Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 616: Aftermath

Chapter 616: Aftermath

With the source of his rage gone Nick let the world reject him and returned to his realm but this rampage had cost him dearly. He fell into slumber as the damage he caused to himself in his reckless use of everything he had caused serious damage to himself. This damage was reflected in the realm as the planet was cracked and had large pieces floating about without any order or reason. This slumber was not a short one for Nick and the world moved on without him as he recovered. -

Nobody forgot about him over the next decade but many stopped looking for him as well after he seemingly just vanished from the earth. There were exceptions to this in the form of those closest to him like Hephaestus , Dotty , Celebrimbor and his friends. They knew that he was likely within his realm but try as they might none could enter it even with the ring that housed it accessible to them thanks to Hephaestus. There had been many that sought to punish Nick for the devastation his rampage had caused but had been rebuffed by the goddess and those who supported Nick.-

It took a few years but the world recovered and continued moving towards the future. No other place on earth ever managed to reach the same height as Hephaestus's territory as she took control of it in Nicks absence. Not for lack of trying but she refused to just stagnate in place as she knew that would not be something Nick would have wanted to see. Things had changed greatly over this decade however as grand cities popped up and there was even new gods born in the form of Nicolas Flammel and his wife.-

Even with Nick being absent they maintained close ties to his territory alongside Dumbledore who was amongst those helping to crack a way into the realm. Nen had slowly become an aspect of life as well with Zanpakutos and ironically enough had allowed people to begin colonizing the rest of the solar system. Through the use of nen constructs and Zanpakuto abilities a great deal of the knowledge of the worlds previous technology had been put to use once again as well as advanced even further. Magic as a whole also flourished during this time as many great leaps forward were made thanks to the full integration of muggles and wizards.-

The clash of understanding between the two sides led to many leaps forward in the places where this integration had occurred. The other places that treated muggles as little more than cattle or slaves fell behind and were eventually disbanded forcefully. The order of the golden sands for example that had taken over Egypt and enslaved the muggles there had been wiped out due to their stubbornness and refusal to change. Flammel himself had done this upon reaching tier seven and having had enough of the unneeded cruelty.-

It was a warm and peaceful day on June first of the fifteenth P.R(post ritual). This day seemed like all the others at first but there was a huge difference , Nick woke up. Every daedra connected to the realm felt it through their connection to the place and they all gathered on the island that had been renamed "the throne" due to being Hephaestus living there. Ever since that fateful day a decade prior their connection to the realm had felt weak , almost ephemeral even. But the moment the realm fully fixed itself and Nick awoke from his lumber it surged forth like a mighty river.-

"Sure took his sweet time didn't he?" Ron joked with a smile. He had grown his hair out and wore a fine suit while holding a staff in his hand. He like all the others had grown up quite nicely as he was healthy if pale from a lack of sunlight. "He always did things at his own pace after all." Harry said with a smile of his own. He kept his hair short and wore a more traditional robe and had a toned build from his work as an adventurer. At his waist sat a sheathed blade and a holster that contained the elder wand. -

"You guys think he's aged at all during this whole time? He's a god right , so doesn't that mean he doesn't age?" Luna asked curiously. "Gods age until our forms reach maturity." Hephaestus answered that question easily without turning her gaze from the ring that held the realm. "I don't think it makes much difference considering what his one form looked like a decade ago. He was nearly eight feet tall after all." Hermione chimed in. She had her hair semi long and wore a comfortable set of business robes. She had grown up fit and had pale skin from spending most of her time indoors since she went into politics after graduating.


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