Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 167

Daniel went on as he explained –

“That’s when Celeste started making blunders.”

“The first blunder was that she did not anticipate that the French Ministry of Magic would not agree with us in sending additional manpower from the US to assist in the defense, so our seven American Aurors could not appear in plain sight. So, despite the additional manpower sent from the French side, the power and information channels belonging to her became flawed.”

“But she also made a plan to make up for it, one is to send Cecil to contact us, and two is to let us take turns to monitor the movement around the hotel, especially the day the meeting took place, which is today.”

“But that’s her second blunder.” Daniel laughed, “She didn’t realize that Ebuk and I were spies, which gave us the opportunity to tamper with the situation.”

“Actually, we only did three things, and luckily, they all worked. The first, figuring out where Matt was being held, which was just down in the basement of the hotel; the second, contacting Jura, but we actually ran into the same dilemma as Celeste – miscommunication, even worse than her.”

He glanced at Jura, “Otherwise I would have advised you to simply call off the second assault and find another opportunity to rescue Matt.”

“But the good thing is, we gave you the most crucial information: including the fact that Ebuk and I were on guard duty from 2 to 5 this afternoon, and the location of Matt’s custody!”

“The third thing is that Ebke and I falsely claimed to have found your trail and brought the others with us, as agreed, to give you time to act. It was actually only five minutes, but those five minutes were the key.”

“As for the third blunder Celeste made,” Daniel’s expression turned serious, “it was also your fault – she underestimated the extent of your recklessness.”

“She did not expect that you guys had organized a rescue team of more than fifty people altogether. Jura, a large part of the people who followed your operation are still attending school, have you thought about how irrational your actions were?”

“Have you thought about what happens if there are casualties?” He said sternly.

Jura lowered his head in shame, he really hadn’t thought that much ahead.

Next to him, Byers said stubbornly, “We were prepared for that! Anyway, they’ll erase my parents’ memories, won’t they?”

Daniel looked at the tears that desperately swirled in that boy’s eyes and wanted to say something.

Jura pulled Byers’ arm and looked at Daniel: “It’s indeed my fault, I shouldn’t have involved them in this, let alone started the operation without investigating clearly, if not for that gentleman’s mercy, we would have been wiped out.”

Daniel asked curiously, ” French Aurors has sent an expert there?”

Jura said bitterly, “No, a muggle research expert, he, he simply … I can’t describe how powerful he is.”

Daniel is very curious about the muggle research expert he is talking about, is there an expert in this profession too? But he knew this would not be a good time to inquire.

The others listened to the whole event in some trance, which was much more complicated than they expected.

“Brother Daniel, did you guys come straight here to our side?” Jura asked.

“You gave me three hidden locations, I’ve already gone to the other two places, Matt is fine, he said to me that he didn’t spill a bean,” Daniel said with a smile.

“Good job, Matt!”

“Good job!”

“Brother Daniel,” Jura asked worriedly, “Matt has been exposed, will Celeste go after him?”

Daniel thought for a moment, “I don’t think so, but the surveillance will definitely be there, and you definitely won’t be able to contact him in the near future.”

The people looked at each other speechless, and the original excited mood became gloomy.

Jura went silent, also pondering over the series of events that made him grow up a lot.

After a long time, he suddenly lifted his head and said to the crowd, “I’ll turn myself in.”


“No, Jura!”

” Consider what we are doing this for!”

They clamoured, and a stout male wizard yelled angrily, “Let’s just call everyone and kill them head-on.”

The two adult wizards looked at each other, and Daniel said, “If you want to confirm Bethany’s status, there’s no need to rush now, there’s no need to put yourself at risk …”

“No, Daniel.” Jura said calmly, glancing across everyone, waiting for everyone to stop talking before he started to speak: ” Guys, this might be an opportunity.”

Jura raised his voice: “Think about it, Celeste previously went to great lengths to try to cover it up, and when she saw that our revolutionary society had grown, she tried to make a secret trap to get the list of members. But the two traps she laid before, both failed because of Daniel big brother’s advanced warning, and she grew alarmed! This time she also made precautions, and in a sense, she succeeded.”

“She caught Matt!”

The others’ eyes fell on him, following his as he kept walking.

“But she also failed, as Daniel said, she probably expected us to launch a rescue mission, but she didn’t expect so many people to show up, nor did she expect our peers to be in the Aurors allocated to her!”

Jura kept organizing his thoughts as he looked at everyone sincerely, “So this is a chance, a chance to make a complete fuss out of the whole situation!”

“You guys send a letter to the French Daily Journal, the Spirit Cat Observer, and I’ll turn myself in.”

“If I’m guilty, let the law judge me, let my crimes be known worldwide!”

Felix organized his book manuscript in his room, he reckoned that the meeting won’t go on – a few Muggle research experts slipped away during the very moment the assault happened, the rest of the unlucky ones were either sent to the hospital or demanded an explanation after waking up, the French Ministry of Magic can be said to be burnt out, and it still hasn’t died down yet.

What’s more, the hotel was partially collapsed, how can the meeting still be held? Fortunately, no one died.

Celeste is in even bigger trouble, although she avoided the most serious consequence – the death of the girl named Bethany, the matter can no longer be covered up, she will most likely be facing quadruple responsibility from the public, the French Ministry of Magic, the MACUSA and the International Confederation of Wizards.

Felix picked up the stack of newspaper clippings at his bedside, which Maxwell had handed him, containing mostly reports about Celeste herself, from her political claims to public statements and the laws and regulations she had devised, the list goes on and on …

In particular, a one-page headline showed her raising her wand in an emotional speech with her famous headline – “Law is the cornerstone of order, and we are the cornerstone of law.”

Felix tossed the newspaper clippings into the air and watched them turn into ashes, this news evoked a sarcastic smile on his face.

There is a sudden clamour from outside: panicked shouts, the sound of footsteps running to and fro are extraordinarily clear.

Felix showed a puzzled expression, he walked out of the room, to the first floor hall, the French Ministry of Magic officials whose faces were full of incredulous expressions.

Felix grasped an arm of the young Auror, “What’s going on?”

” Mr. Hai…p, Hap.” He stammered, “Something big is happening!”

“The reporters are here, and muggle research experts from all over the world are crowding around …”

“Crowded around whom?”

“The assailants! Or rather, two students of Ilvermorny!”


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