Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 744 - 747: Don’t Fight

Chapter 744: Chapter 747: Don’t Fight

A trace of pain flickered in Xiao Zhiqing's eyes, but she forced a smile. "It's nothing. I'm already deeply grateful that Mr. Yang could do me a favor. I wouldn't dare ask for more."

"Miss Zhiqing, don't say that! Just for your sincere and kind nature, I, Yang Chen, must buy that ring and wine today. Not only as a gift for my grandfather, but more importantly, for you, Miss Zhiqing," Yang Chen said with deep affection, leaning in closer to Xiao Zhiqing's soft, pink lips. Although he didn't kiss her, he was so close that he could smell a faint sweet fragrance from her.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Yang. I'll transfer the money to you as soon as we get back to the hotel!" Xiao Zhiqing lowered her head in gratitude, subtly moving her lips away from this scoundrel's face.

Yang Chen patted his chest proudly. "It's just over ten million! In ancient times, they had 'A Smile from the Concubine' for Yang Guifei. Today, I, Yang Chen, will have 'Ten Million for Zhiqing's Smile'! Hahaha!"

Xiao Zhiqing blushed with embarrassment, her eyes shimmering with endless charm, though she felt disgusted inside. What a ridiculous poem! It doesn't even rhyme! If you don't know how to recite poetry, don't show off. This fat pig is not only stupid but also particularly disgusting.

As Yang Chen continued his mindless boasting and Xiao Zhiqing's feigned flattery, the auction unknowingly began.

The first few items, with prices neither high nor low, were mainly to warm up the buyers in the room. Most were sold for just a few hundred thousand.

When a bottle of wine was displayed, the auctioneer briefly introduced it: "Ladies and gentlemen, most of you here are probably wine connoisseurs. This bottle of wine from 1945, from the Modan Heroic Winery, is a rare five-liter edition. 1945 was one of the best vintages of the 20th century. The starting bid is $110,000!"

With wines, the older they get, the greater the risk in drinking them. Many old wines, though seemingly unchanged, have actually turned into vinegar. Of course, if you don't open the bottle, you'll be fine. So, only true lovers of ancient wines are willing to pay high prices. If you buy it to drink, it's not worth it, as the taste isn't necessarily better with age.

Soon, people in the room began bidding, from $120,000 to $130,000, until the bids gradually slowed down.

Only then did Yang Chen pick up his paddle and say to Xiao Zhiqing, "Miss Zhiqing, watch closely, I'm about to bid for you."

If you're going to bid, just do it without all the nonsense, Xiao Zhiqing cursed inwardly, but her face was full of gratitude. "Thank you, Mr. Yang."

Yang Chen raised his paddle with a foolish expression, "Hey! I bid $150,000, do you accept?"

The crowd's eyes were filled with disdain. Such crude language, if it weren't for the occasion, they wouldn't even want to associate with him.

Xiao Zhiqing also showed an embarrassed expression, inwardly cursing Yang Chen as a rich playboy with no manners. But she was more convinced that he was just an idiot!

This price far exceeded the actual estimate of the wine, so no one competed with Yang Chen, and after three calls, it was sold to him.

Yang Chen winked at Xiao Zhiqing with pride, while Xiao Zhiqing's smile became strained, as she felt the urge to strangle him on the spot.

The auction continued, and after a few smuggled antiques were auctioned, the other treasure Xiao Zhiqing mentioned also appeared.

The auctioneer pointed to the pink diamond ring in the transparent, theft-proof box and introduced it: "This is our final auction item today and likely the main reason most of you are here. This ring features a five-carat cushion-cut fancy vivid pink diamond, set in a ring designed by the famous jewelry brand Graff. This rare pink diamond was mined in South Africa. Unlike other colored diamonds, the color of pink diamonds is said to originate from the heat and pressure during the earth's movements, making it exceptionally mesmerizing and rare. The starting bid is $11 million, with each increment no less than $100,000!"

"I bid $11.1 million!"

"$11.2 million!"

Soon, several wealthy women with stars in their eyes and a few wealthy men wanting to please their women started competing.

For those with tens of billions in assets, jewelry worth $11 million isn't much of a challenge, as jewelry generally doesn't depreciate.

When the bid reached $13 million, the crowd finally began to quiet down.

The one who placed the high bid was a fat, white, female tycoon with a heavy Russian accent, clearly from Eastern Europe. Her neck flushed red as she called out the price, and seeing no one else bid, her eyes were full of excitement, as if wearing that ring would return her to her youthful, 18-year-old self.

"Hey, $13.14 million," Yang Chen raised his paddle, casually saying something that shocked everyone.

The female tycoon glared at Yang Chen angrily, but then, as if suffering from a stroke, she fainted on the spot!

Amid the chaos, her bodyguards carried her out to the hospital, and the auction was able to proceed with the final steps.

This price wasn't particularly expensive for the wealthy, but the key is that while there are many fine pieces of jewelry in the world, suddenly coming up with so much cash can impact their businesses. So no one competed with Yang Chen.

Yang Chen, holding Xiao Zhiqing's soft waist with one arm, smiled deeply. "Miss Zhiqing, did you notice the 'one life, one love' sentiment in the $13.14 million bid?"

Xiao Zhiqing sneered inwardly. 'One life, one love'? Isn't this just an excuse to play around and then dump me? But she still managed to show a hint of emotion and gratitude, her eyes shimmering with tears. "Mr. Yang, you've been so good to me. Once we get the items, we'll go back to the hotel, and I'll transfer the money to you immediately."

"Hey, the money isn't important; there's no rush. But Zhiqing, how about you call me Big Brother Yang, to be closer? Or, you can call me Yang Gege," Yang Chen blinked.

Xiao Zhiqing felt like vomiting, but she forced herself to say, "Big Brother Yang."

Yang Chen laughed heartily, leading the delicate beauty to complete the formalities. After swiping his card, he declined the police and bodyguards' offer of an escort, pocketing the pink diamond ring, holding the $100,000-plus bottle of wine in one hand, and, of course, with his other arm wrapped around Xiao Zhiqing's slender waist, feeling quite content.

Xiao Zhiqing, suppressing her strong disgust, followed Yang Chen out of the auction house and asked, "Big Brother Yang, where's your car? I came by taxi since I'm not familiar with the roads here."

Yang Chen pointed to the nearby blue Porsche 911 GT, "That one. Get in, I'll take you to lunch."

Lunch?! Xiao Zhiqing quickly shook her head, showing a serious expression, sincerely saying, "No, let's go back to the hotel immediately. I need to transfer the money to you to feel at ease."

"Is that so? Well, alright then. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. For a beauty like Miss Zhiqing, even if it were thirty or forty million, it would be worth it. It's something that can't be measured by money. Of course, if you want to go to the hotel, I'd be more than happy," Yang Chen said, his smile turning increasingly lecherous by the end.

Xiao Zhiqing sneered inwardly. Keep gloating, you're about to meet your end very soon!

After getting into the car, Yang Chen asked for the name and approximate location of the hotel before driving there. It was a five-star hotel on the west side of Beverly Hills. Though not large, it was known for its elegant decor, comprehensive service, and quiet location, making it a luxurious retreat away from the hustle and bustle.

Along the way, Yang Chen couldn't resist placing his hand on Xiao Zhiqing's thigh from time to time, lightly brushing against her. Since the Porsche was a manual, he had to reach over frequently, and Xiao Zhiqing had no choice but to endure it, treating it as if some animal was brushing against her.

As they were nearing the hotel, Xiao Zhiqing stopped him, saying, "Big Brother Yang, let's not drive to the hotel. The parking there is a hassle. Just park on the street."

Yang Chen looked at her with admiration. "Zhiqing, you're so thoughtful. Alright, I'll listen to you."

They got out of the car, and since there were few people on the street, Yang Chen naturally held Xiao Zhiqing's hand as they slowly walked toward the hotel.

Xiao Zhiqing led Yang Chen, turning a corner, then pulling him into a narrow alley between some residential houses, about two meters wide, saying it was a shortcut.

As they reached the middle of the alley, two burly white men, wearing sunglasses and hats, suddenly rushed out from the exit ahead, rudely blocking their path.

"Robbery! Hand over the money and anything valuable!" one of the men, who appeared older, chewed gum as he looked down at Yang Chen.

Xiao Zhiqing immediately put on a frightened expression, shrinking back slightly.

Yang Chen, however, showed a trace of fear and quickly sidestepped behind Xiao Zhiqing, pushing her in front of him, his voice trembling as he said, "How can you rob people in broad daylight?!"

"Haha! You Asian monkey, is there a law that says you can only rob at night?" The man's face twisted into a grimace as he exchanged a glance with his partner.

The other burly man leisurely pulled a black pistol from his coat pocket, casually wiping off the dust as a clear act of intimidation.

Xiao Zhiqing could feel Yang Chen trembling as he gripped her dress from behind. A sneer of contempt crossed her face. Useless playboy—when it really comes to a crisis, this is what he turns into. People nowadays really are nothing like they used to be.

Seeing Yang Chen hiding behind Xiao Zhiqing, the older man frowned and said, "Hey, buddy, how long do you plan to hide? Do you think hiding behind a woman will save you? Let me tell you, almost no one passes through here during the day. You'd better be sensible, or my brother and I will have to get rough."

Yang Chen hurriedly raised his hands. "No, no! Don't hit me! I'll give you the money!"

"Hmph, now you're talking," the white man laughed heartily, casting a pleased glance at Xiao Zhiqing.

Xiao Zhiqing, with her back to Yang Chen, gave the white man an approving nod.

Yang Chen, with a pained expression, hesitantly peeked out from behind Xiao Zhiqing, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the pink diamond ring. Avoiding Xiao Zhiqing's gaze, he said in a low voice, "Miss Xiao, I'm sorry. I have to protect your safety, so I'll give them this ring."

Xiao Zhiqing remained indifferent, no longer bothering to continue the act.

But just then, sensing something amiss, Xiao Zhiqing quickly looked up and exclaimed, about to shout something, but she didn't have time to utter a word!

"Crash! Crash!"

Two flower pots fell from the balcony of a nearby house, landing squarely on the heads of the two white men!

Soil and plants scattered everywhere!

The two men, still smug a moment ago, suddenly found themselves disoriented and collapsed to the ground in confusion, their eyes still wide open.

Seeing this, Yang Chen immediately stepped forward, stomping on the white man and laughing loudly. "Look! Look, Zhiqing! The heavens were moved by my desire to protect you, and they're helping me! This proves that we were destined to meet by fate, that we were meant to be together! Hmph, I knew it. How could someone as brave and righteous as me not be rewarded?"

Xiao Zhiqing stood there, dumbfounded, staring at the men who had been inexplicably knocked out by flower pots, then at the small-minded, gloating man. She almost felt the urge to vomit blood on the spot!

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8


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