Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 730 - 733: The Inside Story

Chapter 730: Chapter 733: The Inside Story

"A U.S. fleet? Destroyed?" Yang Chen was completely confused, frowning as he asked, "Macedonia, what nonsense are you talking about? Speak clearly. What have I done?"

Macedonia was taken aback, then forced a bitter smile. "Lord Hades, we've been friends for years. There's no need to beat around the bush with us. The U.S. Navy headquarters has video footage of you. No one would mistake it."

Yang Chen grew even more puzzled. "Damn it, I really don't know what you're talking about! Explain it to me clearly!"

Macedonia was now perplexed. Scratching his bald head, he asked, "You really don't know?"

"Of course not! You're speaking in riddles. How would I know what you're talking about?" Yang Chen had a sinking feeling, growing anxious.

Macedonia asked in disbelief, "It really wasn't you?"

"What exactly happened?!" Yang Chen's impatience made him raise his voice.

Macedonia swallowed and mumbled a few words before saying, "It's really strange then. Just half an hour ago, the U.S. fleet that withdrew from Southeast Asia two days ago—the one that was previously confronting Yanxia—was completely wiped out in just one minute by someone who looks exactly like you. A Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, over twenty other vessels, and more than two thousand navy personnel were all obliterated. The carrier and ships twisted and broke apart, sinking to the bottom of the ocean, with no survivors..."

"In one minute?" Yang Chen was shocked. "You're saying this person looks exactly like me and has the ability to manipulate space?"

"Yes, Lord Hades," Macedonia said, still in disbelief. "I can hardly believe it. How could someone look exactly like you and have the power of a Lord God? If it weren't for the ability to distort space, the U.S. Navy wouldn't have been completely defeated in just one minute."

"Wait!" Yang Chen frowned. "You said there's a video?"

"Yes, a video was recorded from a destroyer just before the event. The U.S. military received it, and I saw it through some intelligence channels. Once I realized it was you, I contacted you immediately."

"Send it to me, let me take a look..." Yang Chen said in a low voice.

Without saying much, Macedonia quickly sent a video file.

When Yang Chen opened it, he was greeted by a vast night sky. After a moment, a shadow appeared above.

As the searchlights from several ships focused on the shadow, the figure finally became visible!

Yang Chen's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe his eyes. The figure of a young man truly looked identical to him!

Dressed casually, wearing sneakers, the figure stood in midair as if taking a leisurely stroll, looking down at the ships below with a hint of disdain.

Just as Yang Chen recognized the figure's appearance, the next second, the man smirked coldly, extended a finger, and made a slight gesture.

In the video, there was a sound of metal twisting and breaking. The bow of the destroyer bent unnaturally, folding down from the top as if the steel warship had been folded by sheer force!

Then, as the recording device was damaged, the screen blurred, and the video ended.

Yang Chen closed the video, his expression as calm as death, but inside, a storm was raging!

Opposite him, Macedonia cautiously asked, "Lord Hades, was that really not you?"



"That was definitely spatial folding," Yang Chen said before Macedonia could ask, "but that person is definitely not me. Although, I don't understand why he looks exactly like me."

Macedonia thought for a moment. "Could it be cloning technology? But that doesn't make sense. Even if someone could steal your genetic material without your knowledge, there's no way a clone could use spatial powers!"

Yang Chen rubbed his forehead. "Cloning me isn't as simple as having my genes. My body has been altered by divine light, and my genes aren't ordinary. You don't know this, but Jane once wondered if someone might secretly use my tissue cells to create bioweapons with incredible physical abilities. But her research showed that the possibility was very slim. To clone me, they'd need a fresh blood sample, which must not have been exposed to too much air to preserve the viable cells. But who could obtain a fresh blood sample from me without my knowledge?"

Macedonia was stunned, thinking it over before shaking his head. "It's difficult. It's nearly impossible to make you bleed, let alone without you noticing."

"That's secondary. Even if they could clone my body, that doesn't mean they could wield spatial powers. And that person clearly had his own intelligence, unlike a pure bioweapon," Yang Chen said, feeling a headache coming on.

Macedonia's face turned pale as he worriedly asked, "Lord Hades, what should we do? That person has spatial powers but didn't adhere to the 'Divine Covenant,' and destroyed an entire fleet without permission. And since he looks just like you, if we can't find him, it means..."

"It means I'll have to bear all the blame, and I don't have any evidence to refute it," Yang Chen said with a bitter smile. "This is a well-orchestrated frame-up, and I don't even know what their goal is or where to start investigating."

Macedonia wiped the cold sweat from his brow. "I contacted you urgently because the U.S. military, the FBI, and the CIA are all in communication. The U.S. is furious about this incident, believing you're siding with Yanxia. After all, the U.S. military had already made concessions and withdrawn from Southeast Asia. The fleet was stationed in the Pacific and was still wiped out, with over two thousand naval officers and sailors lost. The U.S. believes you've used inhuman methods to interfere with the normal world's order."

"Hmph, the U.S. is not the issue, but that guy. He's been so blatant about using spatial powers. The other gods must have noticed by now. If I don't come forward to explain, they'll come after me," Yang Chen said with a wry smile. "It's a pity he used the most conventional method. If it had been a more unique application of spatial manipulation, they might not have suspected me."

"Do you think the U.S. military knows other gods? Would they seek help from other gods to deal with you?" Macedonia asked, puzzled.

Yang Chen chuckled. "They don't need to notify anyone. Christine is already in the U.S., and the other gods likely have their intelligence networks. It wouldn't be surprising if they have spies in secret organizations worldwide. It's only a matter of time before they discover this."

Macedonia nodded, realizing that any awakened god, no matter their usual identity, could easily gather the latest intelligence from international secret organizations. Just like how Yang Chen had Sauron inform him of major events, the other gods likely had their own hidden forces.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Chen said, "I understand the situation. Keep your people calm. This is not something they can get involved in. I need to go to the scene and check it out. Maybe I can find some clues."

"Understood. I'll send you the coordinates right away," Macedonia agreed, quickly sending the coordinates before efficiently ending the call.

Yang Chen glanced at the coordinates and closed his laptop. He casually threw on some clothes, preparing to teleport to the Pacific.

But just then, his phone vibrated again. Seeing the caller ID, he smiled wryly—it was Li Dun from Yanjing, likely calling on behalf of the Li family to inquire about the situation.

"Whether you believe it or not, that person wasn't me," Yang Chen said directly as he answered the call.

Li Dun was momentarily stunned, then chuckled. "Old Yang, you're well-informed. I didn't think it was you either, maybe someone in disguise. But the old man is furious right now. The U.S. has filed a formal protest, demanding an explanation. The National Security Bureau is holding things back for now, but the military and the government are in a panic. The U.S. has always bullied others; no one's really dared to bully them. If they're provoked, it's the common people who suffer, right? You know Hongmeng won't easily intervene in secular wars. And as I understand it, if it were you who destroyed that fleet, you'd be breaking the 'Heavenly Rules' and would face a collective attack, wouldn't you?"

"You still don't believe me?" Yang Chen laughed bitterly. This guy was beating around the bush, still suspecting him of taking action.

Li Dun quickly responded with righteous indignation, "Are you kidding?! I'm not that kind of person! Loyalty to friends is my motto! I totally believe you, Old Yang! But it's not about me believing you; it's about making those Western countries believe you! If there's a misunderstanding and things escalate, Hongmeng might intervene under the guise of 'justice'—though you're not exactly close with them. But as things stand, it looks like you've overstepped by interfering in the secular world, and the Americans lost over two thousand people for nothing."

"No need to say more. You just want an explanation. I'm heading to the scene now to figure things out. Think about it—what good would it do me to start a conflict between Yanxia and the U.S.? Would I live any better if it led to a world war?"

"Heh, just be careful. Honestly, no matter how arrogant the Americans are, they can't do much to you. The problem is if they throw a tantrum in international trade and affairs, the impact on our economy and politics in Yanxia won't be small. We have to distance ourselves from you, so don't blame us. I really want to help, but I'm just a small official. The old man's in charge..." Li Dun said, full of regret.

Yang Chen was already frustrated by the frame-up, and now they were eager to cut ties with him. Damn it, he didn't even have an alliance with anyone! Did they really think he would cling to them?

"Hmph, you don't need to say it. I'll handle it myself. Don't worry, no matter what happens, I won't make you take the fall. And in the worst-case scenario, isn't there still Hongmeng? Even if there's a war, it's the ordinary people who'll die. It won't be enough to end the Li family's lineage," Yang Chen said, then hung up the call.

On the other end, Li Dun shouted, "Hey, hey," but couldn't say anything more and hung up in frustration.

In the study, where he had been listening to his grandson's phone call, Li Moshen turned around and asked, "What did he say?"

"What else? He said we don't need to worry, that he'll handle it," Li Dun said with a pout. "I say, old man, that's too heartless. We have some history, and now I'll be in an awkward position with Old Yang."

Li Moshen took a few steps, walking to the window, and gazed at the murky night sky. With a long sigh, he said, "The video sent by the U.S. clearly shows Yang Chen. And General Cai of the Huangyan Iron Brigade also tacitly agreed with our stance. That means, as Yang Chen's father-in-law, he doesn't dare to guarantee that Yang Chen didn't do it. Although Yang Chen has been a great asset to Yanxia, he's become a hot potato. The opponents he'll attract are beyond our ability to handle. We had no choice but to make our position clear."

"This whole thing is suspicious. If Old Yang wanted to act, he could have wiped them out when he captured An Zaihuan. Why wait until they withdrew from Southeast Asia?" Li Dun grumbled.

Li Moshen snorted, "Anyone with a brain can see there's more to it. But only Yang Chen can face such an enemy."

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8


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