Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 606: New Trainee

“This is not something I can agree on the spot,” Odin explained.

“That’s understandable, and you can take your time, but be mindful of a reasonable timeline,” Edward nodded.

“What else do you suggest we do to prepare?” Frigga asked.

“My plan is very simple and straightforward: become powerful. So, you do whatever is necessary to increase Asgard’s military prowess, train Thor to truly develop his potential, and increase your allies,” Edward explained. “However, I do suggest you let me train the second prince.”


“Yes, he’s a talented sorcerer, and I can mold him into a true powerhouse.” Edward did not ask to train Thor since the latter was the next heir to the throne, and Odin might be suspicious that he was trying to brainwash the next Asgardian King. However, Loki — who was secretly trained all his life – to be Thor’s advisor was another subject. Of course, there is a chance that Odin also did not want anyone interfering with his son’s training.

“It might be a good idea for him to have a change of scenery,” Frigga commented, but Odin did not share his thoughts on the matter.

“Lastly,” Edward added. “Is there any way to turn Hela into our side?” The room immediately quieted down. Frigga had nothing to say since Hela was her stepdaughter and was gone not long after she married Odin.

“I’m afraid this is not possible,” replied the Allfather. “She had an unquenchable thirst for power and only cared about the throne.”

“But she also has a deep hidden pride and respect for strength and power,” Edward explained. “So, we can tempt her. We lure her with the promise of freedom and the throne as long as she can defeat Thor. However, if she loses, she must serve him without complaints or a devious mind. We used a magical contract to ensure everyone abides by the rules.”

Odin’s eyes lit up. If this plan works, his son will have his brother as a tactical adviser and his sister as a mighty general. Then, he will no longer have to worry about Asgard’s future.

“As tempting as this sounds, you saw what she did to him.”

“You also know that Thor has the potential to be victorious,” countered Edward. “He's guaranteed to win with the right training and preparations.”


“I have access to very advanced Illusion Magic that could perfectly recreate all her strength and abilities. He can train to prepare for the fight against her.”

Odin’s brow furrowed. He had to admit that he was tempted, not just due to the prospect of his son having such a capable companion, but with the idea that this might be the only way for his family to be united — to be whole or complete again.

“But what if he loses?”

“I’ll be blunt, Allfather. If he loses after all those advantages, giving her the throne might not be a bad idea, given what’s coming to the world.”

Odin resisted the urge to denounce these words. His daughter might be a terrible ruler during a time of peace. But in an era of chaos, war, and uncertainty, her ruthlessness and cutthroat views are perfect to rule Asgard.

“This is a lot to process, so let’s stop here for today,” Odin declared. “I believe you wanted access to our library?”

“Of course.”

“There should be no issue.”

Edward left shortly afterward, thinking that Odin had indeed gotten old, and this manifested in his indecisive nature, which people might see as wisdom and maturity.

“What do you think?” he asked his wife.

“I don’t see any problem with his plan,” Frigga replied.

“Aren’t you worried about leaking the power of the Odinforce?”

“You should have noticed that the fact he could create such a complex plan to heal you indicated that his scan resulted in a basic understanding of the Odinforce,” Frigga explained. “How many people in the vast cosmos do you think can do such a thing?”

“Not a lot,” Odin replied. The Odinforce is his masterpiece, life’s work, and his greatest achievement in sorcery and technology. So, he was not bragging when he said that not many people can understand it, let alone replicate it.

“I say we do it,” Frigga continued. “And if you’re worried about the Odinforce, you only need to upgrade it after returning to your peak. This should not be a problem with your experience and knowledge from his library, right?”

“I’m glad you have such confidence in me, but I don’t know.”

“Is there a reason for your hesitation?”

“I saw my young self in him,” Odin explained. “Ambitious, ruthless, powerful, and unrestrained desires. I don’t know if it’s a good idea to trust him.”

“I understand how you feel, but I also see your other positive characteristics from him: your wisdom, desire for innovation, and protective nature,” Frigga stated in her opinion. “More importantly, I agree with something he said: we need that kind of person for the upcoming chaos.”

“Are you calling me old and senile?”

“Maybe.” She chuckled, revealing her charming and elegant nature.

“What about the children?”

“We already have a working model for Thor. As for Loki, I’ll ask his opinion.”

“Very well. I’ll talk to Hela.”

After entering the library, Edward used a device that scanned and recorded every book before Morgana understood them and instilled them in his mind. The Asgardian’s magic followed the same rules as Kamar Taj’s sorcerer, except they integrated technology and magic together. No, to Asgardians, technology and magic are one and the same.

Their technology tree is based on machines or objects capable of tapping into different energies of the universe for different effects or aspects of life. It was after a Sorcerer civilization developed magic technology.

‘Why are the Asgardians considered Gods when, by all definitions that I know, they do not meet the criteria,’ Edward thought as he walked out of the library. The thing did not contain any of Asgard’s top secrets, so he did not need to stay for long.

‘I wonder what qualifications that made them gods?’ The Asgardians were not considered gods because the Scandinavians worshiped them as such when Odin visited once. In the Omnipotence City that appeared in Thor 4, they were recognized by other pantheons as gods.

Frigga’s chamber:

“Mother, why do you want to see me?” Loki asked while walking and locking arms with her.

“Your father and I have something to ask your opinion?”


“Yes, we were wondering if you were interested in going to Midgard for sorcery training?”

“Midgard?” Loki frowned. He was trying to find an excuse to get close to that sorcerer and steal his source of power, and now, success literally fell on his lap, but he could not help but be suspicious.

“Is this some kind of punishment? Is father exiling me? Did I do something wrong?”

“No, no, honey. This is just a suggestion. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Frigga swiftly explained before stopping and facing him.

“What about Thor? Is he going to Midgard, too?”

“Your brother will face his own challenge and training.”

“Training? Did something happen?” The Trickster God was not stupid and caught onto something. Frigga sighed, “Something did happen, but nothing to concern you.”

“Mother, you’re worrying me.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Loki knew his mother long enough to know when she would be soft with him and when her decision was final, and unfortunately, this was the latter.

“As you wish?”

“So, what is your decision? Or do you need some time to think about it?”

“I have no issue with going to Midgard,” Loki replied after a brief contemplation.

“That’s good.” Frigga could tell when her son was scheming something, which, more often than not, was nefarious. But this time, she could only secretly say to herself: ‘Honey, you’re going to suffer.’


Thank you, everyone, for all your patience and support. I’m feeling a lot better now.


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