Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 709 - 712: A Chance to Prove

Chapter 709: Chapter 712: A Chance to Prove

Hearing these words, Yang Chen sneered, "Edward, haven't you considered that if I become seriously angry, all the wealth of the Rothschild family might end up being nothing but funeral offerings?"

Edward laughed heartily on the other end, "You wouldn't do that. If you were the type to massacre our family over something like this, I wouldn't have chosen to know you in the first place. Your subordinates wouldn't respect you either. An Zaihuan's downfall is ultimately his own choice, and he misjudged his capabilities. The law of the jungle—you understand it better than anyone."

"You think flattering me will get you off the hook?"

"What do you want then? As a friend, on a personal level, I can try to make amends," Edward said helplessly.

Yang Chen didn't respond and simply hung up the phone.

"Make amends? I'm not short of money; what can you possibly compensate for?" Yang Chen thought.

But he also knew Edward wasn't wrong. If An Zaihuan hadn't been so greedy, he wouldn't have ended up in such a predicament.

"Even if he swallowed the Liu family, making the An family the second-largest family in Zhonghai, he still couldn't be satisfied..." Yang Chen said with contempt.

An Xin, looking sorrowful, said, "I found out too late. By the time I knew about it, he had already transported banned materials to the Philippines in over a hundred ships. He even said that as long as you were around, there was nothing to worry about. But when trouble came, he didn't dare face you. He only sent me to ask for your help."

"Hmph, he's not stupid. If he dared to come to me, I wouldn't consider your feelings; I'd kill him outright to save trouble," a cold glint flashed in Yang Chen's eyes.

An Xin didn't know what to say and asked anxiously, "What should we do now?"

"Your relatives want you to go back and split the inheritance, right? Then go back for now," Yang Chen said nonchalantly.

An Xin's eyes showed hesitation and nervousness, but she had no choice but to nod obediently in such a situation.

After the An family swallowed the Liu family, their power increased dramatically. Their residence was now a luxurious mansion in the suburbs, chosen for its favorable feng shui.

When the car arrived outside the An family mansion, more than a dozen luxury cars were already parked at the entrance. In comparison, An Xin's Porsche Cayenne, worth just a couple of million, seemed modest.

"Your relatives are quite wealthy," Yang Chen remarked with a smile, glancing around.

An Xin furrowed her brows, "The An family isn't entirely led by my father. My second uncle and other uncles hold significant shares, which is why we struggled to unite and grow stronger before. Now that my father is gone, they must be eager to divide the main family's shares."

"Aren't the assets supposed to be frozen? Why are they still vying for them?" Yang Chen asked as they walked towards the mansion.

An Xin shook her head, "Although frozen, they will eventually be unfrozen. The An family's industries are numerous. If the state wanted to seize them, it would be too blatant and damage the government's image. Besides, the Rothschild family's investments are still effective, so revival isn't difficult. It's understandable they'd seize this opportunity."

As they spoke, they were led by several servants into the mansion's inner hall.

Under the dazzling chandelier, a dozen elegantly dressed, arrogant men and women were sipping wine and tea, waiting for An Xin's return.

Seeing An Xin and an unfamiliar man enter, the relatives were puzzled but didn't pay much attention to Yang Chen. After exchanging looks, they stood up.

A middle-aged man who resembled An Zaihuan but was taller and more imposing, with a gentlemanly smile and a warm tone, greeted An Xin, "An Xin, you're back. Your father left so suddenly, your second uncle was worried sick. I came immediately to check on you. I'm glad you're okay."

An Xin forced a smile, "You're too kind, Second Uncle. I'm fine. He is he, and I am I."

"Don't be so stubborn," a beautiful woman approached, full of pity. "Your father was reckless, opposing the state. Leaving you behind is unfortunate for our family. But don't worry, with us elders around, you'll be fine. Come to your aunt if you need anything."

An Xin bit her lip and nodded, "Thank you, Aunt. I'm really okay. Everyone must be tired coming here so late. Why not rest early? There are empty rooms here."

The elders exchanged glances. A man with triangular eyes laughed sinisterly, "An Xin, this is not the time to sleep. We, your uncles, have something to discuss."

"Sixth Uncle, please speak," An Xin said indifferently.

The sixth uncle, apparently the spokesman, sighed, "An Xin, you know our family's assets and funds are frozen. We can't sleep at night. This is our ancestral business. We can't just watch it crumble. So, we contacted various leaders. They said if we follow their conditions, they will unfreeze our assets and let the business run normally!"

An Xin's eyes showed understanding, but she still asked, "What conditions?"

The sixth uncle sighed, "The higher-ups said if the head of the An family, that is, your father, relinquishes his shares and resigns as chairman, they won't see the An family as traitors anymore."

Hearing this, Yang Chen, who had been listening silently, smirked inwardly. The An family's internal strife was so treacherous. It was all premeditated. The National Defense Ministry's discovery wasn't an FBI slip-up but an internal betrayal.

An Xin also realized this. Otherwise, how could they have a plan to save the An family so quickly after An Zaihuan's escape?

"Dear niece..." the second uncle said sorrowfully, "We don't want to, but we have to. Your father's crimes are severe. Stripping his political rights and assets is justified. The state spared his assets, leaving them to us. We should be grateful. So..."

An Xin smiled lightly, glancing at everyone, and continued, "So, as the first heir, you want me to relinquish all my shares to gain the government's trust, right?"

"Haha, An Xin, you're as smart as ever," the second uncle praised.

An Xin's smile faded, "What if I don't agree?"

Such a quick change in stance left the An family elders with stiffened expressions.

After a moment of dead silence, the woman chuckled, "Dear niece, although your aunt loves you, not everything can go your way. This is for the greater good of our An family. Whether you are willing or not, you must transfer your shares."

As she spoke, the woman clapped her hands, and a man in a neatly pressed suit walked in from outside, carrying a briefcase. He placed a document on the table and said to An Xin, "Miss An, I am the legal advisor for the An family. Here is a share transfer agreement. You just need to sign your name, and the shares in your possession will be redistributed to the An family members present according to a specific ratio."

"I said, I will not transfer them," An Xin replied coldly. "If my uncles and aunts are here only to discuss this, please leave. Even if I am left penniless, I will not give up my shares."

Upon hearing this, the expressions of those present darkened, and they began to look hostile.

"Hmph!" The woman sneered arrogantly, "Do you really think you're that important? We elders have been trying to reason with you. Do you think we can't handle a little girl? Someone, make her put her fingerprint on the document!"

Immediately, several bodyguards moved towards An Xin, while her two female bodyguards were restrained and unable to move.

Instinctively, An Xin threw herself towards Yang Chen, clinging to him, and looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Honey, this time I'm being good. Here's your chance to show off!" Yang Chen smiled wryly. This little vixen knew how to act, but he liked this scenario.

As the bodyguards approached, Yang Chen couldn't be bothered with physical confrontation. He unleashed a circular burst of energy from his body, sending the bewildered bodyguards flying.

With his increased cultivation, Yang Chen had no interest in making physical contact with ordinary people.

An Xin, though aware of Yang Chen's strength, was surprised and delighted to see her lover solve the problem without even lifting a finger. She kissed him forcefully on the cheek and giggled, "Honey, you're amazing!"

She deliberately said this loudly enough for the relatives to hear, clearly to provoke them further.

Yang Chen's casual display had already terrified the previously arrogant men and women, causing them to step back. It was An Xin's second uncle who, pale with shock, asked, "Who are you?! Why are you interfering in our An family's affairs?!"

"Are you all brain-dead, or are your ears malfunctioning?" Yang Chen mocked. "Didn't you hear my dear An Xin call me 'husband'? Do you still wonder why I'm involved?"

The relatives were astonished. They had never seen Yang Chen before and didn't know An Xin had such a formidable partner. Although they coveted wealth, they were also cowardly and feared for their lives. Otherwise, they wouldn't have waited until An Zaihuan was in such a dire situation to fight for the inheritance.

Unwilling but frightened, the seasoned schemers exchanged glances and nodded at each other.

"Hmph, you're a good daughter of the An family, finding an outsider to deal with us," the woman sneered. "Fine, we'll see how long you can hold out with the An family's assets frozen!"

With that, they turned to leave.

Yang Chen glanced at An Xin, silently asking if she wanted him to stop them or even kill them on the spot. He didn't mind either, but An Xin shook her head. Although hateful, they were still family. She couldn't bring herself to kill them unless absolutely necessary, especially since they hadn't harmed her.

Just as the mansion doors opened, an An family servant came running, panting and shouting, "Not good! Miss, the Huinan Defense Zone troops are here to arrest someone!"

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8


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