Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 185

The next day, when Felix eating in the great hall, can still hear the young wizards discussing various gossip.

“Harry fought the dementors and kept them out of the coach. The red light then covered everywhere, I saw it from two aisles away.”

“Yeah, it was unbelievable!”

Hufflepuff student Ernest Macmillan said inquisitively, “It’s nothing strange, you know, Potter defeated the You-Know-Who as a baby, when I first enrolled I didn’t understand the so-called ‘saviour’ and he was so different, short, a malnourished boy, the grades are sloppy …”

He first said a bunch of shortcomings, then dramatically paused for a moment, his eyes fixed on both of his companions: “And now look at that! He’s finally exposed himself!”

” Ohhhhhh, so that’s how it is.” His two friends showed a look of realization.

Felix had the urge to laugh as he finished his pie in three or two bites and went to the Ancient Rune classroom early to look through his class schedule for this year.

There are no more than ten third-year wizards who didn’t actually take his class, which somehow made his elective class a required one.

Professor McGonagall spent a lot of time trying to fit Ancient Rune into the class schedule.

In the end, the third-year Ancient Rune class got scheduled in the last section of the school day on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and it ended half an hour later than normal.

Soon the seventh years arrived one by one.

Percy, Penelope, Wood, Geoffrey, and that Ravenclaw girl who preferred to cuddle a small skeleton during the magic rune practical in the last school year …

Among these people, Felix saw a figure that is not supposed to be here – Marcus Flint.

He graduated in June this year, and now reappeared in the ancient rune classroom. There can be only one reason: he, repeating a grade.

Last school year his two elective courses – care of magical creatures class and ancient rune class – he failed all the way to zero in the exam, not even passing a single one. It is really a shame for pure blood, and his father ran around the school board to let him repeat a grade.

“Professor.” The tall Marcus saw Felix waving at him, his whole face scrunched up into a frown, and he barely moved to him step by step.

Everyone else is watching the fun, especially Oliver Wood, who is all red with excitement, he and Marcus have been at odds for a long time, the two are the captains of the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams respectively, and have clashed a lot in private.

“You …” Felix looked at Marcus, for a moment he is a bit speechless, what to say? Well, at least his grade in ancient rune is much better than his grade in care of magical creatures class, which at least shows that he put more thought into his class.

If he hadn’t relaxed the course selection requirements last year, wouldn’t Marcus have been able to graduate with only one course?

Felix didn’t really care about this conjecture.

He rummaged around down the podium, then took out a piece of parchment and handed it to Marcus. “This is the parchment you used to answer the questions, I didn’t erase your data in the main sheet, I kept all your previous wrong questions there.”

Marcus took it, and his mouth slurred as if he wanted to say thank you, only to choke on his saliva.

“Go ahead, I’ll check it regularly, and if your grades aren’t up to par, I’ll stop all your other activities-” Felix looked at him calmly, “including Quidditch.”

“Yes, Professor,” Marcus said with a sad face.

In contrast, Wood, who seemed to be having an early holiday, gave a loud whistle.

Felix glanced at him, “You too, Wood. You and Flint have the same treatment.”

And so a second bitter face appeared in this classroom.

A group of students snickered.

Soon, the class officially started. Felix looked at the students below the stage: “You had a relatively easy time during that school year last year, and I am happy to let you feel the mysteries of ancient runes.”

The male and female wizards off the stage had serious faces, and usually, such words were followed by a ‘but’.

“But, this is your last year at Hogwarts – Wood, don’t stare at Flint and smirk – as I continue, you are facing your ultimate wizard exam, and I don’t need to tell you how important this exam is. ”

“Next, I will elaborate our study plan for this academic year …”

During the questioning session at the end of the class, Penelope Clearwater raised her hand and asked, “Professor, do we still have magic rune practicals this year?”

“Yes, Professor. We smashed the little skeleton, chased away the black raven, defeated the golem, cracked the Devil’s Snare trap, and managed to gather four keys last school year. But there’s still a lot of ground left to explore.” The Ravenclaw girl next to her said with her fingers crossed.

Geoffrey, the Slytherin’s Head of Grade, also calmly suggested, “Professor, I think we can decide on the Practical class according to the grades.”

Wood immediately glared at him, and even Marcus looked at him with an expression that seemed not quite right.

Felix thought about it, ” Well, I will open that classroom on the weekend for interested students to explore. But in lectures, you should not expect much.”

The class ended hurriedly, and the students walked out in a stream.

“Professor Hap?” Percy stood in front of Felix.

“Can I help you, Weasley?”

Percy said somewhat hesitantly, “Yes, my brothers … are Fred and George, and they’re in fifth grade now.”

Felix waited quietly for the following words.

“Uh, it’s a crucial year, as you know, OWLs Exam … the family hopes, they can put more thought into their studies and get two more certificates.”

“Weasley, you can be blunter.”

Percy’s breathing stalled as he gathered his courage and said, “I, I heard that you are very supportive of their playful behaviour, and they have now become more and more … enthusiastic, I hope you can persuade them.”

Felix looked at him and said softly, “Weasley, perhaps you were hoping that I would not offer them help?”

Percy said with difficulty, “That’s the thought.”

There is silence in the empty classroom as Felix taps his fingertips on the table with a ta-da sound.

Halfway through, Felix looked up, “I can’t make decisions for them, Weasley.”

“It should be clear to you that even without my help, they will put their minds to it, and I can’t just tie them up or … cast a Confundus Charm, right?”

Percy’s face went pale and his lips stammered.

“However, I do have an idea,” Felix said slowly.

“What is it?”

“You join them.”

“You’re kidding!” Percy’s eyes widened, “I don’t even fancy their pranking gadgets …”

“No, not for you to study along with them, I mean, get to know them. Learn what they are doing, what they are studying, where they are spending their time, and why they are enjoying doing it. When you know everything about them, you can always find the right way to …”

Felix looked at him, “I hear you’re planning to get into the Ministry of Magic? It might be a meaningful practice, and you could write a thesis on it.”

Percy left thoughtfully.

At the other end, Harry looked furious as Hermione took small steps to catch up with him.

“Harry, I didn’t mean to keep this from you either.”

“Hermione, you already knew that my dad knew Professor Lupin, Sirius Black! And that Peter Pettigrew! You knew everything, and you didn’t tell me a thing. I’m telling you – Huh, where are you? Hermione?”

Turning around a corridor, Harry glanced back to say a few more words, only to have Hermione’s figure magically disappear.

He and Ron looked at each other, and as they were doing so, Hermione arrived from another side path, tucking a thin golden chain into her chest.

“Hermione, I’m not done yet–”

Hermione looked impatient: ” What are you talking about, we are late for Transfiguration class, hurry up.”

She hurried forward and took a dozen steps before finding them still frozen in place, she said with a serious expression: “What are you waiting for!”


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