Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 91

On Monday morning, the little wizards were walking past the bulletin board when they suddenly noticed that it had been updated.

A young wizard read out what is pinned on the parchment –

“The second dueling class of the current school year is hereby scheduled for this Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. Young wizards of all grades are welcome to attend.”

It’s signed with the ethereal moniker, Felix Hap.

“Why Professor Hap? Isn’t it Lockhart?”

“Maybe Professor Hap snatched the Dueling Club from his hands?”

“That’s big news!”

“Don’t be ridiculous, it could be a collaboration, just like Snape in the last class, he is invited by Lockhart to join.”

The little wizards under the bulletin board were chattering.

The trio stood not far away, and Harry’s expression showed great excitement: “It’s finally happening.”

Ron also looked with anticipation, “I hope I can learn a few powerful spells. Honestly, I’ve been nauseous this week …”

Harry looked at him with a sympathetic look, ” He also let you copy fan letters?”

“Yeah, endlessly.” Ron gave a nasty look, “Especially a woman named Morelia, she wrote the most letters and is favoured by Lockhart the most. I can recite some whole snippets …”

” Don’t!” Harry stopped in a huff.

Ron muttered, “I’ve heard a lot of hidden secrets from him in the last few days, Hermione, I know him better than you do now.”

“But he shouldn’t, why would he say it?” Hermione asked in disbelief.

“I think maybe it’s self-loathing? He’s writing an apology letter to Fudge every night now.” Ron guessed, as Cornelius Fudge never responds to his letters.

When the trio reached the classroom of Defense Against Dark Arts, Lockhart stood in the doorway, his expression seemingly thoughtful. As they passed by, he took Ron by the hand, “Do you think that my character has changed a lot lately?”

A flash of shock flashed in Ron’s eyes as he stammered a reply, “No, I haven’t noticed as such, Professor.”

“Well … why I don’t feel well then?” Lockhart loosened his grip suspiciously, and the trio slipped past him into the classroom.

In his seat –

Harry said, “He’s noticed something wrong with himself, there’s definitely something wrong here.”

“Maybe he hit by something like Confundus Charm? Many magic spells have similar effects.” Hermione analysed in a serious manner.

“Possibly, every time I face him all alone, I want to put a vicious jinx on him.” Ron looked resentful.

“By the way, those three parchments, do you have any clue?” Harry suddenly remembered something, he inquired Ron about it.

“No, just an ordinary interview.”

“What is it?” Hermione asked with interest.

Ron explained roughly the origin of these, and she wanted to ask further, but class started in no time.

In the Defense Against Dark Arts class, Lockhart is still going through his teaching show, “I need to pick a volunteer for the most crucial and exciting part of today’s play.”

The young wizards bowed their heads in succession.

“Ron Weasley, it’s you!” Lockhart called Ron to the stage, and thanks to last week’s detention, this time, he finally didn’t mispronounce his name.

“That’s right, that’s it, Ron, you’re an innocent villager, troubled by werewolves, and you’re begging for my help, yes! The expression is a little more bitter, very good …”

Ron’s bitter face serves as a prop in Lockhart’s story.

“Next is my inner monologue, this part is very important, you all should listen carefully.”

Lockhart shook his head and assumed a posture of worrying about the world, and said in a prolonged voice: ” Poor folks! They are facing the threat of werewolves all the time, and the cause of this incident was because they killed a young wolf cub, which attacked the livestock, what did They do wrong! It is really sad and tragic … my conscience can not let me turn a blind eye to this!”

The show continued, and Lockhart straightened his chest, seemingly facing the villagers’ praise. But Ron’s face became white all of a sudden.

All the way back to his seat, his face had a lost expression.

“What’s wrong with you?” Harry nudged him with his arm, is this too much of a blow? It wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before, and he’d played the vampire for three weeks straight.

“Later, later.” Ron shrunk himself into a ball, avoiding the sight of Lockhart.

On the other side, Felix is giving a lesson to the young fourth-year wizards.

“Today we learn the last set of practical runes, and then, your golems will be able to work at their full capacity.”

The twins below the podium raised their hands, “Professor Hap, is there any advanced knowledge?”

Felix smiled, “What do you want to learn?”

“For example – other useful runes,” Fred said.

Felix blinked and looked at the twins, they seemed to be good seedlings for ancient runes research.

It’s evident from the Christmas gift the twins had given him, and of course, it isn’t runes they are interested, but alchemical products.

“If some of you have room to learn, I am certainly willing to teach more.” Felix made a promise.

After the class ended, Felix called the twins.

“I would like to know if you have a clear plan for your future?” Felix asked.

“We want to open a Weasley Wizard Trick Shop!” The two said in unison.

“Well … like a Zonko’s Joke Shop kind of one?” Felix asked.

“Pretty much … but Zonko’s mind is still stuck in the last century, we want to do something newer and funnier,” Fred said.

“Right! We have a lot of good ideas, but are limited by our ability to build most of the designs.” George’s expression is rather piteous.

“Great planning. But I don’t suppose you have some professional guidance for this?” Felix asked.

“Uh, we got some books from home when we were kids about methods of creating gadgets, trinkets, and jokes, and we checked out the library, which helped a lot, Professor Hap,” Fred said with a sly expression.

The library? Or the forbidden book section? Felix didn’t say anything, the twins’ reputation is quite loud in the professor’s circle.

He simply extended an invitation, “Next year, I will start my own Ancient Runes club, are you interested?”

The twins looked at each other in surprise, “Of course, Professor!”

George suggested, “Professor, can’t you start your Ancient Runes club in advance?”

Felix shook his head regretfully, “There are less than six months left in this academic year, plus I’m distracted by all sorts of things, so I had to postpone it until next year.”

“But you guys can come to see me if you have any questions,” Felix said.


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