Handsome CEO's Darling Wife



Seven months had passed. Many things had happened during that time. First, Ru Xin brought Carlo the mind reader, Mark the magician, Antonio the water god, Altan the invisible man and Osiris the lazy priest. Shintaro wanted to come as well. But Pedro was still mad at him. He didn't want Shintaro to come. It broke Shintaro's heart. All he could do was protect everyone on the island from far away. He took over that control room of the castle and kept an eye on all the ships or boats those were passing near the island.

And there was Mu Lan who called Shintaro almost every hour for why he didn't contact Mu Liang. Shintaro was innocent here since he couldn't contact Mu Liang for some time. After Li Sheng's incident, Mu Liang, Mu Feng and Hugo had to go to Beijing to show their condolences to the Li Family. As business partners they had to offer help to look for the suspects of Li Sheng's attempt murder. They couldn't just blow away their covers. When they went back to Russia, one month had already passed.

At that time, they were extra careful since Li Sheng was part of The Mongoose. Of course, only Mu Liang knew about it and he told Mu Feng to be extra careful too. He didn't mention The Mongoose to Mu Feng. After going there, they changed back to their old self and went to Paris without letting others know.

Before they left for China, they had already placed their men in their position so that no one would notice that the real Mu Liang, Mu Feng and Hugo were gone. Even after going back there, they didn't expose themselves in front of others. They still worked in the shadow in case there was a problem, they could work without letting their enemy know.

However, at that time, Mu Liang got a call from Shintaro. He was surprised. When he answered the call, he got scolded for no reason. "You are alive! Haha! Good. If you weren't, I would have dragged you from hell and would have brought back to the earth. Where the hell were you? I have been trying to locate you but I couldn't. Couldn't you at least turn on your cell phone for an emergency?"

Mu Liang was stunned but he was sure who it was the moment he heard the voice. Not so many people could talk to him like that. He politely asked, "Is there something wrong, father-in-law?" He didn't know what else to call him instead of 'father-in-law'. He didn't even know his fourteen fathers-in-law's names.

Shintaro furiously said, "Do you think my heart will melt just because you called me 'father-in-law'? Never! Listen, the reason I called you is because you need to hurry up and go to General Ru's island. You know that place, right?"

Mu Liang frowned. "I know that place. But why do I have to go there?"

"Because princess is there. If you want to see your wife, go there. I've already planned everything. You will go to China in the disguise of a fisherman and you will take a boat. General Ru's boy will pick you up. I've already sent you whatever you need to take there. You won't move a muscle if I tell you not to, got it?" Shintaro was frustrated because he couldn't stay with Mu Lan and so he vented his emotions on Mu Liang.

"I understand. I will wait for you signal." Mu Liang was worried at first upon hearing that Mu Lan was on that island again. But since Shintaro said that everything was arranged and Ru Xin would come to pick him up, he relaxed. He didn't know most of the part but he could at least tell that Mu Lan and Ru Xin somehow came to an arrangement and what it was, he had to go there to know the truth.

A week later, Mu Liang reached the island. He never thought what kind of surprise was waiting for him there. The moment they saw each other, Mu Lan took him to her bedroom. When he was told by her that she was pregnant and showed him her round stomach, he nearly lost the strength of his legs. He fell on his knees and hugged Mu Lan's waist for a long time. It was such a heartwarming moment.

But a certain someone didn't forget to complain. Carlo scoffed and said, "Hmf! Show off!" Of course, his words weren't heard by the couple.

For a couple of months, Mu Lan was in a bliss. Antonio secured the ocean, so that if any enemy wanted to enter their territory, he would find out. Carlo cooked for her whatever she wanted to eat. Altan would buy anything she wanted. When she was feeling upset without any reason, Mark would show her some magic tricks. When she was mad at everyone and couldn't control her temper, Osiris would make her feel better with his gorgeous look and melodious voice. And certainly, Mu Liang was there to keep her company every night. Ru Xin, Mark, Altan would grow vegetables and Osiris would take a nap in their free time.

If Mu Lan was an empress of that island, that castle would definitely become her harem. Maybe it was the first time and pregnant woman had such pleasure. It would be any woman's utopia.

However, she had her pregnancy problem that no one would shoulder it. Only she had to bear it no matter how painful it was. When she was nine months pregnant, her stomach became so big that she couldn't move properly. She could neither sit or walk. The weight of her stomach was too much. She felt tired all the time. She couldn't stay calm. Even if someone carried her, she would feel uncomfortable. Sometimes it scared her. She would think that she was going to fall or there might be an accident that would harm her and her baby. Even though Mu Liang or others would stay with her and wouldn't let her stay alone, she was still afraid. Just like that her childbirth due date drew near.


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