Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 190

Hermione looked around, fidgeting when Harry raised his hand.

“Very good, Potter, for your courage, whether it works or not, plus ten points.” Felix nodded in satisfaction as he looked over at others: “He needs an assistant to make him think of something joyful through words, any volunteers?”

A number of hands were raised on the Gryffindor side.

But Draco raised his left hand as well: “Oh, Professor, I’d like to try. Potter, I have something I want to say to you, you are not afraid, are you?”

Harry said without fear: “It’s you, Malfoy.”

The two stood facing each other.

“I dare say my words will make you cry, Potter.” Draco mocked in a low voice, his voice deliberately low.

Harry stared at his platinum blonde hair and said, “You could try.”

Draco narrowed his light-colored eyes, “You’ve heard of Sirius Black, haven’t you?”

“So what if I have?”

“Oh, Potter, if I were you, I’d be absolutely desperate for revenge …”

Harry’s heart tightened, he knew! He knew that Sirius Black was a good friend of my dad’s! But why did he use the word ‘revenge’? He suddenly thought of something, and his whole stomach churned.

But he said ‘calmly’, “What are you trying to say?”

“Oh, Potter!” Draco grinned, his eyes glinting with malice, “Your parents, how they died, you don’t know that, do you? It’s pathetic, surrounded by lies.”

“I know,” Harry said suddenly.


“I know everything, Black is a Death Eater, he defected to Voldemort, the choice that … was made unwisely just like your father back then.” Harry suppressed the dreadful thoughts rising in his mind, his task now was to fight back, and he should never show cowardice in front of his enemies.

“What did you say?” Draco whispered in a low yell.

Harry said with an expressionless face, “You know what I mean, wallflower family, everyone knows what you are, don’t they?”

Draco’s pale face turned red with anger, “How dare you! Potter …”

“What’s there to dare?” Harry gave a quick smile, he felt suffocated by the sudden surge of repressed emotions, he had to find an outlet, or he would have shouted in spite of the situation.

He came up to Draco, so closely between them that he could even see his snorting nostrils, he whispered: “Malfoy, your family is Voldemort’s lapdog, worse than any pureblood family with a backbone. Do you think you’re something to be proud of? But you’re wrong! The shame of the Malfoy family name will stay with you for the rest of your life!”

“You, you …” Draco’s mind reeled as he retorted loudly, “My family is not a lapdog of the Voldemort!”

Everyone looked at him in surprise, they could only hear the two whispering something before.

But at least with these words, they could make out everything.

“Is that so? You shouted for Voldemort to hear.” Harry also loosened the voice, so that everyone could hear what he said.

The whole class became silent, dead silent.

Felix waved his wand, causing the two to separate slightly. “Okay, the test is over. Potter, Malfoy, back to your seats.”

The others looked at the golden Sneakoscope above the table, which glowed brightly.

At Ron’s, “Well done, Harry!” At the sound of Ron’s excited voice, Harry resumed his seat, and he is now in the mood to think about the thoughts that just flashed through his mind.

Revenge, revenge, what can be considered revenge?

Unless Sirius Black had done something wrong to him first.

What he had heard from Hermione before was just how Black and his father had been good friends at school and had broken many school rules together. He, Hermione, and Ron speculated that the relationship between the two became enemies as Black joined the Death Eaters and totally went for a split.

And Black broke out of prison to come after him, but also to restore the power of his master Voldemort, just like the first-year Professor Quirinus, there is no personal grudge.

But Harry found that he was wrong, very wrong.

From Mr. Weasley’s attitude to Malfoy’s mention of ‘revenge’, he suddenly had an incredible idea.

Harry muddled out of class, even Professor Hap let everyone come forward to pick their favourite golem, he just took one at hand.

Hermione gleefully held an ice blue-haired golem, she saw the look on Harry’s face, “What’s wrong with you, Harry?”

“Nothing.” He stumbled away and Ron shouted, “Where are you going? We should go to the great hall for dinner.” But he paid no attention at all, carrying his school bag in one hand and the black-haired golem in the other, and went straight back to the dormitory.

The dormitory is empty, and he rummages through the boxes under his bed, pulling aside the clothes piled at the top until he sees a leather-bound magic album – one that Hagrid gave him two years ago and that he flips through from time to time.

Harry couldn’t wait to flip it open, the first page, the second page, and then his breath stopped.

His eyes stopped on the picture of his parent’s wedding day, his dad smiling and waving at him, his mom’s face beaming with happiness, their hands linked together.

And next to his father stood a handsome, smiling man with black hair, his face not hollowed out from prison, his hair not tangled, but Harry recognized the man at a glance–

Sirius Black!

Harry felt a wave of nausea, his heart thumped. His stomach kept churning, more intense than the feeling after the special training by Professor Hap, but a sudden surge of strong emotions came over him.

Thoughts of revenge continued to eat him away, and he grabbed the wand in his hand and clutched it for all it’s worth.

‘Maybe he should walk out of Hogwarts, go find that man, and … kill him!’

But the thought is interrupted by, “Harry!” Ron and Hermione came into the dormitory and were looking at him with a worried look on their faces.

Harry’s tense heart became relaxed, and he exhaled a deep breath.

Later that day, Felix decided to go and see Hagrid. During his adventure in the Forbidden Forest last year, he saw quite a lot of magical creatures that he might be able to recommend to Hagrid.

For example, a juvenile unicorn, or a silly-looking flower fairy.

But a phoenix with gorgeous feathers appeared in front of him, and he looked at it in surprise: “Fawkes? Is Dumbledore looking for me?”

The phoenix nodded, it landed on Felix’s shoulders, and after a moment of spinning around, he appeared in the Headmaster’s office.

Dumbledore is seated behind the long-legged table, dressed formally as if he is about to go out, or has just returned from an outing. His expression is serious, until he flashed a smile when he saw Felix.

“Felix, forgive me for calling you here so late.”

“What can I do for you, Dumbledore?”

“I heard about one of the seven Sneakoscope… you introduced in class that can be used to target and find a specific person?”

“That’s right, but it requires that person’s hair, or body tissue or something similar,” Felix replied, also pondering Dumbledore’s intentions.

“Just fits your requirements.” Dumbledore lifted a red piece of cloth, and a few black hairs laid on it in a resting position.

“This is …” Felix already had a guess.

“Sirius Black’s hair.” Dumbledore lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice.


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