Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 158

Felix suddenly thought of a Hogwarts school legend about a Ravenclaw student who read the entire collection of books in the common room in one night, which was considered an unexplained mystery.

Perhaps this magic had done the trick.

He perceived it carefully; the magic seemed to have disappeared completely, and not a single trace of it could be found. After thinking about it, he simply switched his perspective.

In the world of black and white, subtle magic could barely be seen converging like stars, and as he pressed his finger in the air, he could faintly perceive a magic vortex.

“Magic is slowly recovering.”

“I wonder who the next Ravenclaw student destined for this would be?”

Felix left the place.

It had got dark, and he returned to his office, where a short house elf stood in front of the door.


The elf looked up at him in surprise, “Mr. Hap!”

In the office, Felix handed him a jar of butterbeer, “Pumpkin juice and fruit juice both gone, this tastes pretty good too, with less alcohol content.”

Dobby hurriedly thanked him.

Felix looked at the new costume he is wearing, “So, you free from Malfoy?”

“Yes, Mr. Hap, you wouldn’t imagine how lucky … Dobby was,” he began to tell his amazing experience.

Felix smiled and listened to him finish his story.

“You’re lucky, Dobby.”

Dobby said gleefully, “Thanks to the great Harry~Potter! He’s the one who saved Dobby!”

“So, do you have any plans lately?”

“Plans? Dobby, Dobby…wants to make a little more money and save up for a birthday present for Mr. Potter, even though it’s hard …” Dobby took out a small palm-sized box from his pocket, “This is a present for Dobby’s friend, Mr. Felix Hap. ”

Felix took it with interest and surprised to find that it isn’t something tattered and torn.

“It looks exquisite, but I didn’t recognize it, what is it?”

“A music box, sir.” The elf looked at him restrainedly, “It didn’t cost much … Dobby earned it working at the Leaky Cauldron bar, the owner there is very nice, and you can earn two sickles a week.”

Soon after, Dobby offered his farewell, praising the butterbeer in passing, “It tasted great, Dobby really liked it, I will recommend it to my friends.”

Felix watched his disappearing figure and thought to himself, “I can afford to hire him for two sickles a week.

Next time, I will ask him if he is willing to do so.”

Time lapsed to July 14, Felix’s figure appeared in a hidden corner in Paris, France, he entered a narrow, shady alley.

A man in a hood leaned against the wall, his right hand in his pocket. He glanced at Felix – Felix’s face distorted and blurred, his silver eyes faintly glowing.

The man subconsciously avoided his gaze as he said in French, “What are you doing here?”

“None of your business, just be aware that I am not your enemy.” Felix reached out and took out a brown wand, the silver glint in his eyes intensified.

“Well, remember to stay out of trouble, and I don’t think anyone will actively mess with you.”

The man scowled a little and moved out of the way, where an empty wall remained behind him.

Felix curled the corners of his mouth and walked straight ahead to the wall, causing a ripple in the wall – and his figure disappeared.

The man stared at his back and turned his head to continue gazing at the alley beyond.

Felix looked at the scene inside – it is a makeshift bar, with various large and small wooden crates twisted and put together with magic to act as tables and chairs.

Not far from him, two hooded wizards argued loudly, a silver artefact in front of them.

“Ten Galleons!”

“No, at least twelve!”

The same scene took place in this modest space, except that most of the wizards had covered their appearance with hoods.

This is a wizard black-market-cum-bar in Paris, France.

Felix stood directly at the front, ignoring the hidden gaze of the others, sweeping his gaze over everyone present, and when his glowing silver gaze fell, the wizards either met his gaze without fear or ducked their heads in panic, cursing under their breath.

It is smart to show some strength in the black market, and it is the best way for strangers to blend in here.

Felix soon spotted his target, a dirty, shaggy-haired wizard gulping down a bad beer on a makeshift bar built out of wooden crates.

“Aladdin, it’s been a long time.” He said in a hoarse voice.

The male wizard looked up, he had very rough cheeks, and he’s one of the few people who didn’t cover their face, “Oh, it’s you, would you like a pint?.”

“No, what’s new in Paris these days?”

“Do a lot of foreigners coming count?”

“Be specific.”

“Two Galleons.”

“Clink~” two golden coins fell on the box in front of him with a crisp clink.

Aladdin grinned and put the coins away as he suddenly yelled toward the surroundings, “What are you looking at, there’s no room for you!”

The others’ gaze quickly left.

“In the last week, a number of foreigners have come, all bearing the name of Muggle research experts, seemingly to attend a conference where the Ministry of Magic is in charge of security.”

“That’s not amusing enough, Aladdin.” Felix stared into his eyes.

“Hey! Don’t look at me like that, you want to know about the time I wet my pants as a kid!” Aladdin said rudely, he turned his head sideways, “Well, that is, I can’t beat you, otherwise …”

“There was a minor hiccup, they encountered an attack …” he said.

“What type of assault, did the group get caught?” Felix asked in pursuit.

“No, those muggle experts are all rubbish, they were blasted by two or three people who raided the venue and in less than a minute, a dozen or so people were knocked out,” Aladdin said with a disdainful face.

“Where’s the French Ministry of Magic’s Auror?”

“They’re guarding the outside, there’s a woman from America who’s said to be very arrogant, she’s the head of this meeting.” Aladdin shrugged, “My guess is that she is the one who induced the attack.”

“Why do you say that?”

Aladdin looked around and lowered his voice, “Do you want to know? Want to get first-hand information? I paid a big price for it.”

“Ding ding ding ding.”

Four gold galleons landed on the box, and Aladdin’s eyebrows raised.

“If the information does not satisfy me …”

“Don’t worry! It’s definitely worth it.”

He then revealed a secret, “It is said that the assailants were so arrogant that they warned the woman and left a blood-stained badge behind.”

“What badge?”

“Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

Felix went silent.

“It’s outrageous, isn’t it? There are thousands of students there, and they’re on the edge right now, with six of the seven American’ leaving that day.”

“No one died, did they?”

“No, that’s why they were arrogant, they came, it seems, to announce something.”

Felix walked out of the wizard black market and looked at the bright sky, people chatting leisurely in the distance, a young couple pushing a baby pram and walking slowly past the sycamore trees.

” There is a constant feeling that this trip is not appropriate.”


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