Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 100

After almost half an hour, Felix got up from his chair and walked over to the little wizards.

“Okay, little wizards, stop.”

The crowd looked up, and a few had cold sweat on their faces.

Felix scanned the circle, “Now, tell me how do you feel.”

“I found it interesting, except for a few questions in the middle that came out a little weird,” Luna said in an ethereal voice.

“You mean-”

“Just some questions about the Forbidden Forest,” Luna thought for a moment, “like, ‘You come to the Forbidden Forest because you’re curious and hear a clicking sound, and you turn around and see a large Eight-Eye Spider covered with thick black fur, what should you do next? ‘”

“Oh, your answer is?” Felix asked a question he had just added on the spot just now as well.

“I chose ‘say hello to it’, hi, Mr. Eight-Eyed Giant Spider.”

“Why didn’t you choose to run away?” Felix asked her.

“But that’s the next step to take,” Luna replied with a straight face as the other young wizards looked at her with shocked faces.

Ron’s eyes were going to bulge out.

“So, you’re thinking-” Felix said somewhat stiffly, “that when you run into an eight-eyed giant spider in the Forbidden Forest, you have to say hello first, then turn around and run away.”

Luna nodded, then added, “Actually, those two things can be done at the same time, depending on how fast it is chasing you.”

“Well, thank you for your answer, Miss Lovegood. But I wouldn’t recommend this, in fact, you shouldn’t have trespassed into the forbidden forest, especially when you were alone without a capable wizard.”

His gaze went to Ginny, the little girl who is obviously quite normal, and she bowed her head down sadly, as this is her first detention in school.

“What other insights anyone has to offer?”

“Professor, George, and I think that the feedback from the parchment needs to be a little richer, we just tested it and there are only about twenty types at this point.”

“Oh? Keep talking.” Felix asked with interest.

Fred looked excited, as he couldn’t wait to say, “Professor, in addition to words, simple drawings, we can also add some penalty measures, such as spraying dark fumes, in fact, Stinky Liquid would be nice …”

“You can also add sound, if you get the answer wrong, you can hear Professor Flitwick’s voice: we are wizards, not curly-haired baboons wielding sticks!”

The last sentence, said by Fred imitating Filius’s voice, caused a few young wizards with less than optimal brains, like Marcus, like Ron, to shiver uncontrollably.

“What else?”

“The textual feedback is also too gentle, the tone could be stronger, Professor, at this point George and I can help.” Fred became very interested in this kind of thing, and he frantically introduced as much as he could to Felix.

“Well …” Felix imagined that if these suggestions were added to the list, I’m afraid the young wizards might have their minds explode, right?

“The suggestion about the sound is not bad and has the possibility of being realized.” Felix picked the most feasible suggestion and said.

The atmosphere gradually warmed up.

“Professor, maybe we can add scoring, so we can visually see our level.” Eddie Camilche said, always a good grader, albeit somehow a smartass.

“That makes sense.”

“Professor Hap, can we add our names?” Ginny said after a moment of hesitation.


“It’s the part at the beginning where you can write something like ‘Welcome Ginny Weasley to Answer Space’ …” Her voice was getting lower and lower, and she didn’t seem too proud of it, her cheeks as much as her hair turning fiery red.

“A very good suggestion.”

“Professor, can we add the logo of different houses?”

“Professor, can we get a list of the highest scores? Different houses can compete, like the House Cup?”

“Professor, can we see how other students have answered the questions?”

“Professor, is it possible to categorize the questions? Like ancient runes, history of magic, potions, Herbology, general knowledge, etc.”

The nine young wizards were talking about everything, and it developed to the point that they started to argue within themselves about which function is more important.

Felix’s expression became increasingly strange, how did all these features add up and become somewhat similar to a latter-day knowledge game app?

Divided categories, Q&A features, leaderboards, friendship options, confrontation mechanisms, custom skins …

But I just want to make a teaching aid for the ancient runes class, right?

Why do I need all these features? Besides, it may not be feasible …

After thinking about it, Felix said: “You guys write down your ideas and try to refine them, and I will add them selectively. Mr. Ron Weasley, please come with me for a moment.”

Ron pointed to himself and got a clear response, so he followed Professor Hap to the corner of the office.

“Weasley, tell me specifically about Lockhart’s performance … on that night.”

After almost ten minutes, Ron finished telling him about what happened.

“Very well, I have already passed the information to Headmaster Dumbledore, and with the materials, you have provided, Lockhart will soon receive the punishment he deserves.”

“But before that, I must warn you solemnly, the same words I said to Miss Granger, do not contact with Lockhart in private, and when you feel danger, immediately seek out any professor you can see.”

“Did I make myself clear enough?”

Ron looked at Professor Hap with a grim expression, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and nodded his head repeatedly.

“Very well, you can go back, and by the way, ask your sister to come here for a while.”

“Ginny? What’s wrong with her?” Ron asked with concern.

“Just a few minor concerns,” Felix said evasively.

Soon, Ginny Weasley came to him in a formal manner.

“Hello, Miss Weasley, we’ve met a few times before, but it’s only now we’re officially acquainted.”

” Well, hello, Professor Hap.”

“Let’s get right to the point, I’d like to know where the diary you had in your hand came from?”

Ginny looked up in shock, her eyes wide, “Profess… Professor, what did you mean?”

Felix calmly looked into her eyes, “We’ve met a few times before, like near Hagrid’s hut, like near the girls’ lavatory, do I need to explain any more?”

He didn’t mention the most crucial piece of evidence, which is the information Luna had provided, lest damper the friendship between them.

Ginny’s lips quivered as if she wanted to say something, and Felix waited quietly.

After about a minute–

Tears welled up in her bright brown eyes, but she finally mustered the courage to admit, “Professor, I don’t know … I was just writing in it, that diary, it, is it really connected to the Chamber of Secrets?”

“You don’t know anything about it?”

“I’m not sure, at first I was just writing in the diary, and it responded to me. It was sweet and helped me out with advice, and then, I often lost my memory for periods of time, and it just seemed to happen around that time that the attack occurred.”

“And then later, when the professors emphasized in class that you can’t trust dark magic items, and Fred, George, and the others said the same thing, I just, just threw it away.”

She sobbed out her experience.

Felix nodded as he comforted Ginny: “Little wizards are always gullible, there’s no shame in asking your trusted professors for help when you encounter similar problems in the future.”

“Trust me, troubles that are difficult to solve in your eyes are often simple for professors.”

Ginny nodded gently as she said quietly, “Thank you, Professor Hap.”

“So, let’s return to the original question, do you remember where you got the diary from?” Felix asked.

“I … I’m not sure, I thought my mother gave it to me, but perhaps she didn’t.”

“I suppose you must have noticed something unusual?”

“That diary was stuck inside the new book I bought, Mom wouldn’t ever do that.”

“A new book? Was it from the day you went shopping in Diagon Alley?”

“Yes, it happened to be the day of Professor Lockhart’s book signing event, and he gifted a full set of new books to Harry, and Harry gave them to me. I found the diary that night.”

Lockhart and Potter … quite a coincidence… maybe.

Felix fell silent for a moment as he continued to ask, “Remember what happened that day? Anyone else possibly touched your book bag?”

“That day, our family went to Diagon Alley for shopping, oh and Harry, he lived in an ugly house during the holidays, his relatives did not treat him very well … ran into Hermione’s family halfway. We parted in front of the bank and mom took me to buy robes and wands, then we went to buy books and father got into a fight with Malfoy at Professor Lockhart’s book signing …”

Felix stopped her words, “Malfoy? Lucius Malfoy?”

“Yes, he and father were on bad terms,” Ginny whispered.

“Can you elaborate on that part …” Felix asked calmly.


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