Harry Potter: The Ring Maker

Chapter 613: Accumulating power

Chapter 613: Accumulating power

The spirit being bound to the realm as a daedra caused a very noticeable shift in the size of it as the realm grew a good quarter larger. Tengoku's ability was frankly terrifying in Nicks opinion and made him glad he rescued the spirit from Zeus. The ability was called heavens judgement and worked based on ones previous actions via the time domain. Nick wasn't sure if this was coincidence or a remnant of Chronos's influence on Zeus after his death but regardless the Zanpakuto turned daedra had a stupidly broken domain.-

Space and time were two of the three domains that were all encompassing with the other domains falling beneath them. The third domain was "reality" which contained everything all at once including space and time. Anyways Tengoku's ability covered the "past" aspect of time to a very small degree as it was only focused on a single thing rather than all of time past. The ability went over ones entire life up to the point of present and based on that passed a "judgement" that came in the form of a debuff or if one was mostly good a buff that increased or decreased ones power temporarily depending on what you got.-

The tricky part of the ability however was that one could actually choose whether or not some sins get ignored or judged. In other words the ability was downright cracked and unfair as besides infants and small children there was no one alive without past sins. Surprisingly Tengoku did not wish to become a god just yet despite being able to with a small amount of effort. When asked why it explained that it hoped to refine it's domain before ascending which Nick was all for.-

The reason Tengoku was being referred to as it rather than with a gender role was because the form the spirit had naturally was without gender as it was a giant avian winged eye that had the face of a clock as it's pupil and iris. Honestly speaking it was almost daedric in appearance despite having come from Zeus and as a result it fit the realm perfectly. Zeus had reconstituted himself within that month but hadn't noticed the loss of his weapons spirit as he wasn't aware of it to begin with. Instead he went about reclaiming his lost empire from two years ago warily keeping an eye out for an attack that never came.-

He couldn't be blamed as even after forming a new body he had a brutal looking scar across his chest from the damage he had taken from the explosion. The blast was created from pure mana and nen which meant that even his soul had taken a good amount of damage from it. Like Nick and Hephaestus thought the explosion had made the god concerned about whether or not they had any more nasty surprises in stock to use against him. So Zeus didn't immediately go back after recovering from his injuries but chose to bide his time.-

Nick knew that this "peace" was merely temporary however as once Zeus realized that he had to risk death to kill Nick before he grew into a true threat they would be out of time. There would be no more back and forth at that point but full out nonstop battle until only one side was left standing. The first thing Nick needed to do however was reach a tier sevens mana reserves. At this moment he was a god in name and form but he lacked the raw power of one.-

That was ironically also the reason he was still stuck at the start of tier seven despite him expanding his understanding of his domains. The system was Nicks constant supply of new information so naturally his understanding of his domains grew rapidly but without reaching a gods level of mana his tier didn't rise even an inch. Hephaestus on the otherhand was shooting upwards as she got tome after tome on metals , crafting and fire. Both she and Nick were hoping that if she mastered those domains enough that she may be able to reach tier eight and possibly even get an evolution of her domains like Nick himself had upon getting to tier seven.-

They were hoping she could get creation but would be fine with whatever so long as she got an upgrade of some sort. Nick himself was passing believers marks out again so that when the first of the month after next came he could activate tithe again. He couldn't do it for the coming up first though as he needed at least a month to create and distribute the marks to everyone in his territory.


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