Harry Potter: New World

Chapter 109 - 109

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I silently threw the tracking spell I'd learned from the Grimoire at Pettigrew and Black. After waiting for the fighting Lupine and Black to roll down the hill, I made sure the guys grabbed Snape by the arms again and dragged him to the castle. Strengthening myself with hemomancy and focusing on the tracking spell, I dashed after Pettigrew.

Extreme descent from the hill, undergrowth, the Forbidden Forest, mystical darkness, and rare rays of the bright light of the moon barely illuminated my path through the white snow. Dementors felt close by, but it didn't stop Pettigrew, and in rat form, he ran tirelessly, but I was faster. With the help of telekinesis through the wand, I grabbed the rat and immediately threw a spell at him that turns the animagus back into a human. Pettigrew's heavy body collapsed onto the snow, and he rolled onto his back.


Without listening to him, I used the same telekinesis to tear the sleeves of his healed arms off his clothes, exposing the dark mark on his left arm.


A translucent spiral ball flew into Pettigrew's chest, tearing almost the entire body and scattering him in a similar spiral, with guts, blood, splashes. Suddenly there was a stench from guts and shit. Damn, this is some kind of Rasengan! I hadn't seen the result of that spell back at the Knockturn Alley, but I knew it. The worst thing in this whole story is that I didn't feel anything. Ever since those times, when I read and then watched the tale of Potter in a past life, I always thought that Pettigrew should be killed. However, Black may need proof, so I went to a large piece of flesh, a surviving head on the neck, and a couple of centimeters of shoulders. A short, sharp wave of the wand.


Now I need to make sure Black doesn't die - I need his consent to hand over the ring. Probably. I suppose so. It is a pity that I did not elaborate on this point.

I sped up with the hemomancy again and ran to the second marker, which was twitching suspiciously in the mental connection. As I accelerated to maximum speed, I felt more and more uneasy.

When I reached the small clearing, I noticed Black lying exhausted at the edge of the forest, but it's not what bothered me. A monstrously oppressive atmosphere from the presence of the Dementors. As I looked up to the sky, I was stunned and amazed. Countless Dementors flew in the sky, and they all descended lower and lower. Some of them dived at Black and, like some kind of vacuum cleaner, pulled a translucent substance from him like air.

"Holy shit!" I whispered, cursing quietly to myself. "How do I even managed to get into this shit?"

The aura of the Dementors pressed mercilessly, and a dozen of them decided to suck the soul of not only Black but also mine. Unacceptable. I concentrated on simulating the happiest emotions with all my might, completely disconnected from the negativity of the harmful aura. Along the way, I began to forcibly shake my magic to the maximum that I could hold without ejection. I raised my wand to the sky. An ordinary Patronus will not work here, but the Patronus Pulse, which only requires much more energy and other visualization, with the forced retention of witchcraft at the point ...

"Expecto Patronum."

I myself was blinded by the rapidly flaring blue light at the tip of the wand. I felt like a sea of magic was concentrated at one point, which I forcibly direct into the wand, passing it through the prism of "happiness." Flash - a shock wave spreads to the sides of a bright blue dome, tearing and banishing Dementors. Accumulation and ... another flash. Behind it, there is another and another.

Sudden sharp pain in the right side of my body knocked my concentration, and the huge force of the impact knocked me to the ground.


I wanted to scream in pain. I accelerated and threw a couple of Reducto at someone large, but almost uselessly, immediately creating a bunch of bloody blades out of the ground, air, around me, out of my hands on the bare desire to get rid of the unknown enemy. The heaviness was gone, the creations from the blood disappeared, but the pain in the side, shoulder, arm, leg ... Blood pulsed in my ears, and a distant, plaintive howl could be heard — a familiar howl.

The acceleration from the hemomancy brought me out of pain shock, and back to reality after a deep concentration on positive emotions for Patronus. There are no more Dementors around. I got up and examined the wound sites. Half of the right side was bleeding, and through the remnants of torn clothes, I can see the torn flesh, a broken rib, and another just bare. Passive hemomancy stopped the bleeding. It didn't look very good, like a mark from large jaws. The right hand suffered less - only a bite. The right leg is torn by claws. Nearby in the snow are traces of blood and large paws, like a werewolf. There is no panic. There is only cold rage at myself and everyone around, but I calmed it down too, thanks to the Occlumency - the problems must be solved and not get furious.


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