Hakai Me no Yuuri

Prologue 2: Until I was Saved

Prologue 2: Until I was Saved

Before I realized, I had become a child — a naked, silver-haired crimsoned-eyed little girl at that!

“This isn’t what I asked for! I demand a do-over!!”

I shouted this in the a field to which I was transported, but no one came to my rescue.

Testing out my stamina, I started to run. My pace was quite slow and after about 10 meters I was already out of breath.

Plopping down on the grass covered field, I discovered a glowing dot in the left hand corner of my field of vision.Focusing on it, a translucent screen opened right in front of me, and white letters appeared on it.

“Uo! This is a status screen, right!?”

In high spirits, began to check my data (stats and the like), but as I go through them I plummet into despair.

Name: Yuuri | Race: Human

Age: 10 | Sex: Little Girl

Job: None | Title: None

Height: 130cm | Weight: 28 kg

(4'3") (62 lbs)

Hair Color: Silver | Eye Color: Crimson

Status: Normal (Nude)

DEX: 1 (Dexterity)

SPD: 1 (Speed)

PHY: 1 (Physical Strength)

VIT: 1 (Vitality)

MAG: 1 (Magic Power)

MND: 1 (Mind)

(*TL: Stats subject to change as we find out what each one actually means and how it is used. Particularly VIT & INT might change to HP and MP.)

Gifts: Adaptability, Immortal Body, Ageless Body, Peerless Magic, Golden Ratio Body, Sacred Treasure, Revival Growth, Appraisal

(TL: Gift naming may change depending on what they actually are as the translation proceeds )

Excessively low stats, if my gifts are useful at least… thinking that I examine their particulars.


Even if driven into extreme situations, one will obtain the relevant resistance to adapt. Resistances include resistance to poison, magic, and pain among others.

[Immortal Body] (Enabled)

Resist death even upon receiving wounds or being poisoned. (TL: resist, not negate) In the case of death, body will regenerate and revive one hour later.

[Ageless Body] (Enabled)

Body negates aging. One becomes an existence without a natural life-span.

[Peerless Magic]

Talent in all fields of magic. However, in order to increase magical abilities, it is necessary to train.

[Golden Ratio Body]

Body physique is that of the highest grade of beauty and the ideal proportions. Said physique will never deteriorate, and people of all kinds will be charmed by it. Body damage and injuries regenerate.

[Sacred Treasure]

Body that excites and provides the extreme pleasure regardless of gender or race. Boundaries of sexual desire disappear.

[Revival Growth]

Aside from normal growth, Being on the verge of dying or reviving from death result in strengthening of physical abilities.


Ability to view information regarding people and items. However, it is not possible in the case the information is "concealed".

It appears “God” did everything possible to fulfill my demands, doesn’t it.

In order to fulfill my request for

? an indestructible body he granted me [Adaptability],

? an ageless and immortal existence he granted me [Immortal Body] and [Ageless Body],

? the greatest talent in magic he granted me [Peerless Magic],

? the highest level of beauty he granted me [Golden Ratio Physique],

? harem-making powers he granted me [Sacred Treasure].

[Revival Growth] and [Appraisal] appear to be freebies.

Apparently my age of 10 years old, is the result of fulfilling my request for youth to the extreme.

You reap what you sow… I guess.

Leaving [Ageless Body] “Enabled” is a no go. So I focus my mind on it, and it changes color to gray.

It’s probably safe to assume that it’s now disabled.

In any case, getting stuck at this age with perpetual youth would make me want to cry. If were at least 5 years older… rather, if I were at least reincarnated as a boy…

I was checking my status when a man called out to me.

I tried talking to him. It seems he’s an adventurer. he even appears to have a girlfriend.

This man also was wearing a [Ring of Resistance]. I was able gather this information with [Appraisal].

While telling him that I’d be in his care until we reached the nearest town, his ring went flying off his finger and… he assaulted he (sexually).

When I opened my eyes the next morning, the man was dead. He had shriveled up, literally.

It seems [Sacred Treasure] causes such an extreme pleasure.

In addition, both my mind and magic stats increased each by 1 point.

It looks like during the “act” I wasn’t able to bear it anymore and died.

As your average Japanese person, my ability to sense danger is low.

I understood how dangerous it was, but I didn’t feel that much of a sense of danger.

I completely understood it in my mind, but I wasn’t actually able to feel it.

And because of that, I did such a foolish thing… attempting to deliver the dead adventurer’s articles to his girlfriend.

I discovered a map in the man’s luggage. Then, having put on rain gear that covered me from head to toe to block my charming effect on others, I traveled to Lilith town arriving 3 days later.

Winning over the gatekeeper with some flattery, I delivered the dead man’s articles to the girlfriend.

His girlfriend was grateful and offered that I stay the night. I carelessly accepted. That was the start of the incident.

She entered the room as I was changing, laying her eyes directly on my uncovered body. And so — she too became charmed.

The next morning, she was still alive. They say the pleasure that a woman can experience compared to that of what a man can experience is about 8 to 20 times greater. So then, was it the difference in stamina? At any rate, she was barely alive. The adventurer’s cause of death was now clear.

In a frenzy, she thew me out into the street naked.

I don’t even need to explain what happened to the onlookers who came over saying “What’s going on?”

I continued to be assaulted. Male or female, old or young, adult or kid, It didn’t even matter. It didn’t make a bit of a difference. My gift charmed them all.

Rape, Frenzy, Break, Death, and Revival.

After an hour of putting up with it, I die again. And then an hour later, whether I want to or not, I revive again. It looks like my gift continued to charm them even while I was dead.

My ability [Adaptation] doesn’t let me go mad. One time, I tried cutting because I was in too much pain from having my heart broken. Rather than driving me mad, that was just painful.

A soldier stopped, in less than a moment, was completely charmed and joined the uproarious fray.

I one day, I experienced death ten times. I was trapped in a hell without being able to go crazy or die. This so-called “cheat” of a gift… is a curse.

After 1 months time passed —

The surrounding towns suspected that Lilith town had fallen into a bad situation.

After 2 months time passed —

The rumor that Lilith had “fallen” to a succubus spread

After 3 months time passed —

A neighboring city dispatched it army to liberate Lilith. 100 citizens fell victim to them, but when the army reached the plaza… they were all immediately charmed.

After 4 month time passed —

Another city dispatched it army. It concluded in the same way as it did in the third month’s attempt.

After 5 months time passed —

In every town, its become that Lilith has become “no more”. This is because not even the dispatched armies were spared. At this point in time, all of the men from Lilith town had died from exhaustion/weakness.

And then, after 6 months time had passed — I was finally extended a saving hand.


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