Harem Reborn

Chapter 27: Clearance Teams and Physical Contact

Chapter 27: Clearance Teams and Physical Contact

Iona paced in Grace's room. She had been like this for twenty minutes.

"What are we going to do?" Grace asked cautiously.

"He is going to have to deal with him. With Grismald defeated, he won't show his face for a while. What we have to worry about is the Highmage Council. You were in charge of keeping him sealed," Iona still paced as she spoke.

"Well, there is nothing for it. We need to get the kids out of here while we deal with Highmage Council."


"Don't be so hardheaded, Iona. We were partners before this. I need your help!" Grace pleaded with Iona.

"Oh? You need me?" Iona stopped pacing and turned to Grace. "Beg me like you used to, my Little Disgracey!"

"Don't be like that! I asked you nicely!"

(10 Minutes before this in Dave's room)

After Iona stormed out of the room with Miss Grace trailing her, all of us sat in silence. I was beating myself up inside over Grismald and letting him escape into the world. This demon was going to spell trouble for everyone, and it was all my fault.

"So, did you guys get anything cool?" Victoria broke the silence and brought me out of my self-loathing.

"Now that you mention it, I had completely forgotten about this," I opened my inventory took out the jade box.

I set it on the coffee table in front of me, so Tilly and Victoria crowded one side while Lavender slid closer to me. I had yet to see what was inside. I had wanted to wait for a time like this so we all could share in it. I reached forward to open the jade box, and the girl's eyes all sparkled around me as I did.

I opened it up, and inside were five exquisitely crafted rings. Each was slightly different, but one was more elaborate than the others. I took that ring, and the girls each pick their own. It was nice to see that each wanted a separate one so, there was no confusion. With one ring left in the box, I held two sapphires and silver wirework that imitated waves.

"These are so beautiful thank you so much for this!" Lavender kissed my cheek after she thanked me.

The other girls followed suit and crawled across the table, and each kissed me. Tilly now had whiskers that tickled my cheek, and before she could pull away, I grabbed her by the chin. Tilly's face became beet red, and her tail started swishing as I examined her face up close.

"You have been training since we have been gone?" I questioned her with our faces close.

"Yeah," Tilly looked away as I held her face and her tail became a blur of motion.

I half feared she might take off, so I kissed her on the forehead and let go. Tilly fell back into the other couch and grabbed a pillow. She pulled it to her face and let out a long sigh, and I think some steam boiled out as she did.

"Hey! Look at me! I was training too!" Victoria hoped up and puffed out her chest.

This time it was my turn to blush. Victoria rushed to my other side on the couch and pressed up against me, wrapping her arms around my free arm. Lavender scowled at Victoria, and small sparks few in front of me.

"Come on, Big Sis! You had him for long enough! It's my turn for attention! Where's my forehead kiss for getting stronger and bigger?" Victoria pressed in from on side and Lavender on the other.

"All right, girl's calm down!" I kissed both of them on the forehead and then squeezed out from between them.

I back towards the door and Tilly intercepted me. She wrapped her arm around mine and then rubbed into me with her face. Her soft ears brush my cheeks, and her tail was beginning to curl around my leg. My face became a picture of redness, and I started to feel warm all over.

"Can I do this too?" Tilly asked, looking up at me with those adorable glassy kitten eyes.

I had to pull away, and then I sped to the door, with all the girls on my heels. What was going on with these women?

"We should go see what Miss Grace and that Iona are doing so we can figure out what our next move is. Which way to Miss Grace Tilly?"

"Room twenty-five," Tilly told me dreamily.

I turned and headed deeper into the house towards Miss Grace's room. The girls crowded around me as we walked, and as we got closer, we started to hear weird noises. The closer to room twenty-five we got, the louder the pleading got.

Soon all of us broke into a run towards the room. All of us were worried someone was torturing Miss Grace, so we burst into the room without bothering to knock. When we all saw the scene inside, everyone's jaws dropped.

The scene was overly bizarre, and all our cheeks erupted with flames. Miss Grace lay over top of Iona's lap with her dress hiked up over her head. As we broke into the room, Iona's hand connected with Miss Grace's naked bottom with a "Thwack."

"Oh, please master, help your slave Disgracey, I beg you!" Miss Grace cried, somehow not noticing us breaking into the door, but Iona noticed, and her grin became savage.

Iona began to spank Miss Grace with fervor until Lavender and Tilly ran and tackled her. The four of them became a bundle of altercations, hair, and fist coming from all directions. Miss Grace tried to escape but somehow was pulled back. Victoria and I watch it all unfold, and I felt a strange urge for popcorn.

Finally, after Victoria and I sat down and about fifteen minutes had passed, they sat frazzled and pouting. I wasn't sure what to make of the situation. This scene is one of those things that don't have a safe word. I wanted to get up and leave the room, but a loud banging came from the front door.

"Thud, Thud, Thud."

"They're here!" Iona announced.

"All ready?" Miss Grace's voice was low.

"Who is here?" I question them as I stand.

"Thud, Thud, Thud!"

Another knock louder this time came, but an explosion that rocked the house went off shortly after. Anyone standing got knocked to the floor, but I caught Victoria and fell onto the couch. Loud footsteps were coming toward us, and suddenly, eight robot knights wearing robes poured into Miss Grace's room.

"Grace Huntington, you are under arrest for releasing Grismald from his confinement. You will be held in custody for two weeks until your trial. Your sentence will be carried out then, do not resist," The metallic voice left no room for debate.

I was about to protest, but Miss Grace put her finger up to silence me and the others, and she walked forward. One of the robots placed a small object between Miss Grace's hands, and a ring of energy encircled both wrists. She was taken without a word and led from the room.

"What's going on?" Lavender asked Iona, shaking.

"Your mother Is charged with keeping several demons sealed here. Every noble family does this because it gives the home and owner special abilities. In most cases, this wouldn't be that bad if a demon got out, but Grismald isn't in most cases. He is the Demon Lord, that means if he gets strong enough, he can go around releasing demons all over the city from noble households."

Iona's answer said it all, but he didn't seem that strong when I fought him. I wasn't sure what all the fuss was.

"Is he that strong?" I asked Iona.

"Grismald had his power sealed, so of course it was easy to beat him. That means he was only at one-twentieth of his full strength, that plus other demons he releases. What do you think will happen to the city?"

"What are we going to do then, and what about Miss Grace?" I looked at everyone, but Iona was already walking to the door.

"Well, good luck, I'm washing my hands of this. Not my problem!" Iona turned back to tell us just before the door.

Iona turned back, but Lavender and Tilly stood in front of the door. One held fire in her palm, and the other a silver greatsword. They both had murderous looks in their eyes, staring down at Iona.

"What you did..." Lavender began.

"... To my Master," Tilly continued.

" IS UNFORGIVABLE!" They both screamed at Iona.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, that was between your mother and me, we are old friends and uahhh," Iona tried to make excuses, but both girls picked her up and slammed her down on the couch.

"You are going to help us get her out and with the demons for what you promised my mother after you made her do such an embarrassing thing!" Lavender lectured Iona.

Iona turned away, but she didn't try to leave. Lavender and Tilly finally sat down, and everything quieted.

"So, how many demons are in the house?" I asked.

"Three, we had five, but you defeated one, well two, but..." Tilly's voice trailed off.

"So if we defeat these three, then what? How will we get other nobles to let us in their houses?"

"Well, now that's the tricky part. I don't think the nobles will let you even after it gets out that Grismald is loose. Everyone is too reliant on demon power here, and no one will want to get rid of it until it's too late," Iona explained.

"So then what are we going to do?" Victoria asked.

"The only thing we can do for now. We have to focus on these three demons here first."

I got up from the couch and walked over to one of the windows.

"What do we know about the three that are left?" I asked, looking down at the mess of the front of our manor through the window.

"Well, room one is a massive snake demon, room five is a demon succubus, but the last room is a demon dragon, Nemicoramus."

Nemicoramus, I bet my left shoe that was the eye beside the bathroom.

"I think we should save the dragon for last."

"Agreed," Everyone else chimed.

"What do we know about the snake?"

"It lives in a labyrinth with other large snakes," Tilly explained.

"I think we should split up. Tilly and I will go to the snake. While Lavender, Victoria, and Iona deal with the succubus."

"Wahhh? Why does Tilly get to go with you!" Victoria complained.

"Because she is better suited to attack and defend against large numbers of enemies. You are better one on one and Lavender can help you with ranged magic."

"Oh? Then why do I have to go?" Iona asked.

"I think you will be a crucial part of that. I'm pretty sure your the only other one besides me that can properly deal with a demon, right?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" Iona crossed her arms and turned away from me.

I snuck up behind Iona and whispered, "don't lie, little sister!" Then I started to tickle her.

Iona squealed and brought her syringe off her back and in an arc towards my face. I narrowly dodge, but then I saw three shadows appear behind the angry and panting Iona. The three girls pounced onto Iona, and the ball of females attacked each other's sides and feet.

I stood back up and turned around, looking out a window at the climbing city. It was good for everyone to have a moment like this after everything. Suddenly, a hand landed on each of my ankles, and the fray of cute screaming girls pulled me in.


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