Harem Reborn

Chapter 20: The Nametag In That Café

Chapter 20: The Nametag In That Café

As we stepped out of the blue light, Miss Grace was there waiting for us. She was holding a white handkerchief that was very wrinkled and rung. Miss Grace must have been twisting it pretty hard, worrying about the girls.

"Oh, my baby! Your lips are blue!" Miss Grace exclaims as she rushes forwards to Lavender.

"I'm ok, mom, just tired and cold," Lavender mumbles, sinking into her mother's arms.

Another blue light appeared beside me, then a pile of treasure was left in the wake of the light. The winged boots, red cloak, and the massive stone sword sat atop a good-sized pile of gems and gold coins. As I admired our spoils, three quick flashes behind me make me turn around.

"Uh, Dave, I'm not really sure what to do here," Gretchen hesitated as all eyes fell on her.

She had leveled three times, and she had become more than cute. Her long coppery hair stretched to her chest, and I self-consciously reach to touch my own almost shoulder-length mop. I hadn't thought about my hair until now, but Miss Grace cut through my thoughts as she ran to Gretchen.

"And who might this little beauty be?"

"Gretchen," her voice was low as Miss Grace held her at arm's length, examining her.

"Gretchen? Hmm, Dave, what are your thoughts on this?"

Miss Grace turned to me while still holding Gretchen by the shoulders. I wasn't sure what she meant by that at first, but then it dawned on me. So, I looked back at Gretchen and examined her face more and tried to remember, and then it hit me.

"Victoria should be a good name. That's what you meant, right?"

Miss Grace smiled at me as she turned back to Gretchen.

"I think that you should come live with us since you came back with the group. I will assume you are in the party now. The only thing is we will have to change your name to become part of the family. Are you ok with that?"

Gretchen smiled as she nodded her head vigorously. She was obviously not fond of the name and I couldn't blame her. I had my over run in with the random name generator!

"Then how does Victoria Huntington sound?" Miss Grace asked her.

In response, Victoria's eyes filled with tears, and Miss Grace pulled her into a hug.

"There, there, girl. I know it's probably been rough, and you're all tired," she said the last part while looking at the rest of use. "Let's go home now, I will get some food into you all, and then you can rest!"

I collected the treasure, and we all headed into a horse-drawn coach. All three girls fell asleep on the way, and I ended up carrying Lavender up to her room straight from the carriage so she could sleep. The cold had taken it out of her, and Miss Grace waved for Tilly to take Victoria and I down to the kitchen while she tucked Lavender in.

Down in the kitchen, we all flopped down around a small table in the corner. The smell of all the good food made my stomach turn. For some reason, we hadn't eaten any of our rations we had brought along. I think it may have had something to do with Victoria's haphazard behavior in the dungeon.

The cooks brought us over bowls of a spiced mushroom and leek soup with fresh bread. The food warmed us up, and the girls talked about the snake they tag-teamed. Soon, with our food finished and all of us yawning, Tilly escorted us to my room.

After pleasantries and goodnights, Tilly took Victoria to her new room, and I closed my door. Turning around to the massive space called my room, I walked over to a couch. Sitting down, I let out a sigh as I lean back, this place was crazy, and the people are no less. The thought makes me laugh out loud, and I'm thankful I'm alone.

I decided that a bath would be nice and went to a drawer to find some clothes. After getting clean underwear and some soft pajama pants, I left my room for the bathroom, careful this time on my room choice. My last wrong door was filled with an eye, and I was too tired to try that again.

On opening room seventeen, warm condensation hit me. There was a bath filled with bubbles already, and a towel hung from the rack. This house was full of many strange things, but having a large bathtub always ready and filled with bubbles wasn't bad.

I stripped down, throwing my ripped shirt and grimy pants in the corner. I went to the massive tub filled with bubbles and began to slide into the water. The tub was around 1.2 meters deep and almost as wide, but as I slid in, my foot connected with smoothing smooth, soft, and round.

Before I could react, Tilly's head popped out of the water, wet ears standing on end and eyes wide with surprise. Seeing her pop up startled me, and I lost my footing outside the tub and my grip on the edge. I tumbled into the tub in a soapy and splashing mess.

Somehow our faces met in the tangle, and I knew my face was just as red as hers. The more we struggled to get untangled, the more awkward movements became. Finally, both of us sat in far corners of the tub, with only our eyes peeking above the deteriorating bubbles.

"Tilly, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were in here!" I protested.

"I know," she mumbled through bubbles, still red. "It's my fault for not locking the door. We don't have men staying here, so we never lock the bathroom door."

I was about to get back out, but Tilly stopped me by grabbing my arm. I turned to her and no amount of immature brain couple stop me when I seen the look on her face. Tilly pulled me to her and I pressed myself into her naked body as our lips connected. 

I turned us, so we were side by side, and I pulled Tilly in closer as the water splashed gently around us. I hand ran down her smooth back and then fell onto her wet tail that I began to stroke as we kissed. Suddenly, Tilly started to moan into my mouth, and her questing hands reached between my legs, stroking my glass stiff erection. 

Was Lavender going to kill me for this? Pft, I hardly cared at this present moment, as Tilly and I got out of the tub, still kissing, I slid myself between her leg, after pulling her tail aside. I let my hard shaft slide between Tilly's soft thigh and took her soft small breasts into my hands. Tilly stopped kissing me and leaned forward, putting her hand between her legs, guide my tip to slide into her silt.

I pushed and felt a bit of resistance, but Tilly pushed back into me and let out a small cry as I watch her pussy swallow my shaft inside of her. As I started to move, I started to stroke her tail with one hand and spread her soft ass with my other hand so I could enter her deeper. I started to move faster, the excitement of it all getting to me, and explored inside Tilly, making her legs shake violently.

After we finished, we kissed for a bit more and the agreed to wait and tell Lavender. Possibly just not telling her ever would be the best idea, but Tilly told me that we would be telling her at some point, and then she left the bathroom, leaving me to dry off. After toweling my far too long hair dry, I turned off the lights and blew the candles out before sliding into bed.

I was just about to fall asleep when I heard my door creak open and closed. I couldn't see who it was, and I was about to prepare myself when a familiar female voice spoke.

"It's just me, Victoria," came her voice from the darkness.

Soon Victoria crawled onto the bed, and I reached over to turn on the light on my nightstand. When I turned back to her, my breathe caught in my throat.

Victoria's long copper hair fell onto a form-fitting gown. The light played shadows on her body, accenting her already perfect form. I turned away to hear her giggle and the blanket pull. When I looked back, she had pulled the covers over herself, and I felt her legs brush by mine.

"What brings you to my room at this hour?" I try to sound formal, but I breathe in sharply as her legs brush mine again.

"I wanted to ask you for help with something when we left the cave, but then with Miss Grace and the ride here. I just forgot about it until Tilly took me to my room. I asked her about it, and she had just smiled and said to ask you tomorrow, but I didn't want to wait,"

"What is it that you think I can help with?"

"My classes are weird," was all Victoria would say to me, but she extended her right hand, pinky extended.


At level 10 DUELIST, you must choose a path. You may select from the following classes:


Using a strong stance and speed allows you to strike with little effort. Gain DUELIST STANCE and SONIC THRUST.


Dance in a flurry of blades as you wield a second edge. Gain DUAL WIELD and CROSS SLASH.


Past injustices are met with vengeance. Target their weaknesses with VITAL STRIKE to increase the chances of activating MAIM.

I could see why Tilly had sent her to me, but this still could have waited till tomorrow. There was something more bothering her, but one thing at a time.

"Did you plan on picking one of the first two?" I question, looking into Victoria's eyes.

"Well, I didn't really know what to expect, but vengeance? Do you think that is the right one for me? Even though it's a Legendary Class," but she trailed off there.

Something was eating at Victoria, as I could see some conflict going on behind her eyes. The Rebirth! That's what it was. I knew what question to ask next.

"Who is your god?"

Victoria's eyes stretch wide in disbelief. Grabbing my hand, she looks me in the eyes and stares hard. Tears start to form as she speaks in a choked voice.

"Do you remember me, Dave?"

That instant that I came out of in the cave, that moment in the cafe. The one where that waitress came to serve me my drink like she always did. That moment that I looked up to see her face and nametag. Victoria.

Reality snaps back as I gasp for breath. Victoria is now beside me with her arms around me. When my breathing normalizes, I look up into her eyes.

"You always brought me my Chai Tea Latte, and you were always working. Your smile was one of the very few happy memories from that time."

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop Cindy. I didn't think you would have believed me if I told you she was going to do what she did."

"It's ok. I don't blame you for Fate. You were a light in the otherwise dark world I went through. Now we are here, and we can settle the score with Fate. So, what god do you represent?" I ask as I pull her back and wipe her eyes.

"Valor," Victoria sniffles.

"Ahh! I see why your hesitant to take the class! Honestly, Valor would ask why you wanted to pick this. What answer would you give to him if I were him?"

Victoria didn't answer immediately, but she did after some deliberation and wiping of eyes.

"I would say that I want to protect my friends and that vengeance is nothing more than a skill name," Victoria spoke slowly but with confidence.

I placed my hand on her head and ruffled her hair, but I noticed the blank look. Before I could react, a short burst of light blinded me and another right after. When my eyes adjusted to Victoria, my hand went to my nose.

No armor replaced the nightgown. Neither did it stretch. Victoria's seventeen-year-old body pushed at her nightdress and made it reveal more of her thighs. I began to turn, but she covered herself quickly.

Both of us had scarlet faces, but we ended up talking through the night. It was nice to talk to Victoria about my previous life and the new things in this one. The last thing I remembered was her showing me her AVATAR


HP: 160/160

MANA: 125/125

NAME: Victoria Huntington

AGE: 17

CLASS: Vengence Duelist

STATUS: Satisfied

WEALTH: Average

HOME: Huntington Manor






MANA: 14 (70+)





SPOT WEAKNESS++: If an opponent's level is +5 or lower than your level, vulnerable areas will glow orange.

VITAL STRIKE: Targeting a vulnerable place on an opponent will significantly increase your chances of activating MIAM to 50%.

MAIM: Your attacks have a 5% chance of slowing your opponent by 50% and causing them to bleed 7HP per/sec for 3 seconds.

PEIRCE EVIL: People with evil intentions have black auras and are vulnerable to the HERO's LIGHT BLADE Skill.


RIPOSTE++: Counter a Physical attack in reaction to it and deal 250% damage

VENGING MARK: Target a vulnerable area on an opponent and mark it. For 2 minutes, each attack to the marked area will cause 15% more damage per attack. If you strike another part of the body, the stack is lost.


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