Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 141

Felix waved Justine away and returned to his office.

He had never thought before that he would ever meet people like the Weasley twins, they simply spent all their passion on pranks and weirdness, it was no wonder that when he was hired, Professor McGonagall had a stifled look on her face when she mentioned the twins.

”I wonder how the beggar version of the wizard phone they were researching is going?”

Felix thought in his heart, in fact, although the wizarding world as a whole has a trend of rejecting scientific and technological items, you can still vaguely see their shadows.

For example, the Hogwarts Express, the Knight Bus, the magic radio … these are things recognized by the Ministry of Magic and can be used legally, only they need to be subject to reasonable regulation.

The Ministry of Magic has a special department – the Division for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts, which is responsible for dealing with these affairs.

The word ‘Misuse’ already speaks volumes.

Most of the violators, all converted muggle items with a magic twist, after which they strayed back into the hands of ordinary people, causing all kinds of incidents related to magic.

And for Felix, if he wants to modify the base of the existing cell phone, it’s not really difficult – the easiest way is to add a rune to it, shielding it from Hogwarts’ influence, just like he did with the mini-movie projector.

But what good would that do?

He’s looking forward to seeing the wizarding world show more possibilities, more healthy changes in its development, not convincing wizards to have a cell phone in their hands.

If he had expectations of the twins, this’s indeed undeniable.

These scattered thoughts flashed through his mind one by one and soon fell silent.

Felix waved his wand, locked the doors and windows tightly, and applied a burglar sensing ward with magic – the caster would get a message when someone entered the range of the ward.

He took the diadem out of the ring, and after being restored by the Ravenclaw lady, it’s no longer a tattered, rusty shape, but a jewelled, glittering crown.

The overall design of the diadem is an eagle, the breast is inlaid with a sky sapphire, and the two spread wings are symmetrically decorated with rows of carefully dotted pearls.

Felix put on the diadem.

‘Nothing has changed …’

After two minutes of silent experience, Felix made a note on a piece of parchment –

No significant change while wearing it.

Next, Felix picked up a stack of parchments, which he had got from Lockhart, but in fact the “hidden legacy” as she called it’s a ‘surprise’ that Lady Ravenclaw had left for her House students.

Felix forced himself to forget the existence of the diadem for a while, and studied the magic on it carefully – he had memorized it long ago, and even the ancient spells on it were barely mastered.

This time, he felt the difference.

His mind became more active, like countless fine bubbles on the surface of the water that is about to boil, and it became easier for him to access the existing knowledge.

Digesting new knowledge is actually a process of continuous internalization – taking something that’s unfamiliar and forming connections with his own original perception system.

And this process requires constant mobilization of existing knowledge, using the known to understand the unknown.

The diadem clearly accelerated this process.

When he tried to think about memory magic, the relevant memories were clearly activated, in a state of extreme liveliness, as if shouting at him: I can hook up with this… look at me!

Felix recorded on parchment –

That the same type of knowledge is more easily mobilized when worn.

After thinking about it, he added, ‘more dependent on his own knowledge base and unable to provide knowledge directly.’

To verify this conclusion, Felix rummaged through his own collection of books and found a copy of A New Theory of the Political Properties of Power, which also served as one of Professor Snape’s alternative Christmas gifts at the time, and which he picked because the handwriting on it is small and dense, and the content is so dry that it can simply make one’s head go bald.

He read a dozen pages with patience, feeling his stomach-churning.

He wrote a line on the parchment –

The help for completely unfamiliar areas, blind areas of knowledge, is close to none.

Then he did seven or eight more tests one after another, recording them continuously on the parchment.

It became dark before he knew it.

Felix looked at the entries listed on the parchment and mentally compared them with the Thinking Room, the Thinking Acceleration, and the Baruffio’s Brain Elixir.

Of these three, Thinking Acceleration focused on improving reflexes and is in fact dueling magic.

The other two, Thinking Room, is to speed up the operation of the mind and play the illusion of lengthening time. In other words, it is to take the conclusion you reached in three hours of thinking in reality and finish it in one hour.

And it is not connected to reality, after all, people can not improve their actual ability through ‘thinking’.

As for Baruffio’s Brain Elixir, it is not so harsh. It can significantly enhance brain power, and since it is a potion used in reality, it is effective in reciting knowledge and magic practice, but it actually focuses more on the memorization of knowledge, and many young wizards look forward to using it temporarily before exams.

“Sure enough, it’s still more helpful to have a Diadem.” The mere advantage of being able to stimulate specific knowledge areas and accelerate the absorption of new knowledge of the same type is enough to make people swoon.

Moreover, almost six or seven hours had passed since the start of the research, and Felix had no after-effects other than being a little hungry.

To be cautious, Felix pulled out the long-unused ‘psychometric table’, revised and modified, ready to record a month.

He didn’t worry about Lady Ravenclaw harming him, but rather about the existence of any unknown effects.

Felix took off the Diadem and looked at it quietly: “Apart from the shape being a bit feminine, there are no other obvious flaws.”

“In fact, if you look closely, it is just a little slender and handy, not necessarily exclusive to women, Lady Ravenclaw is very majestic …”

After ten o’clock in the night, Felix prepared to rest, but a copper coin in his pocket suddenly became hot.


Felix gripped the fever coin – which matched the one he had given to Dobby – tightly, and he injected magic into the coin to give a response.

Then he waited quietly, and after almost a minute–

A house-elf in an old pillowcase suddenly appeared in the office, and the office immediately emitted a “woo-hoo” sound, which Felix casually extinguished.

This is the defense ward, he set up before studying the Diadem, the role of the ward.

The elf Dobby was somewhat surprised, but he did not ask more questions, respectfully greeted: “Dobby greet Mr. Hap, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

“Me too, Dobby.” Felix said, “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”


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