Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 2

He has been waiting for this day for three years.

Three years, a really long time.

Felix leaned back on his chair, his mind relaxed, with the fragrance of tea, as his memory went back ten years ago.

At that time, he was just a naive 11-year-old kid with aspirations and dreams. He was like an ordinary migrant worker who had just entered the city with big expectations and hope.

Felix admits he’s very ambitious, as anyone who has a mature mind and knows some outline of the plot in advance certainly wants to make a living out of it. So it was only logical that he was sorted into Slytherin House.

But this house, where ambition, blood, and pride are the keywords, was not entirely friendly to him. At the time it was less than a year since the fall of the Death Eaters, the remnants of their ‘pureblood’ philosophy still held out and Slytherin, the home of the Purebloods, was a source of unrest.

The fact that a Muggle orphan was sorted into Slytherin at this time (although one of his parents may have been a pure-blood wizard, which was not impossible given the circumstances) was a shock to them – in fact, cases like Felix’s were not uncommon, but rather rare.

If Felix had been just a simple kid or even an ordinary Reincarnator, his seven years of school life would probably have been accompanied by ” campus violence”, “bullying”, “indifference” These are the things that would’ve probably affected him throughout his life.

But alas, Felix is not just any guy, but a man (boy?) with a golden finger. — he could, through repeated practice, allow himself to force the power of certain spells he practised to advance beyond his own current theoretical grasp on magic.

Of course, not an unlimited advancement.

For example, if his magic theory level is level 1, then he can make that specific magic spell level up to level 2, or even level 3, the higher the level is, the more difficult it becomes, through repeated, extensive, super-intensive practice.

Although his golden finger isn’t incredibly powerful, it helped him get through the initial years of difficulties. Looking back over his first three years in school, it could be considered a masterpiece in the realm of face-Slapping.

Prior to enrolling here, because of his curiosity about magic and certain paranoid delusions of insecurity that belonged exclusively to adults, he spent most of his time mastering two spells, “Petrificus Totalus” and “Protego”, in addition to trying some simple spells. These are the two spells he mostly practised, “Petrificus Totalus” and “Protego”.

One for attack and one for defense, in line with his neutral mentality while playing games in his previous life.

Comparatively speaking, Petrificus Totalus is an easier one, and after thousands of boring spell-casting sessions, Felix has forcibly pushed it to level 2, while Protego just barely reached level 1 spell-casting stage.

This is a miracle for a person whose theoretical level is almost 0! The wizarding community should have honoured him with an Order of Merlin badge for this feat.

And with a level 2 Petrificus Totalus, Felix fucked over the entire Slytherin first year during his first week as a student, and knocked out a second-year boy who had released a vicious hex against him and left them hanging in the washroom in the cold overnight.

This act had a huge impact, or at least gave a headache to Snape, who had just become the youngest ever Head of Slytherin House.

Snape had to deal with external pressure from other Slytherin House families while dealing with the extremely complex internal conflicts within the House. To be fair, this put Professor Snape’s management skills to the test as a newcomer.

Snape’s headache was further increased, when Felix flipped the entire second-year class at the end of the first year term, leaving many empty seats at the House Cup night of that year.

As a logical consequence, Felix stayed behind during the school holidays as a Detention for the entire period – and that was exactly what he wanted.

Otherwise, he wondered if some parents would’ve found him and put some vicious hex on him!

In those circumstances, this was not an empty delusion.

And in the second year, Felix, under Snape’s oppression, restrained quite a bit and instead of sending Slytherin students into the infirmary on a large scale, he sent them one by one.

By the end of his third year, Felix became the most powerful student in Slytherin practically, the uncrowned king. The effect of this was remarkable; no one in the whole house had the courage to treat him disrespectfully. Of course, a few people still spout off and threaten to give him a good time outside the school, wherever he hides.

Yes, Felix stayed the whole three years at the school, at most he went to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks, and never visited any other place.

Pathetic school life …

Of course, there always exists a twist in most stories, and the twist that belongs to Felix is during his fourth year.

In the fourth year holiday, Felix finally walked out of school and took down seven adult wizards who tried to attack him, and sent them to Azkaban on that holiday.

This was kind of big news at the time, but even bigger news came later. At Felix’s fifth year entrance night supper, a Pureblood family duel had been proposed against the Shafiq family, which belonged to one of the 28 Sacred Pureblood families.

Felix can still recall the look on the ever Stoic Professor Snape’s face as his mouth wide opened and Dumbledore’s eyes glazed with amusement!

Caught up in memories, Felix gave a childish smile.

The so-called pureblood family duel is a very old form of dueling in which the members of the families are pitted against each other until one side is completely down or dead!

Even in the most chaotic and disorderly times, such duels were extremely rare. But it has to be admitted that this type of duel existed and was not abolished.

When Felix stood before the only Shafiq in the Slytherin House and shamed the Shafiqs (one of the necessary steps in a family duel) in front of the crowd, slowly with the ancient dueling etiquette, the sixth year Shafiq fell straight to his knees, with his body wobbling.

Even when Headmaster Dumbledore advised him after the party, he did not withdraw his idea about dueling, and he still remembers what he said to Dumbledore at the time, “Headmaster, Shafiq attacked me twice in the summer holidays! Four of them in total! The first time one person, the second time it was three. Do you know what spell they used on me?”

Dumbledore’s hair ran white, his eyes were deep with wisdom, but he did not speak.

And Felix said calmly, “It was the one of the Unforgivable Curse, apart from the Avada Kedavra they used the other two curses. Of course, it didn’t hit the home, they failed because I used protego. I find it difficult to believe that someone would still attempt such a thing after four years of the fall of the Death Eaters.”

Dumbledore said a little wearily, “The Shafiqs aren’t Death Eaters – at least not all of them, they’re just a family that holds to the philosophy of pureblood … quite stubbornly.”

“But it doesn’t make much difference to me, does it? They sent out four guys over the holiday, and as far as I know, the Shafiqs aren’t that prosperous, four … of their family counting the old, young ones, ten more?”

…T/his chapter is updat/𝓮d by n𝒐v(ê(l)biin.c/o/m

The Shafiqs simply can’t afford to play, Felix’s fighting prowess has been recognized over the summer, and after the four Shafiqs have been sent to Azkaban, there are less than four left to fight!

They could only use their influence to resort to off-board tactics, but it had little effect, as family glory was most important when it came to pure-blood families.

This unfinished duel caused an uproar throughout the British wizarding community, and after a little over half a year of various twists and turns, it ended with the permanent withdrawal of the Shafiq family from the British wizarding community, and the Pureblood family duel, which had existed for almost a thousand years, was officially abolished by law under the influence of some people.

This event, known as the August 7th showdown, was as potent as the fall of Voldemort for some diehard families!

During the fifth year break, Felix paid visits to a handful of pureblood families and, in summary, achieved a friendly meeting and reached an amicable consensus on certain issues.

Felix was relieved that the Purebloods were reasonable too!

During his last two years at Hogwarts, Felix became harmless and explored the mysteries of magic. The rest of his time at Hogwarts was a comfortable one, and the little Slytherin were very well-behaved, until he requested to remain at the school to teach, which Dumbledore refused on the grounds that he was too young.

To sum up, he had had a pretty good seven years of school life.

Of course, Professor Snape didn’t necessarily think so, and according to the latest Hogwarts gossip, a certain professor’s bad character had something to do with a nasty student he had taught in his early years!


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