Harem Dynast

Part 2: 5 - A Roughly Fallen Flower

Part 2: Chapter 5 - A Roughly Fallen Flower

“The castle gate…the castle gate was breached. The enemy is inside the city.”

That cry of despair reached the Clanarian soldiers’ ears and their morale was shattered.

The flames rising from the waterway wriggled and coiled like countless serpents as they burnt through the city. Vortexes of black smoke ascended and blotted out the sky while the scarlet and golden flames reflected off of armor and blades. The bizarre beauty of the scene sent tremors down the spines of all who saw it.

Within that, Burns, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture in the waterway, shattered the ice clinging to his body and finally advanced onto land.

“Hell yeah!!! That kiss from Lady Dominic is mine!!!”

The Clanarian soldiers shuddered when they saw his courageous form. From thenceforth, he was known as the Demon Beast of Domos and his name would never be forgotten.

“Curse them!”

Fresh blood dripped from Virginia’s fist after she punched a stone wall. She was a genius at using magic and she had plenty of ambition as a commander, but she was still an amateur when it came to war.

“Princess, we cannot hold this position. We should fall back to the palace.”

When Old General Zoral, who was assisting her in her command role, suggested that, Virginia weakly nodded.

There was no winning this. But as a princess, she had a duty to return to the royal palace, say goodbye to her bedridden father, clean herself up, and face an end worthy of a royal.

To protect her, Zoral took command of 40 men and they started for the palace.

They were pursued by a unit commanded by Lumishas.

When that female general on a palomino horse approached, the old general drew a double-edged mid-sized sword and fought back to allow the princess to escape.

“You shall not pass here! I will guard this spot with my life. Everyone, die so the princess may live!”

“Outta the way, old man.”

Lumishas swung her metal whip and the mid-sized sword shattered like it was made of glass.

Lumishas killed Zoral and half of the soldiers guarding Virginia, but their desperate defense allowed Virginia herself to escape.

That problem princess had often been given cold looks due to her daily behavior, but her heroic actions in this emergency had driven up her popularity with the soldiers.

And since she was first in line to the throne, they hoped that shrewd Prime Minister Stuart might find a political resolution if she was guided back to the royal palace. But before anything political could be addressed, the Domos barbarians began their pillaging. And their primary objective was the royal palace that would naturally have the most treasures.

Carnap’s unit took the lead.

“Secure King Baldwin dead or alive. His Majesty is generous. Whoever succeeds here will have all the gold coins and jewels they can carry. And you can fuck as many Clanarian beauties as you want. Even the lowliest grunt could become a general here. Grab glory and fortune with your own two hands.”

That speech sounded convincing coming from a former mercenary.

The Clanarian soldiers put up a desperate final resistance, but they failed to make any headway against the Domos soldiers who were blinded by desire.

The great hall which contained the throne and the water palace that Ansandra so loved were targeted by the looting and were destroyed. The glorious phoenix flag was trampled underfoot.

“No, stop.”

The screams of women, ladies, and maidens filled the palace.

A bloody path extended further and further inside, leaving destruction and slaughter in its wake. And just as it approached the greatest depths…

“Ohhh ho ho ho!”

Loud laughter rang from the back of a straight corridor with white walls and golden decorations.

“Have a taste of my ultimate fire magic: the Crimson Heaven Flower Formation! Go!!!”

Red light flashed and crimson flames burst out.

A scorching heat rivalling the roar of the Flame Dragon God swept down the corridor.

The incredible temperature melted the stone floor and walls, creating flowing lava.

More than 20 carnivorous Domos beasts driven mad by ambition and desire were instantly erased from the world.

The Domos soldiers who escaped that fate grew pale and came to a stop.

“What is the meaning of this!?”

Having heard the commotion, Carnap ran over and looked down the corridor as a blazing wind blew through it. There he saw a woman standing tall with around 10 witches with her.

“Ohhhh ho ho ho. I merely gave our uninvited guests an appropriate welcome.”

Her gorgeous blonde hair was tied up with a decorative red thread, her ample body looked about to burst out of her needlessly-revealing royal blue and dark purple clothing, she wore silk shoulder guards that could not possibly provide any protection, and she wore a long cape that only looked like it would get in her way.

She also had large colorful magical jewels that sparkled inside accessories on her forehead, neck, ears, fingers, and wrists.

Her face showed milky white skin and beautiful features with perfectly applied makeup. Her azure eyes contained a deep intelligence and shined with intense pride. She was a beautiful woman with an indomitable life force.

“Princess Virginia, heir to the Clanarian throne!? …The rumored magic obsessive?”

Carnap immediately identified her, but one thing seemed off to him. He had to tilt his head at the thought that this was the sister of that obedient queen.

This woman was like a large rose, the exact opposite of Ansandra’s pure grace.

“Do not falter. We will not let her use that powerful magic again!! Virginia is not just Clanaria’s first princess; she is also the one who commanded this battle against us. Only the king would be a greater prize. Whoever captures her will be given great riches. Take this chance for yourself.”

Hearing Carnap’s roaring voice, the wild Domos beasts converted their ambition into courage, raised a cry and charged while lifting their swords, stroking their spears, and swinging around their axes.

Carnap was not actually wrong. The enemy did indeed not fire that powerful magic again. However, a flurry of weaker magic flew toward them and prevented even a single man from approaching.

Then what about arrows? They generally had a longer range than magic, so using archers to hit the enemy’s magic soldiers was a basic tactic.

But in the narrow corridor, the arrows could only arrive through a limited space. Setting up a wind barrier was more than enough of a countermeasure and the arrows slowed and fell to the floor long before reaching their target.

The Domos army of course had its own magic users, but Domos was not known for its magic and most of them were selected from mercenaries who had found their way to Domos. They were simply no match for the witches trained with the research that was heavily funded thanks to the first princess’s hobby.

You would not find a unit with greater magical techniques anywhere in Domos, Clanaria, or perhaps the entire continent. Only Tode’s magic school in the Ralfint kingdom might outdo them.

Either way, they were one of the world’s greatest magic forces. When they were desperate and holed up in the narrow space of a corridor, they were truly hard to deal with.

With the conditions and environment so limited, it was impossible to break through just by sending in waves of soldiers riding on the momentum of Domos’s overall victory. But no matter how skilled these witches were, they still had to eat and shit. So Carnap considered waiting until they starved, but then he received some unexpected reinforcements.

“Cornering the rumored magic-crazed princess is all well and good, but it would seem you are having difficulties.”

“Your Majesty…”

After hearing the commotion surrounding Princess Virginia, Lorent had come to see for himself.

“If this is too much for you, then I will take care of it myself.”

“This is not worth your time, Your Majesty.”

Carnap felt pressed to end this immediately

This woman was perhaps the greatest prize in this battle and she was right in front of him, so having someone else – and his king at that – assist him would call his skill as a commander into question.

And since he was an upstart, he had to constantly prove his worth to enemy and ally alike. He especially wanted to avoid losing any points here after his failure on the first day of the attack on Curling.

Then the wily, chestnut-haired woman by Lorent’s side made a comment.

“General Carnap. If possible, please capture that woman unharmed.”

“That’s quite a tall order.”

He was having enough trouble simply taking the corridor, so having to capture her without killing her increased the difficulty considerably.

Virginia was clearly risking her life on this. If cornered, she would likely commit suicide.

“She would make a valuable prisoner both to ensure Queen Ansandra’s mental stability and to keep the popular will of the Clanarian people.”

Lorent shrugged at Dominic’s coldhearted suggestion.

“You heard her. So can you do it?”

“Let’s do this thing. I swear I will capture her and present her to you. How about placing her alongside Queen Ansandra and enjoying two sisters at once?”

Carnap boldly smiled and cracked a joke, so Lorent grinned.

“Very good. It is in your hands. Capture her unharmed and the greatest reward will go to you.”

“I will see what I can do.”

Motivated by his king, Carnap waited until the end of one magic barrage and then made ferocious charge of his own.

“Those Domos dogs must want to give us an even greater feast of roast meat.”

Virginia mocked the enemy’s recklessness, ordered another barrage of magic bullets, and fired some herself, but the swordsman continued forward without stopping.

As the magic power poured down on him like rain, he negated it with a swing of his sword.


It was such a surprise that Virginia came to a stop.


Two of the witches swiftly responded by standing in front of Virginia and setting up a magic barrier.

But it was next to useless when Carnap swung down his sword, so one of them had her left arm sliced off at the shoulder and the other was knocked away by the sword’s hilt.

Still, their faithful service was rewarded. Virginia recovered from her temporary daze, sent a long band of light from her left hand, and swung it down.

The glowing whip collided with the metal sword and magic light scattered through the air.

The impact was enough to stop the dangerous swordsman.

“Oh? You know some interesting tricks. I’m a little shocked.”

Virginia narrowed her eyes while letting the injured witches retreat behind her. She had long studied magic, so she had quickly worked out just what he had done.

It was a technique known as a Sorcerer’s Sword. The user would send magic power directly into the weapon, which would sharpen the blade and either deflect or negate magic.

It was more powerful than a Magic Sword, which was a weapon that had magic applied during its production, or a Magic-Charged Sword, which was a normal weapon with magic power temporarily applied to it. Depending on the user’s skill, it would make a wooden sword sharp enough to slice through stone. This was the secret technique that had allowed Carnap to rise in the ranks.

“I’m shocked too. What the hell is that?”

Carnap’s eyes widened at the sight of Virginia’s magic whip.

It was a further evolved form of a Sorcerer’s Sword that allowed the mass of magic power to maintain its form without the medium of a sword. It went without saying just how much skill that would require.

Carnap was certain that this flashy woman who two witches had risked their lives to protect was Princess Virginia, but he asked anyway.

“Are you Clanarian First Princess Virginia?”

The beautiful woman maintained her haughty behavior as she answered the rude and filthy man.

“I am indeed. So stand back, knave.”

Even if it was an act, Carnap liked how the princess remained proud even now.

Seeing her with that magic whip was enough to make him want her to demand he submit to her.

(If she did, I might just throw down my sword and surrender.)

That very un-warrior-like thought flashed through the back of his mind.

Their brief confrontation was the prelude to a lightning strike. Single combat between a magic user and a swordsman never lasted long.

And given this princess’s personality, demanding she surrender would accomplish nothing.

“I am Domos General Carnap. My king has summoned you. Please come with me.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, he swung his magic-covered sword so it sliced through the air.

Virginia was surprised by how quickly he approached, but she was not foolish enough to try to match his swordsmanship.

She had been taught self-defense, but she was not as confident in that as in magic. Her cape fluttered as she moved back.

The metal blade passed horizontally through the space the queen had vacated half a moment before.

She was now outside of the sword’s range but he was within her whip’s range, so she tried to swing the magic whip, but the swordsman placed his weight on his front leg and spun his body around to maintain the sword’s momentum and make another attack.


Virginia had little combat experience, so that was enough to surprise her and she frantically ducked down.

The sword sliced through her golden hair.

Tufts of golden strands fluttered through the air. More than 20cm of her hair fell away, leaving her with semi-long hair, but she used her ducking motion for a spring-like jump backwards while swinging her whip.

She easily deflected Carnap’s Sorcerer’s Sword.

But that was a diversion. As soon as her feet landed on the floor, she swept her arm to the side and raised her voice.


Magic light burst from her hand. The princess used two different kinds of magic at once.

Even with the help of magic jewels, that demonstrated shocking skill. And this went beyond just one shot. Twelve lightning bullets were launched at once.


Carnap’s deep, dark eyes reflected a wall of electric current, not a ball or line of magic.

Not even a skilled hero like him could slice through 12 pieces of magic launched at such close range.

He threw his tall body to the floor to escape. But he could not fully escape and a few shots grazed his back. Virginia gave a fearless smile and swung her magic whip down…or meant to.

An arrow flew from behind Carnap and toward Virginia’s face.


She used the magic whip to knock down the arrow. And that opening proved devastating.

While lying on the floor and trying to endure the intense pain, Carnap rolled over to her feet and swept his legs into the back of the princess’s knees.


Her legs gave out, she screamed in an unexpectedly cute way, and she fell right on her ass.

Carnap acted quickly from there. He twisted up Virginia’s right wrist and negated the magic whip.

He held the princess’s slender wrists together and tied them up above her head while calling to his men.

“I have captured Princess Virginia. The rest are barely a threat. Charge!”

“You coward!!”

“Sorry. I was never planning on killing myself along with a fallen princess. I had a bit of a trick prepared.”

Carnap looked over his shoulder and shouted his thanks to a soldier wielding a bow. Then he smiled at pinned Virginia whose beautiful face was twisted in regret.

“Don’t worry. I won’t kill you. Your sister is our queen, after all. And my king seems to want your body.”

The Domos soldiers raced past them.

With their princess gone, the witches faltered in the face of Carnap’s men’s charge. They may have lost all will to fight once their passionate commander was lost. Plus, they were badly outnumbered. Not many witches could hold their own when attacked by five warriors at once. They all had their arms and legs restrained and were pinned to the ground just like Virginia.

“Now, now. Don’t be mean to my sister-in-law. Be a gentleman, why don’t you?”

Virginia lay face up and a man in black armor stood above her.

“Sorry, Your Majesty. I am of low birth. More importantly, here is what you desired.”

Carnap’s behavior told Virginia who this was, so she looked up in horror.

“You are Domos King Lorent…”

“Yes, I am. Nice to meet you. Sister.”

Lorent looked down at the hatred on Virginia’s face and grinned as he called her “sister”.

“You made Ansandra cry, didn’t you? I will never forgive you for that!”

“Hm? Yes, I certainly did that. She always cries when she starts feeling the pleasure.”

“You piece of shit!”

When she heard him insult her sister, Virginia’s anger gave her a burst of strength she used to shake Carnap off of her and she tried to activate some magic.

A large sword gave a flash and sliced off the magical jewel decorating her chest.

And that caused the magic to fail.

“Oh, don’t you move. You are Ansandra’s precious sister. I have no intention of killing you.”

“Hmph. Enjoy your victory while you can…”

Virginia spat back while regretfully lying on her back.

“Heh heh heh. Now that’s a nice expression. And up close, you’re quite an attractive woman.”

Virginia was lying on her long purple cape and Lorent lustily viewed her like he was licking her with his eyes.

Since they were sisters, she did look a lot like Ansandra, but at three years older, her body was considerably more mature.

Her sexually attractive body was contained in a skintight royal blue outfit that he could only imagine she wore to seduce men. The cleavage of her ample mounds was exposed at her chest and her perfectly plump and milky-white thighs were exposed below her ultra-miniskirt.

She wore that provocative clothing, she was sprawled out on the floor with her arms bound above her head, and she glared up at him with hatred on her face.

“I am fond of dominating prideful woman like you.”

“Don’t tell me you intend to rape me, Ansandra’s sister. Just try it and see what happens: I’ll bite off your tiny dick.”

Lorent roared with laughter at Virginia’s caustic words.

“Even better. Now I absolutely must embrace you, fuck you, and dominate you.”

“Silence! You pervert!”

“I will take that as a compliment.”

She shouted like she was going to cough up blood, but it rolled right off Lorent’s back and he swung his sword.

He pressed the cold blade against the cleavage of Virginia’s ample breasts…and lowered it.

As he sliced through her skintight suit, it split to either side and revealed the gorgeous black underwear below.

The black bra and panties dug tightly into her white skin, they had rose pattern openwork, and they created a provocative yet elegant atmosphere.

A lot of work had gone into that luxury underwear, so it really was fit for a princess.

The panty material was thin and small and the sides were essentially strings. In other words, it was a G-string.


A cheer rose from their surroundings. A kingdom’s princess in her underwear was not something you saw every day. The soldiers lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time gulped as they watched.

“Really, there’s no helping you all, is there?”

Lorent smiled bitterly, but he did not scold the soldiers. In fact, he moved the blade to the bra’s clasp to give the spectators what they wanted.

“Hey, shouldn’t we stop him?”

General Carnap was having trouble watching this, so he whispered in Dominic’s ear as she waited by his side with an icy expression.

“There is no need. That woman is Clanaria’s symbol at the moment. If she gives in to His Majesty, the Clanarian people will give in to us.”

“Is that how it works?”

That woman blindly trusted Lorent, so she would always find some reason to approve of his actions. Carnap realized that nothing he said could convince her otherwise, so he shrugged.

The elegant black bra was sliced down the center.

The two splendid mounds looked like milk had been poured in a mold and allowed to harden. They jiggled out into the dark night.

The nipples decorating the tips were a surprisingly pale pink. The areolae were a decent size and seemed to fade into the surrounding skin and the soft skin was tight and white enough to just barely see the veins.

Even as her nicely grown breasts were fully exposed, Virginia only glared at Lorent as if trying to burn him to death with her gaze.

That was her only means of resistance at the moment.

The flat of Lorent’s sword tapped against Virginia’s inner thigh.

“If you cry and beg for mercy, I will spare you this humiliation.”

“I will never beg to you!”

Virginia’s enraged shout was answered by the sword.

“Heh heh heh. It seems both sisters are masochists. Or perhaps you are more of an exhibitionist.”

The strings on either side of the panties were cut.


The cheers grew even louder. It sounded like a mountain moving.

While standing tall, Lorent skillfully used the tip of the large sword to pull away the remnants of the panties.


Virginia blushed, gasped, and closed her knees. Even so, her golden bush was clearly visible in the night.

Lorent narrowed his eyes as the princess trembled in embarrassment.

Virginia’s body was plump, but none of it sagged in the slightest. Her entire body was a powerful argument for this being the ideal form of a woman.

It was enough to imagine someone might offer a life-size golden statue of her just for the privilege to serve her.

“You have a fantastic body. Now I feel like having some fun with it.”

“You brute!”

“I get that a lot.”

With that, Lorent gestured with his chin to command the faithful aide behind him.

“Dominic, show her some love.”


The talented woman stepped forward and leaned over Virginia with disinterest in her emerald eyes.

“W-wait… You’re not going to do it?”

After coming this far, Virginia had been prepared to be raped, yet he sent in a subordinate. Even more surprisingly, it was a woman. Virginia’s eyes widened and the look on her face changed.

Lorent responded by stabbing his great sword into the ground, resting his hands on the hilt, and sneering.

“Why should the victor have to work to pleasure the loser? You should be thankful I’m even having Dominic act in my stead.”

“Kh. You say that, but I bet you’re afraid you can’t satisfy me in front of all your men. Do you maybe have phimosis?”

Lorent shrugged at her provocation.

“Say what you like. Dominic, be thorough.”

“As you command…”

A bewitching light entered those green jewel-like eyes. The sight surprised Virginia.

“Wh-what is with you? What’s so fun about assaulting a woman just because some man tells you to?”

“I am a part of His Majesty. Like an arm or a leg. I move as he wishes me to move.”

Dominic got down on all fours atop Virginia, massaged and rubbed breasts just as large as her own, and sucked at the nipples while releasing hot breaths.

“Nh, nhhh, slurp, smack…”

Dominic had publicly announced her disinterest in the same sex, but when it was for her beloved king, she took turns sucking the nipples of a woman so beautiful any man would want to take her place. She also rolled the nipples around with her tongue.

“Kh, I guess a woman who serves that pervert would be a pervert too. Hgh, now I can imagine what kind of hardship Ansandra must have suffered through, nn…”

Virginia spewed invectives, but her cheeks were red.


She desperately tried to keep her cool during the thorough nipple attack, but she could not hide how her breathing grew heavy, her skin grew flushed, and her nipples were hard and erect.

Without warning, Dominic reached for the princess’s secret territory.


She had pressed her knees tightly together at the start, but she had apparently grown careless since.

Dominic rubbed through the golden hair.

“You are already wet. If a caress in this situation gets you wet, then His Majesty must be right about Clanarian women being nymphomaniacs. Hee hee. Or is it just the royal sisters?”

Virginia turned her head to ignore Dominic’s rude mockery.

It was only natural for nipples to harden and crotches to grow wet when they were teased. She saw no reason to respond to this hackneyed provocation.

“My, my. Keep that composed expression while you can. After what you said to His Majesty, you must be appropriately punished.”

“Do lowly savages not know when to shut up?”

Virginia finally reacted, so Dominic gave a satisfied shrug.

“Heh. Your kingdom has fallen and you have been captured, but it seems your pride alone is still that of a royal. But you appear to be a little too loose for a princess.”


Virginia’s body trembled as Dominic’s fingers worked their way into her womanhood.

“You are not a virgin.”

The woman’s pointer and middle finger opened and closed within that sensitive flesh.

“Was the first princess taking cocks from all the single men around her? The adoring Clanarian people would be so disappointed.”

Even that free-spirited princess must have felt some shame there because she fell silent.

“Hee hee. People say you are obsessed with magic, but perhaps it is lust you are truly obsessed with.”

While thoroughly tormenting her verbally, Dominic used her right hand to massage Virginia’s labia, her left hand to fondle her right breast, and her lips to suck her left nipple.

“Ahhhh, ahh, ahh…”


Dominic smiled coldly at how Virginia began moaning, but then she gasped.

Someone had lifted up the skirt covering Dominic’s raised butt.

“Y-Your Majesty…”

Lorent was the culprit.

Dominic always dressed impeccably, so inside her skirt, she wore purple stockings that rose halfway up her thighs, garter belts, and panties with beautiful openwork.

Lorent pulled those seductive panties halfway down her thighs and rubbed her labia with his right hand.

“Ahn? Nhh…hhn…?”

Dominic was being fingered in public, but she did not care. In fact, she got even more worked up in her assault of Virginia.

Her plump butt wiggled side to side and a clear liquid glistened on her inner thighs.

The sight excited the crowd watching them.

“Ohhhh! We get to see Lady Dominic having sex too? I’m so glad I survived.”

Dominic had entirely submitted to Lorent, but few women in Domos were as skilled. She had a lot of secret fans like Burns.

And Dominic did not care what anyone but Lorent thought of her. She was simply happy that Lorent was enjoying this.

“Ah, n-not…there…!?”

Virginia suddenly cried out with a tone of urgency.

The princess writhed in pleasure with her face entirely red and her hands bound above her head.

Dominic’s fingers were searching through the shallow portion of her honeypot. In other words, the G-spot.

“Ah. noooooo…!”

Virginia let out a cry of despair and arched her back.

She had climaxed. Dominic concluded that would defeat her, so she pulled her fingers out of the honeypot.

Urine erupted from the proud magic princess’s crotch.

“Wow, she’s squirting.”

“No, she’s pissing.”

Excitement ran through the surrounding soldiers as they watched the princess of a great kingdom squirt like a whale’s blow and then wet herself.


Even for a princess, wetting herself in public was a powerful psychological shock. Her cheeks were beet red and there were tears in her eyes.

When he saw that, Lorent stopped fingering Dominic.

“That should be good enough, Dominic. Move.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Dominic looked a little reluctant, but she obediently stood up, fixed her clothing, and moved out of the way.

Lorent looked down to see Virginia with her limp legs spread.

Her purple cape, knee socks, sleeves, and royal blue shoulder guards were still in place. The beautiful woman also wore gorgeous golden accessories on top of that, but her tits and pussy were exposed.

“Now, time to open up.”

With a smile that showed he knew how cruel he was being, Lorent spread the proud princess’s legs wide and exposed the area between her inner thighs.

The roundly plump mound had a sexy bush of golden hair, deep pink petals somewhat stuck out from the slit below, and it glistened with a feminine dew.

He placed his thumbs on either side of the flesh mound and spread it.

Wet pink flesh was contained inside.

Love juices and urine had gathered below and the folds around the vaginal entrance were as complex as flower petals.

Perhaps because she had just urinated, the small urethra stood out in the center of the soft flesh.

Her large flesh pearl poked its brightly glistening face out from below the hood that stuck out at the top.

“So even the rumored magic princess has a normal woman’s body. Your pussy is just as lewd as I expected from your face.”


While pinning down the resentfully grimacing princess, Lorent calmly pulled his darkly glistening cock out from his armor.

The large and curved object was as hard as rock.

“Wow. His Majesty’s really is different…”

Some impressed comments came from the surrounding spectators.

When she looked up at her brother-in-law’s cock, some fear entered Virginia’s azure eyes, but she intentionally gave a mocking smile.

“Th-that’s nothing worth showing off. Do you really think you can satisfy me with that pathetic thing?”

“We’ll just have to see, won’t we?”

Full of confidence, Lorent lifted up the proud princess’s ankles to spread her legs in a splendid V-shape.

Then he placed his glistening flesh sword against the princess’s wet pussy lips.

“Time for a taste of victory over the great central plain kingdom of Clanaria.”

With that, he pushed his cock forward.


The solid object parted her soft flesh and reached the deepest point.

By penetrating her with her lower body lifted, their union was fully visible to her and she could tell just how much she was being violated.

“You have a mouth on you, but your pussy isn’t bad. It’s really sticky and seems to suck at me. It does remind me of Ansandra’s, but yours is softer. It is a superb pussy, fitting for the symbol of Clanaria.”

“Hmph, of course it is.”

Virginia snorted and looked the other way. All of her body language demonstrated her intent to not feel any pleasure from this man.

Lorent smiled bitterly at her behavior, placed his body weight on his hips, and gently moved their pubes together while moving his face in close.

“Hmph. How am I supposed to enjoy a pathetic dick that has nothing but size going for it?”

“Heh. I like your attitude. Gives me all the more desire to hear you moaning.”

She had stimulated his desire to conquer her as a man, so he slowly but powerfully moved his thick cock up and down to stir up her cervix.

“Kh, ah…khh…hh…ah…”

Virginia swung her body side to side a few times as if trying to knock the man off of her, but it was no use against that brave and indomitable man and he did not even budge.

She was desperately trying not to feel any pleasure, but Virginia was a princess, not a saint. She had always had trouble containing her sexual desire.

Plus, she had already cum once from Dominic’s fingering. As he slowly pumped in and out of her, the sensitive flesh inside gradually melted.

“Ah, ahh, ahn…I-I can’t stand this! How am I powerless to resist as this lowly man violates me…!? Ahh…”

As the love juices flowing from her vagina soaked her butt as well, Virginia was so frustrated that tears wet her eyes.

But her mind and body were two different things. She could not stop the moans as the man pinned her down and slowly pumped in and out.

“Ah…ahn…ahh, hahhhhn…?”

She must have finally given up on resisting because she closed her eyes and moaned from her half-opened lips while she swung her hips to match the movements of his.

Lorent chuckled when he noticed.

“Heh heh… Looks like you’re enjoying yourself now. …Come to think of it, I heard you were close to that red guy…Madelene, was it? I was the one who killed him.”

“!? I’ll kill you!”

Virginia’s eyes opened wide and grew bloodshot as she roared at him.

“Heh heh heh. Such a wonderful expression. How does it feel to be raped by your lover’s killer?”

“You rotten monster!”

“An excellent answer. That is why you are worth conquering.”

Virginia glared up at him as if trying to kill him with her gaze and Lorent looked back down with a satisfied smile. He also sped up his hips to pound on her cervix.

“Hh…ah! Ahh! No! Ahh!”

Virginia was confused by the pleasure her body felt as she was violated and pounded by the man who had killed her lover.

“S-stop! That’s too rough! No! I’m…I’m cumming! I’m cumming! No!”

Virginia arched her back from the pleasure that felt like sparks bursting in her body.

If her wrists were not bound and she was free to move, she would have likely clung to him and moaned at the top of her lungs.

To weaken the man’s wild hips as much as possible, she wrapped her legs around Lorent’s butt.

Although the way her high-heeled feet clawed at the air made it look like she was desperately asking for more.

“Kh, you’re squeezing me so tight. This is why I can never get enough of horny women.”

The woman’s hips writhed wildly and the man’s pounded down at her. Liquid sprayed out from their union.

“I’m cumming. I’ll make sure to fill up your womb, okay?”


Virginia screamed from the terrible feeling of being violated by her lover’s killer, feeling pleasure from it, and having him cum inside her.

But Lorent mercilessly ejaculated.

The hot male liquid was pumped inside the poor captured princess’s vagina.

“Ah, ahh, ahhh…”

Being cummed inside must have forced her healthy female body to climax. Virginia’s beautiful body convulsed.


With a satisfied sigh, Lorent rubbed Virginia’s dazed cheek and gave her plump lips a light kiss while his penis shrank after ejaculating to his heart’s content.

“Not bad at all. I think I’ll keep you alongside Ansandra.”

The proud male’s line brought the light of reason back to Virginia’s eyes. When she saw Lorent’s face right in front of her, she sneered at him.

“Done already? That wasn’t much for a supposed conqueror.”

Lorent answered her sneer with a smile of utter delight.

“You can still talk back to me after cumming that hard? Fine, I’ll grant your wish and go for another round.”

Without pulling out of her, he rotated her body halfway around so she was on all fours.


She uttered a small cry and felt some fear as she sensed the male symbol regaining its size inside her.

“No way. You can keep going? How much of a beast are you?”

“I will turn you into a beast too, so don’t worry. Now, cry out like a lowly bitch!”

He passed his hands below her arms and grabbed her not just large but gigantic breasts. They were sweaty and so soft they seemed to absorb his hands. Her skin felt like polished marble. He enjoyed that sensation while rolling her nipples around with his fingertips.

Lorent wildly swung his hips in that bestial position.

A loud slapping sound rang out as his hips struck her sensual butt.

Semen and love juices mixed together inside her honeypot. The violently wild movements of his hips seemed to perfectly demonstrate the concept of rape.

“Hee, heeaaah…nooooo!”

Virginia really did seem to have become a bitch as her ample breasts were fondled and she was violated from behind.

“I won’t let this man make me cum over and over! No, wait, I’m cumming…! I’m cumming! I’m cumming again!? No, how can I let him make me cum again!?”

She desperately tried to fight it, but she had already cum once.

Her resistance was fragile.

He thrust heavily and roughly as if trying to smash her pelvis, so she forgot her pride as a princess and was reduced to a mere animal.

“Ahhhhh, hhh…I’m cumminnnnng…!!!”

Once she came, there was no stopping it. The dam had burst and her body convulsed. And the vagina containing his manhood naturally squeezed as well.

“Heh heh heh. She just keeps cumming. Exactly what I would expect from a horny princess.”

“No, no, no…no more, ahhhhh!”

Her beautiful face was ruined by her eyes widening and rolling back in her head while her mouth opened wide with her tongue sticking out.

Sweat, tears, snot, and drool. Every possible liquid flowed out.

“Wow, that kind of expression on a princess? That’s a bit too much for me…”

The spectators started making comments like that.

“Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh…”

Each thrust seemed to reverberate in the core of Virginia’s mind, so she could no longer even form the word “stop” while she endlessly writhed and moaned.

Realizing she was at her limit, Lorent used even sharper hip movements to assault her body, increase his own pleasure, and finally erupt inside of her.

“Now for the finishing blow. Cum as hard as you can!”

You would never think this was his second time as he ejaculated inside her like a series of arrow shots.

“Ahh, no, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Virginia had already been cumming over and over, but this must have brought that to an even higher level.

Her eyes opened wide, she howled like a wolf and arched her back, and she trembled for a while. Finally, a sexy moan escaped her lips, she went limp, and she stopped moving.

“Heh heh heh. It’s still far too soon to collapse.”

While they were still connected, Lorent turned Virginia around again. He grabbed her large butt with both hands and stood up.


Virginia was out of strength, but Lorent would not allow that.

He placed her bound hands around his neck and began fucking her while they stood up facing each other.

“Ahhh, stop this! What more are you going to do to me!? Why would you keep assaulting me!?”

“I want to conquer you. In both body and mind.”

Lorent suddenly stuck his right middle finger in her anus.


He sneered when he saw her wide-eyed reaction.

“What, this is your first time here? Ansandra has you beat there. She moans in pleasure when I fuck her in the ass.”


“Heh heh heh. You’re just embarrassed that your sister got ahead of you, aren’t you? I can help fix that.”

He stuck both his middle fingers inside at once and spread it to either side.


With her anus spread open, Virginia’s eyes widened, her mouth opened, and drool sprayed out.

“Heh. I like that look. Makes you well worth teasing.”

Lorent fucked the woman in his arms while teasing her anus with his fingers.

This technique was only possible with his nearly inhuman physical strength.

“No, again, I’m cumming again, ahhhhh…”

The fall of her home kingdom had been enough of a psychological burden, so being fucked thrice in a row was too great a burden on both her mind and body.

She tearfully pleaded him.

“Please…please no more! I…I can’t possibly keep…ahh… My butt…not my butt!!”

The proud witch princess had finally fallen to him. Just as Lorent felt the satisfaction of conquest, he heard an unexpected voice.


He glanced over and saw Ansandra with a look of utter shock on her face

She had likely hurried here after receiving word of her sister’s capture.

And she had found her sister being raped by her husband in public. Of course it was a shock.

“Hi, Ansandra. Your sister is well worth devouring. I like her.”

Even with Ansandra watching, he continued moving his hips just the same. No, he actually moved them even more.

“Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh.”

“C’mon, cum again. Cum nice and hard while your sister watches.”

Lorent ejaculated a third time while thrusting up into Virginia.

“Ahhh…it’s shooting inside me again…”

Virginia’s psyche had been fully worn down after being cummed inside three times back-to-back.

Her reaction was much more subdued now.

“I guess that’s enough for now.”

Satisfied, Lorent pulled his shrinking penis from her vagina and let the dazed princess lie on the path.

Her legs were spread wide, so her feminine flower petals were exposed, showing just how raw and widely spread they were. An unbelievable amount of semen flowed out.

“Virginia, are you okay!? Pull yourself together!”

“An…san…dra… Good…you’re all right…”

When her sister ran over and tearfully held her in her arms, Virginia smiled a bit and then passed out.

The other Domos troops had done their job well while Lorent had his fun.

Clanaria’s Prime Minister Stuart knew little of military strategy, so he did not interfere in the final showdown.

After the Domos army had been driven away, he had silently focused on an economic reconstruction project in his office.

Despite the screaming and shouting he could hear, he never even guessed the castle would fall. He focused on his work until his door was violently kicked down and an intruder stormed in.

Even then, he was unfazed and resolutely glared at the man.

“You are Clanarian Prime Minister Stuart, I presume. Clanaria is doomed. I am afraid I must ask that you surrender. Do so and I will do everything in my power to ensure you live out the rest of your years.”

It was Kubdai who entered the office. Stuart’s skill and talent as a politician was hard to come by, so Kubdai had rushed here on a special mission to protect the man and ensure he was not killed in the battle.

“Hmph. I see you barbarians are trying to sound cultured now. Allow me to show you the courtesy of a truly cultured kingdom. I have no intention of being captured by the immoral people who used Princess Ansandra’s marriage as an excuse to attack and lay claim to the throne.”

Stuart drew the sword sitting next to him. The talented prime minister rushed in with blade held high.

“Taste my blade of justice!”

Stuart was a civil official, but he had apparently learned his fair share of martial arts in his younger days.

The old man’s swordsmanship was unexpectedly sharp. Surprised, Kubdai just barely managed to deflect the sword before splitting open the old man’s forehead with his own sword.


The dead man said nothing and the living man groaned in regret.

He cursed his body for reacting on reflex, but there was nothing as fearsome as a suicidal attack. If Kubdai had held back, he may have been injured, so he had had no other option.

Stuart, Clanaria’s final prime minister, met his end as a faithful servant of his kingdom.

When King Baldwin received word about his longtime friend Stuart, he ordered an attendant to guard the entrance for a while. Then he entered his own room where he and his queen committed suicide by poison.

There was one group of the Clanarian army that fought fiercely to the end. They numbered about 200 and were driven into the southwestern tower.

That became the Clanarian army’s final fortress.

Naja received word that the enemy was putting up a powerful resistance, so she immediately led her flying dragon unit there as reinforcements.

On the top level of the tower, she spotted a female knight commanding the intense fighting with her white uniform stained scarlet.

“You’re Lucy who I fought back at Corlal Field, aren’t you? Surrender now. Otherwise, do battle with me. My spear tip will send you to heaven.”

During this age of war, it did not matter how much you liked someone. A fight to the death was inevitable if you were on opposite sides.

That was why warriors would show what mercy they could by killing that person themselves and promising to drink together once they too went to heaven.

Lucy also remembered that daring flying dragon knight.

“You’re the one from back then. Fine then. Let’s do this.”

With her spear, White Heaven, in one hand, Lucy leaped from the peak of the tower and toward Naja’s flying dragon.

“Wait, wait, waaaaaait!!!”

Caught completely off guard, Naja cried out, but that obviously was not going to stop the airborne woman.

Lucy planted her feet on the dragon’s back and a great shock ran through its entire body. Naja lost all control of the beast and it dropped like a leaf.


The incredible sense of falling made Naja scream.

But Lacquer Scale was one of the greatest dragons even in Domos. It had lost its balance at first, but it managed to land safely on the ground.

“Pant, pant… You’re insane. If you want to die, do it on your own. Don’t take me with you.”

Naja’s had a cold sweat covering her body, her shoulders were rising and falling, and she felt a warm but also cold sensation at her crotch. She looked down to find she had wet herself.

“Mistress Naja, are you okay?”

“Let’s kill that villain.”

Naja’s faithful kittens attempted to gather around her in worry, but she could not have them notice she had wet herself.

“I’m fine. Stay back.”

She snapped back at them to keep them away.

Also, Lucy stood atop the flying dragon’s neck with her spear tip positioned at the bottom of Naja’s throat.


Naja froze. As did the Domos soldiers surrounding them.

Reddish-brown eyes clashed with sandy-colored eyes. Finally, Lucy opened her mouth.

“That was my win.”


Naja felt faint. This woman was so cool. She wanted to call her “mistress”. She wanted to share the womanly pleasures with this dashing and brusque woman.

“Then become my prisoner. I won’t treat you badly.”

Naja spoke calmly to hide her desire. Unable to detect the wicked heart of the flying dragon knight, Lucy accepted her trustworthiness as a warrior and threw aside her spear.

“I, Clanarian Knight Commander Lucy, surrender. Take good care of me.”

Lucy had surrendered. With that, the kingdom of Clanaria really had collapsed.

In the original version, Lorent did not show up during Carnap's battle against Virginia, so the sex scene played out differently after Carnap defeats her:

“Sorry, but I’m going to have to bind you.”

Carnap tied Virginia’s hands behind her head and formed a gag by placing a rope tightly across her lips that were tightened in regret. That prevented her from biting her tongue to commit suicide, but it also prevented her magic. In a battle against a magic-user, you could not let your guard down as long as they could speak. The movements of the body and hands were important for activating magic, but the voice was even more important. A magic-user who could not speak was like a swordswoman without their sword.

With his work complete, Carnap looked down at Virginia lying on her black cape like a mat and he gulped.

Looking at her closely, she was a truly wonderful woman. At 19, she was three years older than Ansandra and that extra age gave her skin more of a shine. Since they were sisters, she did look a lot like Ansandra, but her body was considerably more mature. From Carnap’s perspective, Ansandra was still just a child.

Her smooth cheeks were brightly flushed, the bridge of her nose stood high, and the lips being dug into by the rope were plump and glistening from the red lipstick.

Her almond-shaped eyes contained the colors of rage and the dark blue eyeshadow around them drew the eye. Her sweat-soaked golden hair was plastered to her forehead and the golden earrings with red magical jewels looked perfect on her.

The beautiful woman was lying defenseless on the ground and she wore a black skintight outfit that he could only imagine she wore to seduce men. With her arms bound over her head, her exposed armpits looked oddly sexy.

The cleavage of her ample mounds was exposed at her chest and her perfectly plump and milky-white thighs were exposed below her ultra-miniskirt.

Even when he leered at her, Virginia showed no sign of embarrassment. That was because she had absolute confidence in her body. And she had a body worthy of that confidence.

While the situation inspired intense lust inside him, Carnap weighed the risks in his mind. It would be easy to just fuck her here. Even if his king had indicated an interest in her, he was tempted to have a taste before presenting her to his king. But she was Queen Ansandra’s sister. He risked earning the queen’s displeasure if she found out. He was not afraid of a queen who had no real authority, but there always a risk that her pleas would reach the king’s ears. Whereas if he took Virginia prisoner and presented her unharmed, his king and queen would view him favorably and he would likely be rewarded for it. He hated overlooking this opportunity, but it would be safest to leave Virginia untouched.


When he heard a woman scream, Carnap came back to his senses and looked up.

His men were already having a taste of the witches they had captured.

The lower levels always followed the example of their leader. The soldiers of a lusty king would be lusty themselves.

“Heh heh heh. You all have never had enough, have you?”

Carnap laughed bitterly and looked back down.

Virginia’s body was plump, but none of it sagged in the slightest. With that wonderful body in his grasp, Carnap built up his resolve.

The general who served a lusty king and commanded the lusty soldiers would be lusty himself.

“His Majesty is already surrounded by beautiful women. Why give the most delicious meal to him?”

Carnap drew a hidden blade, pressed it against the cleavage of Virginia’s ample breasts…and lowered it.

As he sliced through her skintight suit, it split to either side and revealed the gorgeous black underwear below.

The black bra and panties dug tightly into her white skin, they had rose pattern openwork, and they created a provocative yet elegant atmosphere.

A lot of work had gone into that luxury underwear, so it really was fit for a princess. They were a luxury product that your average witch could never afford.

He sliced the center of the bra with the small sword.

The two splendid mounds looked like milk had been poured in a mold and allowed to harden. They jiggled out into the dark night.

The nipples decorating the tips were a surprisingly pale pink. The areolae were a decent size and seemed to fade into the surrounding skin and the soft skin was tight and white enough to just barely see the veins.

He grabbed her not just large but gigantic breasts. They were sweaty and so soft they seemed to absorb his hands. Her skin felt like polished marble. He enjoyed that sensation while rolling her nipples around with his fingertips.

When Virginia realized she was about to be raped, she glared at Carnap as if trying to burn him to death with her gaze, but that was her only means of resistance at the moment.

“Princess, I am one of His Majesty’s generals now, but not long ago, I was a wandering mercenary who had trouble finding food to eat. I can normally forget my poor background, but I still have something of an inferiority complex. What the poor hope to do with a noblewoman is to conquer her. You could say my fetish is fucking noblewomen like you. I have always hunted down such women on the battlefield, but none have ever been as noble as you.”

Carnap groped breasts twice the size of Ansandra’s and pressed his face against them while breathing heated breaths.

Pale skin and the faint scent of sweat were right in front of him. He took a nipple in his mouth, sucked on it with all his might, and rolled it around with his tongue.

The nipple quickly grew pleasantly erect. He sucked hard, buried his face in the breasts’ softness, pulled on the nipples with his lips, and enjoyed the sweet smell.


Virginia clenched her teeth to hold back the moans.

With his face still buried in her breasts, Carnap massaged the large butt through her panties and rubbed her smooth inner thighs.

“That’s the look I wanted to see. I love climbing on top of a noblewoman, demanding she show me the most indecent parts of her body, and caressing her so long it starts to hurt. As her physical pleasure builds, she abandons her pride and begins crying for help. That is when you can provide them with unparalleled pleasure.”

Carnap smiled as he declared he would use techniques trained on prostitutes to make her body know she belonged to him. Her hard and saliva-covered nipples were not enough for him, so he pressed his mouth and nose against her armpit.

A sweet and powerful scent shook the former mercenary’s heart.

When he licked her there, the taste of sweat and the slight roughness from shaving told him even this princess was a flesh-and-blood woman.

After tasting both of her armpits, his tongue crawled down her side, returned to the center, and stuck inside her round and shapely navel.

It must have tickled because Virginia wrinkled her brow to bear with it.

Carnap lifted the beautiful princess’s beautiful leg, removed the black high heel, kissed her calf in a showy fashion, and then placed the toes in his mouth.


This surprised even Virginia and she tried to pull back her leg.

He held her ankle firm and tasted the sweat and oils between her toes.

If he was going to do this, he was going to go all the way. Touching her at all could later lead to a punishment from Lorent like a fish on the chopping block, so he would be missing out if he did not taste every part of Virginia’s body.

Her legs were wonderfully long. Her thighs were thick, her ankles narrow, her calves plump, her skin as smooth as polished marble, and each of her toes thoroughly beautiful. They seemed to be the ideal form of a woman’s legs.

It was enough to imagine someone might offer a life-size golden statue of her just for the privilege of being stepped on by her.

After licking her feet and legs to his satisfaction, Carnap reached for the cloth protecting her secret territory.

Virginia desperately tried to keep her cool, but she could not hide how her breathing grew heavy, her skin grew flushed, and her black panties gained a wet stain.

She tried to close her legs to resist, but it was no use. Instead of removing the panties, Carnap cut the hip strings and removed them that way.

Virginia was nude except for her cape and jewelry.

The roundly plump mound had a sexy bush of golden hair, deep pink petals somewhat stuck out from the slit below, and it glistened with a feminine dew.

“You are already wet. If a caress in this situation gets you wet, then His Majesty must be right about Clanarian women being nymphomaniacs. Or is it just the royal sisters?”

Virginia ignored Carnap’s mockery. It was only natural for nipples to harden and crotches to grow wet when they were teased. She saw no reason to respond to this hackneyed provocation.

He placed his thumbs on either side of the flesh mound and spread it.

Wet pink flesh was contained inside. Love juices had gathered below and the folds around the vaginal entrance were as complex as flower petals.

The small urethra was visible in the center of the soft flesh and her large flesh pearl poked its brightly glistening face out from below the hood that stuck out at the top.

“So even a princess witch has a normal woman’s body.”

Virginia did not tremble from embarrassment. Her azure eyes simply wavered a bit at his mocking laughter.

Next, he shoved a finger inside her feminine honeypot.

“You’re not a virgin.”

Carnap had not expected a princess wearing nearly exhibitionist clothing to be a virgin. Especially when he had a biased view that all witches were sluts.

Many Domos soldiers were watching from their surroundings. Even with the deepest flesh of her womanhood exposed to the lustful eyes of those men in something like visual gang rape, Virginia looked the other way like it was nothing.

Carnap suddenly pinched her clitoris. She grimaced in pain at the unexpected touch of her weak point.


If she had been able to speak, she would have called him out for being shit at sex, but his intentions went further than she had expected. He actually pulled on her weak point.

Her eyes widened in pain and her hips rose into the air with her aloof attitude entirely gone.

“…Nn, nn…”

(It’s going to tear, it’s going to tear off, stop this, please stop this.)

Virginia tearfully pleaded him, but the gag meant she could only groan. Sweat poured from her body and her body cried out at this threat. When urine erupted out, Carnap finally let go.

Virginia’s face was pale and fearful. She now understood that she would be more than just raped.

He licked the pee off of his fingers.

“Hm, so a royal’s piss tastes the same as a back-alley whore’s.”

Carnap mocked those fearful eyes, brought an end to the caress, pulled out his darkly glistening penis, and put it inside Virginia.

Before sticking it in her, he really would have preferred making her cum two or three times and teasing her on and on until she pleaded him to fulfill her indecent desire, but he could not take that much time on the battlefield. Take too long enjoying the caress and some other guy would come along and take the best part. He doubted there were any soldiers brave enough to interrupt their general’s fun, but old habits die hard.


Carnap groaned once. Her wet and tight vagina was slippery and very sticky. The quality of her pussy was not immediately clear, but he would know before long.

First he placed his body weight on his hips and gently moved their pubes together.

This surprised Virginia. She expected him to rape her with some more direct movements.

She instinctually realized she was in trouble with that thick cock penetrating her and the man’s weight pinning her down.

Most women were weak to that gentle and constantly rhythmical movement. It allowed them to feel the satisfaction of accepting a man into their vagina and it thoroughly stimulated their sensitive clitoris. Their body submitted to it as something extremely pleasant and pleasurable.

And a sexually-experienced woman was no exception. In fact, a sexually-experienced woman was even weaker to this thorough attack.

Virginia was a princess, not a saint. She had always had trouble containing her sexual desire. Her lust could be so intense that she would mount her former lover Madelene, move her hips to her heart’s content, milk him of every last drop of cum, and cry in pleasure all the while.

But now she had the man on top of her, control had been completely taken from her, and she was made into a woman who could only writhe as she was violated. It was a new and humiliating experience. But she had no way of stopping Carnap’s truly soft and repeating movements.

Virginia swung her body side to side a few times as if trying to knock the man off of her, but it was no use against that brave and indomitable man and he did not even budge. Meanwhile, each soft movement melted the sensitive flesh of her sex organ.

(I-I can’t stand this! How am I powerless to resist as this lowly man violates me…!?)

It was so infuriating that tears welled up in her eyes, but she could not stop her body from melting.

The soft and gentle pistoning would sometimes push against her depths and long moans would escape her mouth.

The pattern of gentle pistoning, deep thrusts, and pressure against her lower stomach continued on and on. She felt like she was being thoroughly teased. Plenty of love juices flowed from her vagina and dripped down onto her butt.

Sparks began bursting within her body and she tensed her body to bear with it. Her eyes widened to glare at the man. If looks could kill, she would have been successful here, but unfortunately, that only stroked his arrogance.

Her hips began moving on their own. At some point, she had started swinging up her butt to match his movements. Her conscious desires did not matter.


She cried out in her heart.

She was confused when she found her body was experiencing pleasure. She was being raped, but she had thought that just meant waiting for him to finish. And yet she was driven half-insane by the desire for him to thrust even harder.

If her wrists were not bound and she was free to move, she would have likely clung to him and moaned at the top of her lungs.

She tilted her head back with a look of agony, thrust up her pubis, wrapped her legs around Carnap’s butt, and let her hips dance madly.

Carnap kissed her throat, stuck out his tongue, and left a slug-like trail behind her ears, on the pit of her collarbones, on her chest, in her armpits, on her breasts, and on her nipples.

He massaged her swollen and jiggling tits while pushing them up with his hands and he purposefully licked all over the areolae around her nipples. Then he sucked on and bit the painfully erect tips.

The length of Carnap’s thrusts gradually grew and he added in movements to the top, bottom, left, and right.

He was gradually using more force. He repeatedly thrust deep inside Virginia’s vagina. He did not move quickly, but each time his thick stake thrust inside, a tingling ran through the core of her mind.

She was driven closer to climax whether she liked it or not.

(Ahhh, stop this! What more are you going to do to me!? Why would you keep assaulting me!?)

She bent her ample body back and wanted to scream, but she could not and drool sprayed from the corners of her rope-gagged mouth.

“Heh. So even the unyielding princess has given in. And I’ve barely gotten started. I’m still moving so slow. When I could be attacking you like this.”

While Virginia writhed in anguish, he reached below her arms, pulled back until his penis just about left her vagina, and thrust all the way in to the deepest depths.


She wanted to open her mouth wide and cry out, but she could not and her nostrils flared. The tears and saliva wetting her face ruined her good looks.

When he pulled his penis back again, love juices gushed out. And just before pulling it out, he once more attacked her deepest point.


He had begun a series of large thrusts very unlike the previous gentle ones.

He thrust heavily and roughly as if trying to smash her pelvis, so she forgot her pride as a princess and was reduced to a mere animal.

“Ahhhhh, hhh…”

(I’m cumminnnnng!)

Once she came, there was no stopping it. Because she had tried resisting, her reaction was all the greater now that she let out her bestial side.

“Heh heh heh. What a horny princess. She just keeps cumming.”

Realizing Virginia had fallen, Carnap released his own wild side. He ignored all technique and simply used the violent movements of rape.

Each thrust seemed to reverberate in the core of Virginia’s mind, so she could no longer even form the word “stop” while she was endlessly violated. Her vaginal walls and clitoris felt like they were on fire.

Realizing she was at her limit, Carnap used even sharper hip movements to assault her body, increase his own pleasure, and finally erupt inside of her.

He ejaculated inside her like a series of arrow shots.

That seemed to act as the final blow for Virginia. After a sexy moan escaped her lips, she went limp, and she stopped moving.

After cumming, Carnap slowed his movements bit by bit, taking his time to stop.

He finally removed his penis from her vagina. Her legs were spread wide, so her feminine flower petals were fully spread and an unbelievable amount of semen flowed out.

Having completed the act, Carnap stood up and fixed his clothing as if nothing had happened. He combed his black hair and received a report on the state of the battle.

The soldiers who had watched the rape were frightened by what they saw. They had known Carnap was an incomparably brave general, but they had not known he was also so good in bed.


“Yes, what is it? You won’t have chance like this again. How about you have a taste of a Clanarian princess’s body as a story to tell later.”

Carnap gestured his chin toward the dazed mad princess whose hands were bound behind her head, whose chest was glistening with saliva, and whose pussy was soaked and sticky with love juices, semen, and urine.

The scene of her writhing, growing wet, and cumming was burned into the soldiers’ eyes.

Her plump body stimulated their desire. But even if they were free to fuck the bound woman, she was a kingdom’s princess and the woman Carnap had just done it with. They were all hesitant. Until…

“Then I’ll go first.”

The first to step forward was the youngest soldier under Carnap’s command. He had a sharp and ambitious bravery and Carnap was fond of the youth’s bold behavior.

When he pulled out his penis, it was angled high as one would expect of his youth.

Virginia had relaxed after finally being released, but now that object pressed against her crotch. She was bound and too exhausted to move. The milky-whiteness of Carnap’s cum was flowing out, but the youth did not care and pierced the female honeypot like he was using a spear.

“Damn, a princess really is different. I’ve never felt such a great pussy. It’s like fucking an angel. Is this what people call heavenly pleasure?”

The youth thrust his hips about ten times before climaxing.

“Shit, I already came. One more time.”

“Boy, there’s a line.”

A virile middle-aged man with scars covering his face and many battles in his past grabbed the youth’s shoulders to caution him.

As one would expect of a veteran warrior, the man’s cock was dark and massive with a head that spread fearsomely wide. He pushed it inside a vagina already filled with two different kinds of cum. He had none of the impatience of the youth, so he moved his hips in a large circle to stir her up inside while he toyed with her large breasts.

Once more, Virginia melted into the cruel intoxication that had been forced upon her. Her moans were a maddening mixture of agony and pleasure.

“Then I’m next.”

“And I’m after that.”

Carnap’s soldiers formed a line.

The Domos soldiers had never desired the princess of an enemy kingdom, but the chance to have sex with a royal did not come along every day.

A raging erection would rampage through her vagina, spray its hot fluid, and then pull out. Then a new erection would part the folds for a rampage of its own before exploding and pulling out. Then the next one came.

None of them had quite the monstrous virility of Carnap, but they made up for their quality with quantity.

Again and again, a new man climbed on top of Virginia, fucked her, and released his seed. Not one of them tried to rob her of her jewelry. That was because they knew Carnap owned her and they were only given this chance because of his generosity, but it was also because that gorgeous jewelry was the proof she was a princess. If she was completely nude, she would be just like any other beautiful woman.

Carnap felt no pity as he watched Virginia being gang raped. This was a common sight when a castle fell. The only difference was that the woman was a princess. If he wanted to, he could see the same thing all across Curling Castle. In fact, the witches who had served Virginia had been bound just like their princess and were being raped much the same. If gang raping a commoner woman was acceptable, it made no sense not to accept the same for a royal woman.

That said, she was clearly the most popular of the women being raped. The rumor had spread, so lustful men from other units had started gathering around the princess.

Some of the men started pleasuring themselves as they watched Virginia, but not because they could not wait any longer. They had despaired upon seeing how many people were already in line. Before long, the indomitable and beautiful princess was soaked with cum. Her mind seemed to be breaking because a smile of ecstasy came to her lips. It was sad how her jewelry continued to shine so brightly.

Even Carnap began to realize just how twisted his own desire to thoroughly dominate a noblewoman was, but it was too late to do anything about that.

In a short time, Virginia experienced the physical burden of having more than 100 penises inserted inside her and just as many loads of semen pumped inside her womb.

The friction had caused some bleeding around her vaginal entrance. She had wet herself a few times since having sex with Carnap, but she finally soiled herself as well.


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