Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 738 - 741: Little Smartness

Chapter 738: Chapter 741: Little Smartness

Upon Stern's reminder, Christine sighed softly.

Holding Yang Chen's body, she felt the most direct connection to his current state. Although Yang Chen's body was bizarrely healing at a rapid pace, she couldn't sense even a trace of energy within him. His spiritual power was so weak that he could no longer manipulate the laws of space, and his true essence had completely dissipated, leaving him as if he had never cultivated at all.

"I hope his cultivation will return... If he wakes up and finds that there's no energy left in his body, I wonder how devastated he'll be." Christine frowned with worry, but she didn't dwell on it. After exchanging a glance with Stern and Alice to signal her farewell, she turned and headed back to North America.

As Christine left, Stern, with Alice in his arms, said, "Neptune, I know you're against Yang Chen practicing Yanxia's cultivation methods, thinking it's disrespectful to our divine race. But is it really necessary? So much time has passed, it's time to let go of these obsessions.

We should focus on living well on Earth, watching our human descendants thrive and multiply. The humans of Yanxia are unaware that their ancestors clashed with us; they are innocent. When we signed the 'Pact of the Gods,' we agreed to treat this planet kindly—it's our home now. Why should it matter whether Hades practices Earth's cultivation methods or comprehends deeper spatial laws?"

"Apollo, don't be so presumptuous. If I still harbored thoughts of reviving our divine race, I wouldn't have chosen to be a chef," Poseidon replied, turning his back on them, gazing at the boundless moonlit sea. "I'm just preserving the last shred of honor in my heart. As for this young man, I never intended to completely crush him. It was his own lack of awareness about his cultivation that led to the Nine Heavens Divine Lightning Tribulation. It has nothing to do with me."

Stern shook his head with a bitter smile. "Do as you please. We're leaving."

With that, the brother and sister vanished from the night sky in a flash.

Poseidon stood silently for a moment before taking a step forward, disappearing from the surface of the sea.

In Zhonghai, it was already the early hours of the morning. The moon hung low among the willow branches, and all was silent.

In the master bedroom on the second floor of a villa, the moonlight streamed through the balcony's floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a glow on the floor and reflecting onto a curled-up figure by the bed.

The woman wore a silk nightgown, her hair cascading over her face, and sat on the cold floor, occasionally shivering.

In one hand, she clutched a phone, the screen's glow highlighting her pale, sorrowful face, evoking a deep sense of pity.

She had lost count of how many times she had dialed the same number—ten times? Fifty times? A hundred? Or more?

Mo Qianni didn't know, and she didn't care to keep track of the numbers.

All she could hear was the endless "beep-beep" in her ear, with nothing else.

Several hours had passed since he abruptly hung up her call, and during this time, it had felt like she was being roasted over a fire, bringing her to tears, holding back, and then crying again.

At first, she thought he must have had something urgent, so he couldn't answer her call, but after half an hour, an hour, there was still no answer.

She had been paying attention to the movement in the nearby house—no one had left. That person was clearly still in the house.

So why wasn't he answering her call?!

Did he not know that she had so much to say to him?!

Why, at such a heart-wrenching moment, when she felt so lonely and helpless, couldn't she even hear his voice?

Soft sobs escaped from Mo Qianni's nose. No matter how strong she tried to remain, when she realized that the person she was so attached to didn't even want to face her, her sensitive nerves couldn't hold out any longer.

She didn't know how long she had been crying, but it felt like her tears had dried up. Mo Qianni collapsed weakly by the bedside, her mind and body exhausted, and she eventually fell into a deep, weary sleep.

In the underground military research base in Yan Capital, the white lights made the entire space as bright as daylight. The hall, filled with various advanced scientific instruments, giant test tubes, and connecting pipes, was dominated by Yan Buwen, who wore his usual white lab coat. His eyes were fixed on a massive display screen, which showed a chaotic array of data. This data was so advanced that even world-class biochemical research experts would be completely baffled by it. The research was far ahead of its time, and aside from Yan Buwen himself, even if others studied it for years, they might not grasp even a fraction of its secrets.

As Yan Buwen pondered deeply over some issues, a graceful, dark figure appeared as if slicing through the void, her gentle footsteps landing softly behind him. It was only after a delayed reaction that Yan Buwen sensed a chilling aura emanating from deep within his heart. An irresistible sense of oppression slowly infiltrated his body from behind, rendering him stiff and immobile.

Slowly turning around, Yan Buwen finally saw the woman who had intruded into the secret laboratory without any warning. Her ink-black hair cascaded down to her hips, and her peerlessly beautiful face, the one he had longed for day and night, was framed by a noble black lace dress. The dress revealed two sections of her fair calves, making her resemble a black water lotus standing in the world. Her deep, starry eyes gazed at him without a trace of emotion.

"What brings you here?" A surge of joy welled up in Yan Buwen's heart. Although his body wasn't fully under his control, he still tried his best to tidy his messy hair, unable to tear his eyes away from the woman's face for even a moment.

The woman's gaze slowly shifted to the left, where a row of giant, tempered glass test tubes connected the ceiling and the floor. If anyone else were present, they would surely be shocked beyond words! Inside these test tubes filled with biochemical liquid were the naked bodies of adult men, each identical to the next!

Clones! And they were clones of a single person!

Below each massive test tube was a display screen showing the heart rate and various indicators of the clones, confirming that each one was in a healthy state.

Seeing the woman fixate on the clones, Yan Buwen couldn't help but boast, "What do you think? I didn't let you down, did I? Yang Chen would never imagine that he would become our most powerful weapon! And we can have as many as we want!"

The woman turned her head coldly and glanced at him. "I told you not to touch Yang Chen without my orders. It seems you didn't understand my words."

Yan Buwen's gaze flickered slightly, and he said, "I was just using the test subjects to check the spatial law application after the divine fusion."

"Hmph," the woman snorted disdainfully. "Yan Buwen, don't play clever tricks in front of me. There are countless ways to test the spatial law application. Why did you have to destroy the Sam Nation fleet that Yang Chen had just encountered?"

"I was just... Ah!" Yan Buwen tried to explain, but before he could finish, he let out a blood-curdling scream!

The woman seemed to do nothing, but Yan Buwen's legs suddenly burst open, spraying countless lines of blood! The bones in both legs were shattered, and the lower half of his white robe was stained dark red!

Yan Buwen collapsed weakly to the ground, the excruciating pain draining all color from his face. The crimson on the floor slowly spread.

The woman didn't spare him another glance. "This is just a small punishment. Since you can heal yourself, consider it a reminder."

"I... I understand, I was wrong," Yan Buwen said with difficulty, cold sweat dripping from his forehead. His eyes were filled with deep fear and unwillingness! No matter how much he modified his body, in front of this woman, it was as futile as an ant!

The woman paced toward the giant test tubes, a hint of intrigue flashing in her eyes, and a faint, enigmatic smile appeared on her lips—a dangerously captivating beauty that could make anyone lose themselves.

"Yan Buwen, remember, I stripped these divine fragments from the divine artifacts and entrusted them to you, not for you to play with. If you waste any of them before I'm ready, I will be very angry," the woman suddenly turned, her gaze icy as she stared at the blood-soaked Yan Buwen. "Let me tell you, there are plenty of smart people in this world. If you think you hold significant value to me, you'd better abandon that thought quickly! I can create you, and I can destroy you in an instant! If your little schemes alert Yang Chen prematurely, you won't need to continue your experiments. I'll find someone to replace you."

Terrified, Yan Buwen crawled toward the woman, ignoring the blood flowing from his legs, and heavily kowtowed to the ground.

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8


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