Hagakure Sakura Does Not Lament

Chapter 92

Chapter 92

Fake Shadows

Translated by LyraDhani

Edited by LyraDhani

The spinning black boxes scraped away at the ground and buildings. Its power was incomparable to when they fought in the government.

In other words, this “Hitsugi Airi” might be closer to a state where she was operating at full specs as a Magical Girl, rather than a recreation of that day when her power was limited.

Hitsugi Airi’s original range of skill was about 300 meters. He didn’t know to what extent this Demonic Beast was able to reproduce Hitsugi’s ability, but at worst, it was better to think that he was dealing with Hitsugi herself.

–But in terms of ability, the conditions were the same.

Unlike that time when he was limited in his physical abilities and skills, the current Tsugumi was in perfect condition as a Magical Girl. He was getting a little tired from the series of games, but he still had no intention of losing.

Flying, jumping, dodging, and ducking. Tsugumi didn’t attack and tried to run away, watching the opponent. Hitsugi-shaped beast had a dome of boxes around it, which rotate at high speed to create a kind of impenetrable wall barrier.

The threads extended for reconnaissance were immediately cut off by the box, and couldn’t reach the Demonic Beast at the center.

It might be possible to break through that wall by applying the remaining force to strengthen the thread. But even if he went at it head-on, the Demonic Beast would probably respond immediately.

He might be able to cut off at least one of its limbs if he tried hard enough, but as long as the Demonic Beast had no intention of moving from that spot, there was no point in cutting off its mobility. The challenge was how to approach it without being noticed.

In addition, it would be a mistake to damage Hitsugi more than necessary.

He had no intention of going easy on it since it was a Demonic Beast, but he didn’t want to make it look as miserable as possible.

In addition, the scene of a Magical Girl hurting a human-shaped object might be a bit irritating to the public. In some cases, he might receive irrelevant criticism. …It was really troublesome.

While avoiding the attacks coming from all directions, Tsugumi let out a small sigh as he watched torn pieces of clothes fluttering. Any more than this would only waste his energy in vain.

…He felt reluctant but that method might be safe after all.

Thinking about this, Tsugumi squinted at the domed wall where the Demonic Beast was.

When exploring the situation inside, there was only one strategy that came to mind. Ignoring the element of luck and Tsugumi’s personal feelings, it was the best plan he could come up with. Even if it failed, he could always come up with another plan.

The first stage in this operation. It was no exaggeration to say that this operation was almost a success if the skill to avoid being noticed by the Demonic Beast – Invisibility – could be strengthened a little more than it was now.

Tsugumi stared at his hands and muttered a few words.

“…If possible, don’t eat too much.”

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

The Demonic Beast, transformed into the figure of Hitsugi Airi, was laughing and waving its hands in a good mood inside the safe defensive wall. As if it was commanding a large audience.

This Demonic Beast had the ability to interfere with the memories of people nearby and actually transform itself into the form of something it perceived as a threat. As a being, it could be described as a youkai that embodied the concept of transformation.

In a sense, it was the worst match for Magical Girls, who had to deal with a multitude of monsters.

–The “Magical Girl” appearance was much easier to use than one might think. It took a lot of power to transform, but it was more than enough to make up for it.

In fact, the Magical Girl who should have had the upper hand just a few minutes ago was just running around, unable to move her hands or feet in the face of this spinning box wall. It would only be a matter of time before that Magical Girl ran out of power. Thinking of this, the Demonic Beast chuckled.

It knew that the Magical Girl had the ability to transport. This defensive wall was both a barrier to protect it and a trap to hunt her down. If she used the threads in this small space, she would surely be bathed in the Demonic Beast’s blood. That was what the Demonic Beast wanted.

The flesh and blood of this Demonic Beast, which specialized in transformation, was a deleterious drug for humans. If the blood of a Demonic Beast, which was constantly undergoing a dizzying transformation, came into contact with the skin, cell erosion would begin in that area, and eventually, the same deformity would be transformed.

But that Magical Girl was very careful. She kept a certain distance from the Demonic Beast during the battle and did not try to touch the gushing blood. Though, judging from the way she ran away from the Demonic Beast, she was probably just a coward.

The Demonic Beast that was thinking about this tilted its head at the feeling of strangeness outside.


–Where did that Magical Girl go?

No sign of the Magical Girl could be sensed from around the box deployed outside the defensive wall. Did she escape to a place outside the range of its skill?

Judging so, the Demonic Beast smiled in mockery at her foolish choice.

–The more you waste your time, the more you will be at a disadvantage,

Magical Girls – the Gods they believed in – would never allow them to run away in defeat. People who could do nothing but run away miserably and in vain would be cut down sooner or later. In fact, there had been many cases in the past of Magical Girls who ran for their lives, only to be abandoned by the Gods and die due to a lack of divine power.

After all, Magical Girls were nothing more than sacrifices for the Gods to pass the time. In that case, it would not matter if they died as food for Demonic Beasts.

But that was also another pleasure. It might not be a bad idea to destroy this area until the Magical Girl was abandoned by God and ran out of strength.

And just as the Demonic Beast was momentarily distracted from its search for the Magical Girl, she arrived.

“–I’ve got you.”

The words were suddenly heard from behind the Demonic Beast.


The moment the impatient Demonic Beast tried to turn around, the girl’s arm was put around the Demonic Beast’s neck. It was the so-called headlock. The face that came close as if to embrace it was softly scented with the sweet smell of blood.

–I don’t feel any sign of her. No matter how much she flew here through transportation, there was always a fluctuation in the air just before the transportation. It was hard to believe that the Demonic Beast hadn’t noticed the discomfort. But the Magical Girl was already here. The contradiction delayed the Demonic Beast from taking action.

The arm around its neck was tightened in a firm grip.

“Goodbye. –I hope I never see you again.”

The arm, which was filled with strength, tightened around the thin neck of the Hitsugi-shaped Demonic Beast. The Demonic Beast imitated the same physical structure as the thing it was transformed into, so if the breathing and blood flowed in the neck were stopped, just like a human, it wouldn’t be able to move easily. As it was, the strength of the arm gradually increased, and finally, a gurgling dry sound echoed from the neck of the Demonic Beast.

The eyes of the Demonic Beast flipped to the whites of its eyes, and the strength of its body was drained. Then the Demonic Beast fell head first to the ground. The bones in its neck were bent in an impossible direction, and some vital nerves inside were severed.

–The body can’t hold out much longer. The Demonic Beast, having decided so, tried with its last ounce of strength to attack the Magical Girl behind it, but there was already no one there. Apparently, she had evacuated from the area. That was smart of her.

With her skill, she got to the back of the Demonic Beast without it noticing she was there, and then break its neck to kill it without getting blood on her hands. –It was as if she had known in advance the threat of Demonic Beast’s blood.

…No, there was nothing to think about anymore. Losing was losing. Besides, it had used up most of its strength so it didn’t think it could transform anymore.

The moment the limp Demonic Beast tried to catch its breath, the closed memory of the Magical Girl, Tsugumi, poured into its mind.

–A woman standing at the center of an altar surrounded by red flames. The crumbling ceiling. The sound of a young child crying out. The bloodied and mutilated image of someone important.

And the terrible enemy that continued to smolder in the back of his mind even after he had lost his memory. As if dragged along by these painful images, the body of the Demonic Beast was transformed.

The body dissolved, slowly taking on a new shape. As if guided by something.

≪–Then, proceed once more.>>

Such a voice echoed in the head of the Demonic Beast.

In pieces, the boxes surrounding the Demonic Beast fell to the ground. –Then a black shadow in the shape of a girl slowly stood up in its place.


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