Harem Reborn

Chapter 24: Tell Me Your Name

Chapter 24: Tell Me Your Name

I turned my head, so I faced down and rubbed my face into my pillow. I noticed that my pillow wasn't soft like usual, and there seemed to be a hole in it, which I could see...dirt?


Something hit the back of my head, and then I realized what was going on. I wasn't in my damn bed, and this wasn't my pillow. I turned to see Lavender's bright cheeks and flustered look, arm pulled back, ready for the next indiscretion I was about to commit.

"Sorry," I pulled myself out of her range and sat up as I spoke.


Lavender turned her head from me, taking on a 'pouty' face. I got up and stretched out my stiff muscles. That sleep was what I needed. I walked over to Lavender and patted her on the head.

"Don't be angry. I really enjoy sleeping in your lap. So much that I even thought I was in my bed! So I turned to clear the sleep from my eyes on my pillow."

"Fine! Let's go so we can get out of this crazy place, and ... I enjoy having you sleep on me," the last part came out as a near whisper after Lavender stood and she was passing me.

I smiled and grabbed her hand as she passed. I wasn't going to let any chance pass us by here because we would have to explain to the girls when we go back. She slowed down, and we walked out of the dome cave and through the torn blockade to the exit.

We enjoyed a peaceful walk, just absorbing the presence of each other. The Lumimoss lit our path, and after twenty minutes of walking in silence, the tunnel went up. After ascending, we came out into the immovable sun.

When we reached the sunlight, part of me longed to turn around and enjoy that peace forever. I knew it couldn't be, and I was about to dig in my mind for directions when Lavender pulled on my arm. I turned to look at her, and Lavender pointed to the direction she was looking, open-mouthed.

Turning more to face the same direction, I saw what left Lavender speechless. The volcano from the vision stood before us. A small stream of greyish-white smoke rose from the top. The same path was there, just like I had seen before.

"Is this where it is?" Lavender had turned to question me since she hadn't seen the map or trail.

The paper from the bottle had nothing on it. It was whatever the bottle had inside that made me think there was a map. So now, I was the only one that had a clue about our destination.

"Yeah, we need to follow that path till we get to a cave with a bridge."

"Are you worried?"


"Well, do you think we are strong enough to fight him?"

That was a good question. I was pretty sure with my skill and Lavender's new earth control. We would have no problems but, there was something I wasn't telling her.

I wanted her by my side, but if she was, I couldn't focus on the fight when it was just us two. Maybe if Tilly or Victoria were here to help, I would be okay with it, but I wasn't about to lose Lavender after I just found her.

"I do, but I think you should sit this one out and let me deal with him."

Before she could argue, I put up my hand.

"Please don't argue. I can't let what happened to you happen again. I just got you back, don't make me force you to stay," I stepped to Lavender and took both her arm in my hands. "Please let me deal with him. I have a score to settle."

Lavender looked away from my eyes to the ground but didn't say anything. I stepped in closer and wrapped her in my arms. I could hear frustrated noises coming from her, but she held me back.

I didn't want to leave her out here, so I asked her to go back and wall off the cave. This way, I told her, I could fight without holding back. I also explained very quickly why I would have to hold back with her there. My explanation was able to mollify her dagger-wielding look.

"Don't go and get yourself killed, If you do," but the threat was left unsaid as she stretched up and touched my face, kissing me softly before heading back down below.

"I will be careful, I promise."

With that, I turned to walk to the foot of the mountain. I was only a short walk, but I stopped at the start of the path. I sat down and opened my inventory first.

I still had the cape and boots we had got from the dungeon, so I took them both out. The cape was something, Bright red with white fur at the neck. It looked made for a king.

The boots didn't look like much or that they would even fit me. Just a primary brown boot with a high-top, but bright yellow lines ran along each side. The lines looked similar to lightning, and that got me interested.

I put the boots on, and somehow they closed around my feet, tying its laces without my hands. The shoes felt light, and so did I, so throwing the cape around my shoulders, I opened my AVATAR screen. Three other windows popped up before I could see what I wanted.

Each was a congratulation for reaching a new level. I accepted the levels with three flashes of light. I felt my body grow more with each level, and I could feel my stats rise if that was even possible.

"Alright, let's see what has changed!" I had to admit I was excited about checking my stats.


HP: 200/200

MANA: 195/195

NAME: Dave Huntington

AGE: 19

CLASS: Hero of Justice

STATUS: Satisfied

WEALTH: Wealthy

HOME: Huntington Manor




SPEED: 71 (+15)


MANA: 28 (+140)


LUCK: 30

???: 62/100


HEROIC GRACE: Remove any adverse magical effects or side effects from a party member. This ability has a 24-hour cooldown period between uses. (1/1 uses available)



JUSTICE'S BLOODTHIRST+: When killing evil, gain 15 HP per/Kill. When killing an innocent, lose 175 HP per/Kill.

MOLTEN SKIN: You have become invulnerable to metal. If you receive damage from a metal weapon, that damage is transferred back as heat to the weapon. A heated weapon loses durability fast and causes user FIRE damage.

PEIRCE EVIL: People with evil intentions have black auras and are vulnerable to the HERO's LIGHT BLADE Skill.

SELFLESS HERO: Magic item find increased by 250%


LIGHT BLADE++: Activate to summon a blade of light. This Spell consumes 2 mana per/minute.

--DEMON BRINGER+: In the presence of demons, LIGHT BLADE will increase in size, but in this form, the blade only affects demons. A non-demonic creature struck by DEMON BRINGER receives no damage. Consumes 10 MANA per/min.

DEMON HUNTER: In the presence of demons, DEMON BRINGER will erupt with golden cleansing flames, and all stats with temporarily be boost against demons. Consumes 7 MANA per/min.


CAPE AT HAND: While wearing this cape, the wearer can reach behind his back and pull out something useful.

BOOTS OF SPEED: Increase wearer's speed by +15.

Hmm? What kind of stat would be out of one-hundred? And what the hell was this cape?

At least my stats jumped, and I was wealthy for now. With these boots, my speed has almost doubled, so I needn't complain that much. On top of it, all was the MOLTEN SKIN.

I was only joking about the invincible part, but this pretty good. It wouldn't stop magic, but any blade that hit me would deal more damage to the wielder than myself. My confidence rose after I closed my AVATAR, but I was still bothered about the ??? stat.

I closed my eyes for a minute and cleared my head. After that, I started my way up the path. It wasn't steep, but I was breathing hard when I reached the cave entrance.

I could feel the heat from the tunnel, but it wasn't like I was going to turn around now. I stepped into the tunnel, and as I walked to the cave ahead, the heat got stronger. Fifteen minutes later, I stood at the bridge, leading up to the upper cliff ledge.

The bubbling magma below the swaying bridge made me uncertain and sweat, but I walked forward. As I got higher, the heat became less intense until I stood on the plateau. It was strange. I would have thought it would be hotter up here.

The large chest covered in chains lies in its exact spot from the vision. Chains still covered in the papers, and I activated LIGHT BLADE as I walked towards it. The chain seemed to shake with excitement as I got closer.

About two meters from the chest, LIGHT BLADE transformed into its DEMON BRINGER form. I walked closer and coiled my muscles tight. I reach out to touch it, letting all my senses go on alert, and touched the chest.

I jumped back as the tag's writing began to glow purple. The chains unhooked and slowly pulled into the chest. An inky black body pulled from the trunk and took the chains with it.

"So, you came, but where is my little treat?" The newly formed demon's voice grated with raspiness.

"What is your name?"

I advanced casually and slowly as I ask the demon. Chains shot from it blackened and burned looking body directly at me. I swatted them casually, which enraged the demon.

"Who are you? That is what I should be asking!" screamed the demon as the chains started to come from all directions.

Nothing could touch me. My speed was far past this imp. I walked forward, defecting the chains with ease, and the demon took on a worried expression. The look was almost comical, and I would have laughed if my rage was under control.

"TELL ME YOUR NAME!" I screamed at the demon and stopped deflecting the metal chains.

"I've got you now, stupid mortal. Grismald, not like you will survive long enough to," but Grismald cut off as he noticed something.

I stood there, smiling as the demon finally noticed that the chains did nothing to me. The second Grismald tried to take them back; it was already too late.

The notes attached to the chains had started to burn off, and the chains around me began to glow red. I watched Grismald struggle against the chains that were beginning to burn his already blackened skin. Demonic screams and sizzling flesh noise filled the air, and I watched the chains skin into his flesh with disgusting hissing noises.

"Y-y-you thin-k-k you've won-mraahhhh!" The last part was nothing more than a scream of pain. "I'll find you again! R-r-remem-m-ber-er my n-name!"

The body exploded, along with the chains, into mini particles that dispersed throughout the air. The demon was no more, for now. Grismalds last statement left me feeling cold, and I wanted to forget that bastard, so I turned to the chest.

It now had a silver-like appearance, and I let DEMON BRIGER go as I walked up to the treasure chest. I lifted the lid, and inside, a small jade rectangular ornamental box. I reach in and gently picked it up and examined it. Nothing stood out besides smooth jade and the seam.

After examining it for a while longer, I decided to wait and open it with Lavender. One last memory alone before we went back. I left the cave and made my way down the path.

Once at the bottom, I found the entrance to the tunnel we had come up from before. I ran the rest of the way, letting the Lumimoss guide me, and when I got to the dome cave, Lavender wasn't there. I looked and then noticed that the way we came into the came was open again.

I dashed down that tunnel as fast as I could, and I made the trip in short time with my speed, but I froze when I got to the cave with water. Lavender lay face down in the water, the back of her head barely showing, and she was not wearing her dress.

Panic, terror, and dread all washed over me at the same time as I screamed.



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