Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 170

Under the bright light, Felix carefully examined the Sneakoscope on the table, which looked like a gyroscope, slowly rotating.

As the most commonly used alert device of wizards, it would glow and spin at high speed if there were suspicious people around, there were also some special Sneakoscope that would issue an ear-splitting alarm.

In fact, Felix is no stranger to this alchemical creation; the first book he saw when he returned to Hogwarts – “Ancient Alchemical Mysteries” – featured seven different methods of crafting Sneakoscope.

As a type of detector, it has detailed information about the production of Sneakoscope for Dark Magic, lies, and even to detect a specific group of people.

At the moment, what makes him puzzled is whether this pocket Sneakoscope is a small gift from Nicolas Flamel to him incidentally, or does it contain any deep meaning?

“Do I have to disassemble this thing?”

He fiddled with the nonchalantly spinning Sneakoscope, his mind filled with the question.

Nicolas Flamel obviously knew him and claimed to have read his book on the recommendation of a friend, who was that friend?

Dumbledore? Or some other old geezer?

Did he just read his Muggle research work, or did he read it together with the book “Explorations of Ancient Magic Runes”?

Did he find him by coincidence or specifically? Was it an inspection in disguise?

Felix thought to himself, what if Nicolas Flamel developed the idea of looking for an heir, he would probably fit the bill. Alchemical creations and runes were deeply connected, and as the most famous alchemist, Nicolas Flamel would certainly have insight into this affiliation.

In fact, Felix suspected that the number of practical ancient runes that he had mastered might even far exceed his own.

Thinking about it, he felt a little tingling in his heart.

But Nicolas Flamel just walked away, without even saying his name, only leaving him a Sneakoscope, what exactly did it mean?

Did it suggest that the Sneakoscope glowed while the two were talking?

Felix: “…”

After some hesitation, he finally made up his mind. Half an hour later –

He looked at the parts on the table and froze, there is no reserved enchantment, there is no small note hidden, there is nothing.

‘Did I guess wrong? That was just an ordinary, old wizard with bad legs?’

He now had only one way left to verify if that old wizard is Nicolas Flamel, there is one person who must know something.

In the late afternoon, Felix blocked Dumbledore, who came out of the auditorium looking a little tired.

Felix inquired, “Headmaster Dumbledore, has there been any progress in the discussion?”

“You can practically assume that such things do not exist.”

The two walked down the steps to the yard and looked at the stars in the sky. Dumbledore spoke up: “All I’ve heard this half-day are all kinds of complaints and excuses, too few people who can actually take the responsibility.”

Felix did not quite understand: “What is the problem? It is reasonable to say that the demands of the revolutionary society are very clear, it is only a question of whether to change the law or not, and if so, which articles to change and to what extent? There is no progress in this regard?.”

Dumbledore said patiently: “You think too simply, Felix. Everyone’s claims are different, and the things to discuss are different. Do the laws need to be changed, do the revolutionary society need to be punished, do the Magic Congress of the United States of America need to give compensation …”

“Even Fudge wrote from thousands of miles away, imploring me to help the French Ministry of Magic and demand greater benefits.”

Felix said in surprise, “What’s it to him? It’s not like he can claim a single Knut.”

“There’s you and Charity,” Dumbledore said wisely, “Besides, money has never been the most important thing, and for as long as records have been kept, there have been near-zero official exchanges between the American and European wizarding communities, and they want to break the status quo in American wizarding community.”


“In a small way, exchange students, or co-organize large events; in greater schemes, it is to radiate our influence out of our country and get all kinds of advantages …”

Felix shook his head, it really isn’t something he would think of.

“I am more optimistic about that student named Jura.” He changed the subject.

“Ah, he does have a lot of courage,” Dumbledore said. “I will do my best to get a pardon for him.”

Felix hesitated for a moment and inquired, “Headmaster Dumbledore, I seem to have met Nicolas Flamel today …”

Dumbledore looked back at him, his gaze is remarkably calm. “I mentioned you to him, and in recent months, his attention to you has significantly increased.”

“And what is he paying attention to me for?” Felix’s heart suddenly raced.

“I think,” Dumbledore winked and gave a smile, “that it might be about exchanging some knowledge of alchemy with you.”

“Really? But he didn’t leave any contact information.”

“That’s for sure, Nicolas rarely goes out and spends most of his time in his safe house. Not many people can get in touch with him.” Dumbledore pulled out a photo from his pocket and handed it to Felix: “This is what he left for you, you can communicate through Nicolas’s picture.”

Felix took it, it is empty.

“He can be away at the moment.” Dumbledore explained.

At the end of the conversation, Felix couldn’t resist asking, “professor Dumbledore, do you know what the meaning of giving someone a Sneakoscope is trying to convey?”

Dumbledore couldn’t help but say, “Perhaps, it could simply be that it’s the only thing he has in his pocket to give to someone?”

Felix returned to the room with a blank face, he glanced at the Sneakoscope parts on the table and could not resist the urge to bestow an Exploding Charm to it.

“I’ve digressed!”

He said through clenched teeth, “I’ll give away a Sneakoscope too someday, so he can guess what I think.”

“Huh? That’s a good idea, a Sneakoscope… which is a typical runic creation with an extremely low lower limit and a high upper limit, there is a good deal of second-rate junks on the market, but even Wizengamot won’t refuse a high-end Sneakoscope.”

“Sneakoscope and golems are similar in some ways, and can be used as a complement to the curriculum, or as a teaching element in the Magic Rune Club.”

Felix’s mind began to wander, and by the time the new school year began, in addition to his regular classes, he had a dueling club and a magic rune club in his hands, making him feel like he had more things to do all of a sudden.

“I should pull in another professor for a dueling club permanently, it’s usually just Severus and me. It’s going to be a lot of pressure when school starts.”

“Who should I invite?”

“Flitwick? McGonagall? Or, maybe the new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts class? I don’t know Dumbledore’s choice yet.”

The next morning, Felix bid farewell to the crowd. He also met the President of the Magic Congress of the United States of America and the French Minister of Magic for the first time and exchanged courtesies. The French Minister of Magic also hinted that he could recommend him to be included in the rank of ‘Order of Valour’, which he politely declined.

Felix directly Apparite away.

When Hagrid’s hut appeared in his sight from afar, he felt a long-lost peace and elation.


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