Harry Potter: A Certain Ancient Rune Professor of Hogwarts (TL)

Chapter 717

Chapter 717: Subtle changes (2 in 1)

Margate Leibert spoke at the Confederation’s headquarters.

“… It is necessary to protect the wizards’ own heritage – well, I think he means the ones that are worth preserving. Otherwise, wizards will easily disappear like sand swept up in the sea and lose our footing, and the accompanying dangers will be deadly … Some buffer zones will need to be laid down. Then there is also the matter of how to educate the young wizards … over the violation of the rights of wizards as a whole when facing such violations …”

Gradually, these twenty or so African delegates also joined the proceedings, but few people realized that they were actually presenting Grindelwald’s views, or more accurately, some radical, intense opinions that, if nothing unexpected happens, will take root in some people’s minds and grow stronger in the subsequent years of implementation.

At least Felix doesn’t have to worry about the Confederation becoming a pool of stagnant water after he let it go of his hands.

Time passed, and the weather gradually turned chilly, on Saturday morning before heading to Hogsmeade village, Harry, Ron, and Hermione coincidentally chose to wear scarves to keep themselves warm, they met in the common room and then walked towards the school entrance with their classmates laughing and talking.

“Surely it’s not that cold?” Ginny said in a somewhat surprised tone next to Harry.

Several younger grade girls passed them, chattering and giggling excitedly, each draped in a pretty light-colored cape. Harry bet that these girls must be third-year students. He had only seen that kind of excitement on the faces of people who were going to Hogsmeade for the first time. In addition to the little wizards who had wrapped themselves up tightly, others were dressed very simply, with only a coat over them. Harry suspected they had got the seasons mixed up.

“Parvati went through her trunk last night and complained she left her thermostat locket at home.” Hermione said, which solved Harry’s doubts. “So I advised her to wear more, the temperature has been a little bit low lately, and there are a lot of people getting colds this time of year. Madam Pomfrey had prepared a batch of Pepperup Potion in advance.”

Ron sniffed and immediately tightened the scarf around his neck.

Harry hurriedly handed his scarf to Ginny, who arched her eyebrows and smiled brightly. “You could use a warming spell, Harry.” Hermione suggested, and Harry did exactly that, at which point he noticed Ron sizing himself up with a scrutinizing look, followed by a humming sound coming from his nose.

“Very considerate.” Ron said mockingly.

It was probably due to the effect of the warming spell, Harry felt his face burn a little, like a furnace that refused to diffuse heat. Ginny, on the other hand, graciously took Harry’s arm and said as if no one was listening, “Ignore that vile hypocrite, he also writes letters to girls himself.”

Harry’s eyes widened. Ron turned red and defended himself desperately, “She wrote to me first! Asking if I wanted to join her squad after graduation-” he turned his head to Harry, “You knew about it, didn’t you? I even teased her with you for not blending in well …”

“Seems so,” Harry said as he slowly recalled, “but I remember her birthday passed long ago, I did not expect you to still be in correspondence with her aha..”

This time it was Ron’s turn to feel self-conscious.

Hermione asked in confusion, “Who are you talking about?”

“Collins.” Harry said briefly.

“Oh-” Hermione trailed off, remembering that both of them wanted to be Minister of Magic, “How’s she been?”

“Not too bad.” Ron muttered.

When they arrived at the Hogsmeade village, their first thought was that there were more people walking on the streets, and many of them were unfamiliar faces. At the entrance to the village, there was a schematic map, and they went over to look at it and saw that two new streets had been built in the eastern and northern parts of the village respectively.

Being the one and only – oh, now it has become one of the only two exclusive wizard villages in Britain, Hogsmeade has shown the wonders of magic and magical people of all shapes, sizes, and colours, and as they passed the bickering wizards of both sexes, Harry swore he saw a male wizard with vampire fangs.

At that moment, an owl with snow-white feathers and black spots quietly descended from above their heads and landed on Harry’s shoulder. The owl gently pecked his ear, “Ouch – oh, Hedwig?” Hedwig haughtily stretched out a leg for Harry to remove the note tied to it, which he unfolded and read, before he looked towards the other three.

“Mr. Doge will be here a little later, he told us to hang out somewhere for a while.” Harry said. He patted Hedwig’s beak, “The dorm window is open, I left food for you there.” Hedwig flew off.

“Great,” Ron said happily, “Let’s go to the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes and Future World Company store first, there may be some new products available, and we can get a sneak peek – ”

“Good point, so where shall we go first?” Ginny asked.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Fred and George.” Harry said so the group went to the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes first, but Fred and George were not there, with only two sales clerks who were busy. Harry was a little disappointed, he also wanted to ask the twins if they had passed the Muggle government’s purchase list, although he seriously suspected that the prank products of the brothers would be returned mercilessly.

They politely thanked the clerk for his help and strolled around casually.

Fred and George’s store is as fascinating as ever, full of colourful blobs of light and all sorts of comical noises, and some strange gadgets sprang up from the shelves, corners, and ceiling every now and then to scare people. Harry repeatedly warned himself not to overreact, but when a spider with thick eyebrows dangled down from the ceiling using a web, he couldn’t help but laugh.

He turned his head to show this to Ron when he caught a glimpse of Hermione reading a pamphlet and talking to the clerk. The look on her was not like someone asking questions about a new prank product on the brochure. He curiously went over – a small jellyfish fireworks exploded amidst the crowd, and then immediately a young boy was surrounded by a group of jellyfish of different colours – Harry heard Hermione asking the clerk: “Can I take one? ”

“Of course, you can, it’s a free distribution from the Ministry of Magic.” The clerk said.

“What’s that in your hand?” When the clerk left, Harry inquired. Hermione pointed to the box on the floor, in which there were neatly stacked identical pamphlets to the one she was holding, and on the outside of the box, it read ‘Travel Guide – to get you through the Muggle world without a hitch. Provided by the Ministry of Magic.’

“Wow.” Harry said.

“Well it looks pretty much on point to me, isn’t that so?” Hermione flashed a smile, “I’ve just read a bit of it, and it recommends for wizards visit the big cities if they want to, where they might feel more welcomed, for example, London has recently attracted a lot of foreign tourists, all of them are interested in magic.”

Ron and Ginny came over with a bunch of things in their arms.

“Hey, look at this!” Ron said excitedly, carrying two colourful packages: “Weasley Boutique prank gift bag, it has all the best-selling classic products that have been available since the establishment of the store, with an additional free dark lord figure pendant; there is also a muggle special snack gift bag, the price is somewhat expensive, but it is barely acceptable.”

“Uncensored version -” Harry asked, pointing to the printed words on the package, “what does this mean?”

“Well, do you remember that product list review at the Sword Castle? Percy eliminated some of the products for being potentially harmful to Muggles, but well–” Ron shot Harry a knowing look. Harry stared at the sticker of a boy gazing at the gallow on the package in a daze, wondering what this product corresponded to. At that moment, Ginny jabbed him in the waist with a finger, gesturing him to look at what she was holding.

It is a translucent box, and through the packaging, you can see that it contains twelve small bottles, with a sticker of several males and female wizards riding a flying broom with fascinated and intoxicated expressions on their faces, accompanied by fierce-looking trolls and goblins. “It’s not some kind of prohibited item, is it?” Harry asked worriedly, and Ginny moved her thumb aside, so he could read the name of the product, which read – “Daydream Charm, Quidditch Exclusive Set.”

“Very interesting,” Harry said dryly, “I can finally understand why even goblins and trolls can sit on flying broomsticks.” The temptation of being able to play a game of Quidditch with goblins or trolls in his dreams appealed to him nonetheless, so he went to the clerk and bought two boxes as well.

They then went to the Future World store, where a large notice was posted in the front window of the store, which attracted a lot of people to gather around. When the people in front of them left contentedly, the four of them immediately pushed their way to the front.

“Recruiting business partners – whether you are a wizard who can’t find your way, a student who just graduated with no direction, or a werewolf, vampire, or goblin … as long as you have a unique vision and actual talent, you can apply for subsidies as well as support from a professional team of over 300 people! Future World will help realize your dreams in its entirety …”

Harry clicked his tongue. “As long as I have a unique vision, the people at Future World would help me realize it?”

“It’s not that simple,” said Hermione, pointing to the small text below: “First of all, your idea must be practical, which requires professional evaluation – and it should not be illegal; secondly, you must personally spend a lot of time working on it, instead of being clueless about it. The Future World company would only help out if you found yourself stuck on some technical difficulty ….”

They went for a walk all around, then after sometimes they decided it was about time, and made their way to the Three Broomsticks to wait for Mr. Doge.

“I’m exhausted,” Ron hollered, “after walking all day.”

While waiting for Mrs. Rosmerta to prepare something for them to drink, Harry looked around from his seat and sensed that there were more guests than last year. A little away from them, two tables were filled with gruff-faced adult wizards who evidently didn’t feel entirely comfortable with the student figures that appeared from time to time in the Three Broomsticks, and at the moment they were talking in gruff, clenched voices.

“I don’t want those muggles to visit us, they’ve already occupied too much space, and now they are finally going to take on the last piece of wizard territory, are they?”

“It’s up to the Ministry of Magic to decide, Dick.” Another man absent-mindedly said as he stroked the pattern on the goblet, and seemed surprised that the goblet could be this clean; Harry figured he should have gotten used to drinking in places like the Hog’s Head Inn previously.

The first man cursed an expletive.

“That’s something-” Ron said.

“Yeah, well, I suppose not everyone will be happy with the new policy.” Harry looked back and noticed Ron was looking in another direction, and he followed his line of sight to a group of four Hogwarts students playing wizard cards, coincidentally, there was one student from each of the four houses among them.

“Eleanor Branstone,” Ginny whispered, standing up and saying hello to the person across the room before recouping her seat.

“Who did you mention?” Harry asked.

“The one in the bear hat, I think it might be a club party.” Ginny said, “Her club is pretty famous, I don’t know where she got all those recipes with unique flavours, secret sauces, and stuff, but I guess since Luna brought her family’s recipes, they might also have-”

Ron choked and coughed repeatedly.

“I had just thought about checking it out at the next club event after hearing what you said about unique flavours.” He said with a dejected look, “But, now I’ve lost all hope.”

“Don’t say it like that,” Ginny looked at him reproachfully, then she said in what seemed to Harry to be a completely unnecessary heartfelt tone, “Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans wasn’t well received by the public when it first came for sale either, just think of its current status.”

“Yeah, I can roughly guess what role Luna’s family’s recipes will play in that.” Ron said snarkily.

Mrs. Rosmerta brought over the drinks and Hermione stashed the pamphlet away and casually asked, “Hello, Mrs. Rosmerta, has business been good lately?”

“Not bad,” she said casually, “Didn’t they build a new wizard town in Cornwall to house foreign wizards, one by the name Rutherford?” Hermione nodded. “Some of them also moved over here, but they are not that many, most of the recently relocated people are wizards who have previously lived in Muggle communities.”

She also mentioned one person.

“Well, you guys know a witch named Carlotta Pinkstone, right?”

Hermione nodded again, “Yes, she campaigned for the abolition of the Statute of Secrecy, I think she must be overjoyed right now.”

“She got locked up again.” Mrs. Rosmerta said with a scowl.

“What?!” Harry exclaimed with incredulity. The other three were also surprised, Mrs. Rosmerta explained: “The day after the complete exposure of wizards, she cheerfully checked out of her room, saying that she was going to do something big, and during that time didn’t the Ministry of Magic asked everyone to stay concealed in their place? But she just went and showed off some magic in front of the Muggle crowd, and was taken away by Aurors in less than ten minutes … Nevertheless, now that the peace agreement has been signed, it is estimated that she will be released soon. Maybe she might have already been released.” She added another sentence.

Then Mrs. Rosmerta recommended new dishes to them, but when Ron brought that package of snacks he bought earlier to the table, she turned around to greet the other guests. Harry and the gang began to try each of the odd treats that Fred and George had so carefully created.

“That woman asked for it.” Ron said with a mouth full of treats, “There are always some people who want to be unique and stand against the rules, you guys have no idea how much overtime Dad had to work during this time. I heard a family of wizards cast a Weather-Modifying Charm on their muggle neighbour’s house before they moved out, and the water pooled three feet deep …” He picked up a pale yellow grape and stuffed it in his mouth, “It’s okay, orange flavoured– -What are you guys laughing at?” His face unknowingly turned the colour of grapes as well.

Harry stifled his grin, Hermione and Ginny slumped over the table as their shoulders twitched, and Ron pressed hard to ask what was wrong. After a while, Ron, who had managed to figure out the whole situation, forced Harry to eat a plump, unappetizing-looking multi-flavoured grape, which turned Harry’s face bright red.

“An upgrade, huh? Kinda funny.” Ron huffed, pushing the remaining half bunch of grapes aside.

When everyone regained their composure or at least didn’t laugh out loud out of breath, Hermione waved the pamphlet in her hand, “So the Ministry of Magic advises wizards living in Muggle communities to conduct themselves better, with joint law enforcement coming into effect now, every single case judged will influence them for years to come,” she finished with a smile on her face, “I think the name of Carlotta Pinkstone will certainly appear in the files of new law enforcement division…”

“And the guy who turned his neighbour’s house into a swimming pool will certainly be mentioned in the History of Magic textbook.” Ginny said.

“I’m not that sure about that, it’s pretty hard to get Professor Binns to change the content of the textbook.” Harry said. Then they laughed together.

The door pushed open from the outside and Elphias Doge strode in, Harry stood up and waved at him, and when Doge sat down, the group noticed that he looked slightly tired, with sunken eyes and an angry look on his face.

“I’m sorry kids, I’m late.” He said apologetically.

“Wh-what’s wrong?” Harry asked, perceiving his mood.

“It was nothing,” Doge said immediately, but the four people at the table stared at him so hard that he said with a sigh, “Well … I ran into a crazy old hag on the way and argued with her for half a day.” He said with an exasperated voice.

“Over what?” Ginny asked.

“Some rumours, conspiracy theories, and whatnot. I’ve been collecting details for Dumbledore’s biography for a while now, since Harry couldn’t leave school, I visited some people door to door alone …” He shook his head and his few strands of hair fluttered up from one side to the other.

The four people stared at him blankly, he glanced at the customers a few tables away, then lowered his voice, and said: “You know, the wizarding world has recently undergone a lot of changes, which would not have a big impact separately, but together they made people feel uncomfortable … So, it’s natural for them to want to vent their frustrations, and all the influential people have naturally become the target of anger, even Dumbledore …”

“But Professor Hap and Ms. Bones, as well as the Ministry of Magic officials, the Or


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