Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 116

Felix snapped back to his senses.

“Oh, I’ve been thinking about it a little deeper.” He had just thought of the mobile phone from the twins’ idea, so he put part of his mind in the thinking room and deduced a little.

This is similar to the “text message” function which he can completely deal with, he read so many books from the library about alchemy, not for nothing.

But beyond that, if he wants to implement more complex functions, it’s not easy to make it happen.

After all, a hundred or a thousand years ago the wizard did not have such a big brain, there are too many things that he needs to study and realize independently.

But … why bother? Why should he do this all by himself?

He’s looking at the twins, if in the past he just treats the two as potential young wizards, now with his thoughts in mind, isn’t it a waste not to train them as another tool?

Maybe he could eventually see magic cell phones in action?

Felix had never been a highly purposeful person, but he didn’t refuse to make the wizarding world a better place.

Especially when it didn’t take much effort.

He said to the twins, “I can certainly tell you the solution directly, or even complete your ideas directly, but I would prefer to develop your capabilities.”

Felix took out a piece of parchment, “swish swish swish” wrote down a series of book titles, and marked the page number.

“This is the reference list, which contains everything you want – including two books stored in the forbidden section, and I will give you a permission slip.”

“Thank you very much, Professor Hap.” The twins exclaimed, looking so excited that they seemed as if they were about to rush up and hug him the next moment.

Felix hurriedly waved his hand –

“Also, regarding the materials, you may consider the materials used for the Wand’s body.”

“Professor, do you have any recommendations?”

“From my personal perception, I like ebony, like inky jade.” Felix showed them the wand he had in his hand, “However, reason tells me that it would be better to choose chestnut, which is very mild in nature and has no specific tendencies.”

The twins left joyfully.

After the second lesson of the afternoon, Felix went straight to the great hall, halfway to see a group of young wizards gathered around with Professor McGonagall standing in the middle of the crowd, her lips tightly pursed together with a rather serious expression.

Which little wizard had got into trouble now?

It only took Felix a moment to notice as he approached that there were three other creatures in front of Professor McGonagall, so short that they were overshadowed by the little wizards.

Surprisingly, they were dwarfs, and Felix found it very new.

They had dark green skin, standing no more than a meter tall, and had a rough, fierce face. Even when the face is expressionless, there is a gloomy aura.

Seeing the dwarfs, Felix remembered a person – Faris Spavin, the former Minister of Magic who created two records: one is reaching the seat of Minister of Magic at the age of 109, and the other is that he was in power for 38 years.

Almost a hundred years have passed since then, but these two records have not been broken so far.

One of his unique acts is, when he gave a speech at the ‘Conference of Wizards and Tribes of Friendship’, he told a bad joke about “a centaur, a ghost, and a dwarf walk into a bar”, which caused the displeasure of the centaurs and resulted in a failed assassination (kicking) attempt on him.

Felix stood outside the circle, and the one who kept arguing with Professor McGonagall is one of the grimmest-looking dwarves, who seems to be the leader among them, with a dirty bundle on his back and a handy gesture.

“Ma’am, we received an invitation, and you can’t cancel it!”

Professor McGonagall said impatiently, “I’ve said it for the third time, it was Lockhart who invited you, but he is now about to be brought to trial by Wizengamot.”

“But … but … we have many talents, let me show you.”

The dwarf opened the ragged bag behind him and took out from it a pair of golden wings and strapped them on his back, and picked up a tiny harp.

The other two dwarfs beat the drum with a grim face and did stiff dance moves.

Then, the little wizards were surprised to see a gloomy “Cupid” with golden wings and a harp singing…


“We are the messengers of love~”

“Kicking people’s little legs along the way, without any trouble ~”

“Delivering the confession of love~”

Felix suddenly froze in his tracks as he stared blankly at the three dwarfs, unable to restrain sweat from forming on his head.

The other young wizards felt almost the same way, Harry’s face seemed to twitch, Ron grinned, his body desperately bent forward.

Hermione listened impassively, but her lips were pursed in a way that looked similar to Professor McGonagall’s, about 70%.

Harry thought to himself, if anyone had sent this guy to confess to him, he would be so ashamed that he would disappear like steam on the spot.

After singing an awkward verse, the dwarfs stopped, and in the process, Professor McGonagall’s lips kept trembling, “You guys … you guys …”

“Ma’am, we are professionals, and I can also choreograph a dance at the moment, even singing and dancing …” The dwarf’s face craned from side to side, as if looking for a target. In which direction his eyes dropped, there is an empty space in that direction.

Finally, the dwarf’s gaze kept moving between Harry and Felix.

Felix’s heart tightened, few people could bring him a nervous feeling, but this dwarf in front of him undoubtedly did that.

He walked out with big strides, with a wand in his hand, he silently cast a spell – “Silencio.”

The dwarf opened his mouth, but could not utter a sound, and he touched his throat in a panic.

“Professor McGonagall, what’s happening?”

Professor McGonagall said with a helpless look on her face, “Gilderoy Lockhart’s special project for Valentine’s Day – dressing up the dwarf as a cupid and confessing his love for his students on Valentine’s Day.”

“…” Felix said, “He’s really thinking ahead, it’s been nearly half a month since his arrest.”

Professor McGonagall said, “In fact, he booked it a month in advance, and according to them,” she grunted at the dwarfs, “they’re popular.”

She cleared her throat and said to the dwarves, “You did not sign a partnership with Hogwarts, so I regretfully-” before Professor McGonagall could finish her sentence.

A few dwarfs burst into tears, it is a strange picture – they have a serious and gloomy face and silently shedding tears, which makes the onlooking wizards to have very mixed feelings, neither laugh nor could sympathize.

“We are willing to do a discount …” said the dwarf leading the group. “It’s too hard, our team will not able to eat.”

Finally, Professor McGonagall took them away, the problem will be left to Dumbledore to have a headache.

It didn’t take long for the latest news to come out-

Dumbledore agreed to the dwarf group performing at the Valentine’s Day banquet, but refused their free help of helping students to pass love letters and reading confessions.

In the common room, an upper classman gave more accurate information: “It has been rumoured that Dumbledore is doing this to welcome the professor who will be taking the Defense Against the Dark Arts class that day.”


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