him.

Did their doing that thing have anything to do with wine?

It surely didn’t seem necessarily related, did it?

After Chu Yuqin had spoken, she felt unprecedented shame, her cheeks flushing with redness that spread to her fair, swan-like neck and even her ear tips. Seeing this shy beauty, the fire that had died down the night before in Lu Chen rose again.

Still, Lu Chen did not take advantage of the situation. He controlled the agitation inside him and said, “I understand.”

Chu Yuqin then turned and left, or more precisely, fled the place as if she longed to burrow into a hole and hide.

A widow who had been married, she had actually invited Lu Chen to her room. If word got out, she could not imagine what others would say about her.

Watching Chu Yuqin’s retreating figure, the corners of Lu Chen’s mouth curved slightly upward, indicating that something good was bound to happen tonight.

At this very moment.

Sufeng City.

The Dongfang Family’s meeting hall.

In the main seat of the hall, directly facing the door, sat a middle-aged man in a gray robe with a long beard.

To the right of the man sat a recent favorite of the Crown Prince, Wang Yong, known as one of the five talented young masters from the South and also the most likely to become the next Family Head of the Wang Family.

At that moment, Dongfang Yi asked, “May I know the reason for Mr. Wang’s visit to our Dongfang Family this time? Does it come with some directive from the Crown Prince?”

Wang Yong picked up a teacup from the side, took a sip, and then smilingly said, “Not exactly. I came mainly to inquire about a matter on behalf of the

Crown Prince.”

Upon hearing this, Dongfang Yi asked with curiosity, “Oh, do tell, Mr. Wang.” Wang Yong went straight to the point, “Miss Dongfang is still unwed, isn t she?”

Hearing this, Dongfang Yi’s brow furrowed and his expression seemed to darken somewhat.

He then asked, “Is the Crown Prince perhaps interested in my daughter?”

Wang Yong continued, “Of course, Miss Dongfang is accomplished in both literature and martial arts; there is no man who wouldn’t be fond of her. Ever since the Crown Prince saw Miss Dongfang once at a poetry meeting in the

South, he hasn’t stopped thinking about her.”

Dongfang Yi said, “Mr. Wang, my daughter is quite vivacious and has a rather difficult personality. I fear she may not be the most suitable match for the

Crown Prince.”

“Being ever in the Capital city, the Crown Prince has no real understanding of her. But you, Mr. Wang, should be well aware, considering how many young talents from the South have had their legs broken by my daughter. I don’t even know how much I’ve had to pay each year to compensate for such incidents.”

Dongfang Yi’s daughter, Dongfang Longyue, was indeed a great beauty, even being called the number one beauty of the South. Not only was she well-versed in poetry and literature, but she also possessed a high talent for martial arts. In Sufeng City, almost any man who had seen her developed some improper thoughts towards her.

Moreover, many had come to propose marriage, but without exception, all were rejected, and directly by Dongfang Longyue herself.

When it came to marriage, even Dongfang Yi, as her father, had no say in the matter, Dongfang Longyue said she wouldn’t marry, and that was that.

Unable to succeed by direct proposal, some elegant scholars tried to use their talents to move Dongfang Longyue. These men tried various ways to get closer to her, but in the end, their attempts to approach her resulted in having their legs broken by Dongfang Longyue.

Of course, even so, many men were still smitten with Dongfang Longyue. Precisely because she was so staunch with other men, those scholars found her even more intriguing, speculating that perhaps her chastity was maintained for someone special.

It could be said that the scholars of the South were utterly bewitched by

Dongfang Longyue.

Of course, the Dongfang Family was the third largest aristocratic family in the South. Even if someone coveted Dongfang Longyue’s body, they wouldn’t dare to resort to any underhanded tactics.

Dongfang Yi couldn’t understand why the Crown Prince would be interested in his daughter; even he found her a headache. If she were to marry into the Crown Prince, she might turn his household upside down.

Moreover, their family was somewhat unique compared to the usual aristocratic families of the South. His daughter was not quite suitable for marriage into the royal family of Great Sum, as their family had a special mission.

Upon hearing Dongfang Yi’s words, Wang Yong slightly smiled and then said, “Miss Dongfang is clever and quick-witted. I believe that after marrying the Crown Prince, she will know to restrain herself.”

Seeing Dongfang Yi’s reluctance, Wang Yong continued, “Dongfang Family Master, although Miss Dongfang cannot be the principal wife after marrying His Highness the Crown Prince, her status will still be far from low. This is a great opportunity for the Dongfang Family.”

The Crown Prince’s principal wife is generally designated by the Emperor, and on one hand, the Sum Emperor is unlikely to match a woman from the southern aristocratic families with the Crown Prince as the Crown Princess Consort. On the other hand, the Wang Family wouldn’t allow Dongfang Longyue to become the Crown Princess Consort.

After all, the Wang Family wished to send a daughter of their own to Lu

Shuyun’s side to someday become the Empress.

Hearing Wang Yong’s words, Dongfang Yi sighed and said, “Mr. Wang, my daughter is honored by the Crown Prince’s affection, but her temperament really isn’t suited for the Imperial Palace. If she were to enter the palace, she might one day bring disaster upon the entire Dongfang Family. I hope Mr. Wang can convey this to His Highness the Crown Prince, so he might understand our position.”

Dongfang Yi could tell that the Wang Family was so eager to marry Dongfang Longyue to the Crown Prince primarily to firmly ally the Dongfang Family with their own cause.

Although the Dongfang Family was part of the southern aristocracy, they were quite unique. The family’s attitude towards the royal family was somewhat fickle, making the Wang Family a bit uneasy.

If they could marry Dongfang Longyue to Lu Shuyun, they would be in the same boat, and then the Dongfang Family would have to move forward or retreat with them.

Wang Yong continued to speak, “Dongfang Family Master, your family relocated to Sufeng City a hundred years ago and doesn’t have much land in the South. You’ve primarily focused on trade, and your foundation isn’t stable. Haven’t you ever thought about taking your family to the next level, to solidify your family’s status?”

“The Crown Prince is very fond of Miss Dongfang. When His Highness succeeds the throne, even if Miss Dongfang cannot be the Empress, he will surely favor the Dongfang Family and grant you many benefits due to his affection for her.” “Dongfang Family Master, I know your family has always wanted to enter the court but has lacked an opportunity. Now that the opportunity has arrived, you must seize it.”

Hearing Wang Yong’s words, Dongfang Yi said, “I need to discuss this matter with my daughter to see what she thinks, as it concerns her lifelong happiness, and naturally, she should make the final decision.

Hearing Dongfang Yi’s words, Wang Yong’s brows furrowed slightly; it was clear that Dongfang Yi was trying to buy time.

In this era, parents’ orders and matchmakers’ words were the norm; there was no need to seek a child’s opinion, especially in matters of marrying off a daughter, where the woman’s thoughts were usually not considered.

Nevertheless, not wanting to offend Dongfang Yi, Wang Yong did not persist in his persuasion and stood up, saying, “Very well, if Dongfang Family Master and Miss Dongfang come to a decision, please send someone to inform me. I will not leave Sufeng City for the time being.”

“I shall take my leave today.”

With these words, Wang Yong turned and walked out of the hall. At this point, Dongfang Yi called out, “Take care, Mr. Wang. Once my daughter has made up her mind, I will have someone notify you.”

Before long, Wang Yong had left the Dongfang residence.

Once Wang Yong’s figure had completely disappeared from Dongfang Yi’s view, his expression darkened instantly. He then went to the back yard to tell his daughter Dongfang Longyue about the matter.


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