Gyeongseong’s Hunter Academy

Chapter 16: Are You Really The Boss?

Chapter 16: Are You Really The Boss?

There were two things that Murasaki, the son of a police officer, had been influenced by his father from an early age to physiologically detest.

The first one was the Japanese aristocracy that believed they were above the law,

And the other was Joseon people, a race that just didnt obey the law.

Murasaki, who had a rebellious temperament, also did bad things as the leader of a gang of bullies since he was young, but to him, these two things were simply unforgivable.

Yet, he had already been humiliated twice, once by each kind of person that he hated. The first one was a Japanese aristocrat.

Damn it, that bitch Shimazu!

He had been humiliated by some girl by getting slapped in front of his gang.

However, Murasaki could do nothing despite having suffered such humiliation. The power that Shimazu Dukes family held was great, even within the mainland, so even though Murasaki was the son of the Jongno Police Station chief, he could not put up any resistance. So,,

Ugh It pisses me off! But theres nothing I can do about a Shimazu girl!

Was all he could think, as he calmed his anger.

Even just that fueled his anger, but Murasaki had also been humiliated by the second type of person he hated, a Joseon person.

That cocky Joseon guy!

The simple fact that he was a cocky Joseon person was enough to be a thorn in his side, but seeing how close he was to the Shimazu girl, it was clear that he was acting cocky riding on the Shimazus power.

On top of that, the cocky Joseon guy himself was the son of a Joseon noble who had received the title of baron. Although not as much as the Japanese aristocrats, Joseon aristocrats were still above the law to some point.

At least he could endure the Shimazu girl, as she was born into a bloodline of a higher class. But a Joseon person that was more of a pretend noble?

I cant forgive him!

Baek Cheol-yeon was someone that was the combination of the two things Murasaki could never forgive. The fact that this boy had slapped him in the face, and had beat him and become the captain of the squad

As a man of the Japanese Empire, it was something that Murasaki could not accept.

However, this humiliation would soon be over.

Finally, today, Ill settle things with him.

Through his status as a Joseon noble, and even using the prestige of the Shimazu clan, he had everything let go to his head, but his swordsmanship was probably nothing. There was no way a Joseon person would beat him.

The first swordsmanship class of the semester was scheduled for this afternoon. The duel that this Joseon guy proposed, this would be where he would be buried!


This is an awesome spot.

I murmured as I came out of a building that stood over other buildings, built among numerous other buildings that occupied a large site in the Bukhansan area.

It was hard to go to and from the school since it was built near a mountain, but if it wasnt for the school, this site would have been used as a cemetery, so it had quite the view. (note: Korean cemeteries are traditionally built on mountains or in high places with great views.)

I turned to Song Byung-oh who had followed me, and asked.

Its already the fourth period. Whats the next class?

In the first grade, all morning classes are the same, so I had been hanging around with my squad apart from Lee Yu-ha who had gone to the infirmary and Murasaki who was hanging out with his gang since after the first period.

Song Byung-oh, who was carrying the class schedule, raised his glasses and said.

Lets see Its Introduction to Magic. In room 103 of the magic hall. The teacher is professor Kurobe Sanosuke.

Introduction to Magic, huh.

If it was Introduction to Magic, it would probably be a class where they teach us how to use our mana. This was also probably a theory class. Although we had already taken three classes, the first classes didnt have much content. I guess this was to be expected, the first classes usually end with the professor introducing themselves and their class anywhere.

Hey, hey, Shirabayashi-kun! Did you know that?

I was talking with Song Byung-oh about the next class when Yang Bok-ja approached me and asked.

What are you talking about?

You know, professor Kurobe, the one teaching Introduction to Magic! I heard from our seniors that his nickname is Count Dracula!

Wait, Yang Bok-ja didnt even live in the dorms, but she had already become close to some of our seniors on our second day of school? Seriously, her sociability wasnt a joke.

Anyway, the professors nickname is Count Dracula, huh?

Thats cute.

No matter where you went, students like giving their teachers childish nicknames. I asked back as if it wasnt anything.

Well, why? Is it because of his looks?

No, no! Well, there is a bit of that but They say that professor Kurobes lab always reeks of blood!


Professor Kurobe has been doing research for a few years but Although nobody knows what kind of research he is doing, they say he dissects practice monsters in his lab almost every day! And because of this, they say that the smell of the dissected monsters blood doesnt come off of his lab!


Aikawa, who had been listening next to me, put her hands together, terrified.

But, but, you know whats scarier? They say that all the monsters that come to be disposed of from his lab, theyre all drained of blood! Thats why hes called Count Dracula!


As Yang Bok-ja set the mood by lowering the tone of her voice, Aikawa shrieked softly. Yang Bok-ja, having seen this scene, laughed and said.

Hahaha! Its just a rumor, though! What is true though, is that he hasnt been getting ahead with his research for years now, so hes on edge!


It seemed that strange rumors had been going around the students about this professor Kurobe, but I could guess what kind of research it was that he was doing just from hearing this.

If a professor of magic studies was dissecting monsters, it probably meant that the purpose of his research was to find a way to prevent the mana from the mana stones from dissipating into the air after the monster dies. And the extraction of all the blood from the monsters was to measure the effect of vitality on maintaining mana.

The problem was, however, that preventing mana from dissipating required complex mana engineering techniques. I noticed from the iron stakes the other day that they were planted to set up a makeshift barrier, but the level of mana engineering they had right now wouldnt be enough. This was why he had seen no breakthroughs in his research for years.

As I thought this, we had arrived at professor Kurobes classroom, and Lee Yu-ha had come first and sat down on one side of the classroom. She had rested about 3 hours in the infirmary. I approached her and quietly asked her in Joseon language.

Are you better?

Ah I am fine now.

She answered with a slight smile. She definitely looked better than she had earlier so it seemed it wasnt anything serious. I guessed she had just been a bit under the weather because she was nervous about getting the semester started.

As we exchanged a few words in Joseon language, students started coming into the classroom as the start of class approached, and it started to become dangerous to speak in the Joseon language. I was about to return to my seat, when I remembered something and said to Lee Yu-ha.

We should start talking in Japanese now. Ah! Can you try saying Im fine in Japanese? This is lesson two.

In Japanese? Ah

Lee Yu-ha thought for a bit, and the stuttered,

Daijobu(), I am?

And she started laughing.

I am a woman and I said Daejangbu. Although I hast said this it is so funny.

I am fine in Japanese, Daijobu(). It seemed that she found the word Daejangbu funny. (note: Daejangbu is the Korean pronunciation for the Chinese characters , and it literally means strong, manly man in Korean. In Japanese it means I am fine and pronounced is Daiujobu)

Okay. Good luck with class.

I returned to where Song Byung-oh was and sat close to him. Although there wasnt an arranged seating plan, somehow it seemed the class had been implicitly split in half, with the boys sitting on the left side and the girls on the right.

Soon, the professor came in through the back door.

So thats the person.

Thud, thud. As all the students were silent, the professor walked through the empty aisle in the middle of the classroom and, as I saw him stood in front of his desk, I thought.

I think I understand why he gets called Count Dracula.

It was early April, but he was wearing a long, black, frock coat that came down to his knees, as if he wasnt even hot, and even had his collar popped up.

And his curly hair, that was so long and oily it was impossible to know when he had last cut it or washed it, flowed down in a disorder manner and hung over his skinny face.

However, over his dark circles, the glittering of his eyes was impressive.

He probably started getting called Count Dracula among the students due to his gloomy appearance and their misunderstanding about his research. However, as someone who had attended university in the 21st century, I couldnt help but feel sorry for him.

Professors who have been buried in their fruitless research for years tend to look like that

As the professor stood in front of his desk, Aikawa, who had suddenly become class rep due to the attendance list order, stood up and shouted.

S-Stand up!

Creak, creak. The students all stood up, making noise pushing their chairs.

Attention! w!

The students bowed at the professor,

Sit down!

And they all sat down at these words. A short moment later, professor Kurobe started speaking.

I am professor Kurobe, in charge of your Introduction to Magic class.

His voice was hoarse and cracking.

Im in charge of the Emission Magic class as a major course. Im sure some of you will be taking that class.

He continued,

However, I dont expect much from you. Most of you are probably trash, as usual.


From his gloomy appearance, to the rumors floating around about him, and even the way he talked to students. He was definitely not the kind of teacher that would be liked by students.

Ignoring the students gaze, professor Kurobe turned to the blackboard and wrote Introduction to Magic. Part 1 Measurement, and continued speaking.

This Introduction to Magic class is It is a subject where you will learn in general how to properly use magic with different resonances according to each individuals combat style.

To this end, you all need to know exactly what kind of Awakened abilities you have.

However, not many of you will yet know fully what your abilities are.

So today, you will find out what Awakened abilities each of you have.

Having heard this much, you might think its strange that an Awakened who has even entered the Academy doesnt know what his or her abilities are.

However, as the professor said, just Awakening didnt mean you were fully aware of all your abilities. For example, I hadnt realized I had a passive resistance to poison until much later.

If you could measure your mana pattern through a status system or a machine that used mana engineering, you could know what abilities you have, but it was harder to pinpoint exactly the abilities you had through personal experience or just by guessing.

But this had woken up my curiosity, albeit with a little doubt.

The current level of mana engineering doesnt seem advanced at all I wonder how they measure it.

There was nothing in this classroom that looked like a mechanical device. Professor Kurobe said.

Class rep.

Y-Yes, sir!

Aikawa answered.

Hand one of these to each cadet.

Yes, sir!

Aikawa took the pile of paper that was on the teachers desk and went around the classroom, handing out one sheet to each cadet. It would have been easier for her to just hand them to the front students and tell them to hand them back. Was she just timid or had she really not thought about that?

When I received the paper, it was about the size of a piece of origami paper, and it was stiff as if it had been painted on. As the last student received his sheet, the professor opened his mouth.

The sheets of paper that I handed out to you are Werner-Boyle test papers. Class rep.


Aikawa, who was about to sit down after having handed the sheets of paper, raised her head again and asked. The professor said,

Read the first paragraph of Quick Measurement of the Type of Awakening Skills on page 17 of your textbook.

Uh Do you mean the Introduction to Magic textbook, sir? We have not received our textbooks, yet.

Professor Kurobe knocked twice on his desk without saying a word. Poor temporary class rep Aikawa got up again, went up to the professors desk, opened the textbook and began reading the part the professor had instructed her to.

Um Quick Measurement of the Type of Awakening Skills. With the subject in a magic operating state, have the subject put his palm 5cm away from the test paper which the Werner-Boyle indicator is applied on, and observed the changes in the test paper after 5 minutes.

Keep going.

The Werner-Boyle indicator changes color according to the physical and chemical changes such as changes in temperature, humidity, pressure, electrical current caused due to magic energy Through this, it is possible to determine whether or not magic is released, and its type.

The explanation was long, but to sum it up, this piece detects mana and measures the Awakeneds abilities.

I didnt expect a talking hat, but

I was expecting some novel method, but this was it? Song Byung-oh, who was next to me, muttered.

It is the same as the litmus papers we learnt during science class in the regular school!

Hmm, yeah. It was exactly like that. A litmus paper. The science experiment I did in elementary school. It had this half-baked feeling of being scientific but not modern at the same time.

I brought my palm to the piece of paper and concentrated my mana. The color of the test paper changed, but,

How is this useful

Baek Cheol-yeon, the student I had possessed, was mainly an Auror Blower, and had the ability of mana detection, as well as a passive resistance to poison.

And anyway, my status window would be restored by tomorrow anyway, so there was no point to me doing this test.

Oh! It changed!

Before long, several students started making a fuss. Well, I guess it felt like a science experiment, and it was interesting in its own way. However,

Hmph! Im gonna major in swordsmanship anyway, so I dont see any meaning in doing this crap.

A male student grumbled at the back of the classroom. It was the thug, Murasaki.

Isnt this shit only useful to magicians? Those who are born as men and use magic instead of grabbing a sword are all cowards Hehe.

He was chatting with some other Japanese students around him, and professor Kurobe approached him and quietly said.

Get up.

Murasaki hesitantly stood up. The professor glanced at Murasakis name tag indifferently and,

Cadet Murasaki Kenji.



Professor Kurobe lifted his hand and slapped Murasaki in the cheek. Oh!

Sit down.

Yes, sir.

Murasaki sat back down with an angry expression on his face.

Thats a good look you got.

I mean, why would you say that people that use magic are cowards in front of a professor that teaches magic? Youre just asking to get beat up. Are you stupid?

Professor Kurobe glanced at the clock on one side of the room as he returned to his desk and said.

The measuring is done. Write your name on the test paper and bring it to my desk. The results will be ready in a few days. Youre dismissed.

Each student brought their test papers and left them on the professors desk. But,

Um Professor.

There was a female student still sitting at her desk, with her hand up. It was a girl with silver, daenggi-styled hair, Lee Yu-ha. Professor Kurobe slowly turned his gaze towards Lee Yu-ha and opened his mouth.

When you address a professor, call them teacher. And do not add sama to their title. Whats wrong?

Its just I am sorry. I think I need another test paper.

The professors eyebrows wiggled a bit. Then, he walked towards Lee Yu-has desk.

I too looked at Lee Yu-has desk. Her test paper was frozen solid and it wouldnt come off her desk.


She only had to operate some mana, but it seemed she was still feeling a little under the weather, so she couldnt control it properly and just completely released her ice. Professor Kurobe looked carefully at Lee Yu-ha, and after looking at her name tag asked.

Cadet Lee Ryuka, is it?

Ah Yes, sir.

Youre much better than that trash cadet from earlier. Leave the test paper as is and go.


After the suffocating Introduction to Magic class was over, I and my squad members apart from Murasaki who was still hanging around with his gang came out of the classroom and walked around campus.

That was suffocating.

Yeah. He surely is Count Dracula.

At least were lucky! We only need to take that professors class in the morning

That was true. Morning classes were common classes, but in the afternoon we had to attend our assigned major classes.

Students who majored in magic, like Lee Yu-ha, had to take that professors class in the afternoon as well, but I and other students did not.

I asked my squad members, who had been with me for the common classes.

Anybody taking swordsmanship?

I asked, but there was no chance anybody else would be taking that class. Everybody had a different major. Song Byung-oh was taking shooting, Lee Yu-ha magic, Yang Bok-ja telekinesis, and Aikawa healing.

Murasaki was probably a swordsmanship major like me, but he wasnt here.

Well, I was going to have to go to class by myself.

As all the squad members went their separate ways, I approached Lee Yu-ha and asked. Although she did say she was better, she still looked unwell. No, as a matter of fact she looked worse. Maybe it was due to using her ice release when she was still under the weather.

Are you really fine?

I hath told thou earlier that I am Daejangbu in Japanese. Why dost thou keep asking?

Well, she said shes fine so I couldnt do much about it but.

Well, Ill go to my afternoon classes. Bye.

As I parted ways with Lee Yu-ha and the other squad members, I headed to where the swordsmanship classes were held. Rather than a lecture room, it looked more like a gym or a dojo.

Students were kneeling down in rows on both sides of the dojo, and a gray-haired old man dressed in a haori sat at the end.

Overshadowing his elderly appearance due to his gray hair and beard, he had a defined body and was at least one head taller than most of the students. The gray-haired old man loudly slapped his thigh and shouted out.

Alright, shall we start! I am Genryu Gonzaemon!

He was professor Genryu, in charge of swordsmanship.

Alright! It is a swordsmanship class, but Some of you will have never wielded a sword in your life, while others may have quite some experience with one!

Professor Genryu looked around at the lined up students and continued.

So, today, for the first class, I will show you a duel between two experienced swordsmen and let you experience what swordsmanship is in general! So I will now choose someone to demonstrate a duel. Is there anybody here who wants to show off-


Before the professor could finish, Murasaki lifted his hand and shouted.

Cadet Murasaki, sir! I wish to duel with cadet Shirabayashi!

Murasaki Ah! You are the son of detective Murasaki from the Jongno Police Station, right?

Yes, sir!

And then, cadet Shirabayashi would be Ah! He is the cadet from the Onikumo incident! Very good. Both of you come out.

The duel was arranged under professor Genryus permission. I came out to the center of the dojo and stood, leaving some distance with Murasaki. Professor Genryu said.

This duel will be a test of only your swordsmanship, so you are not allowed to use your Awakened abilities. Do you understand?

Yes, sir!

Yes, sir! Huh? Teacher, wait. I have a question.

I had no choice but to ask the professor. After all, the sword we would be using for the duel were practice swords. They were educational swords made of stainless steel, but they were still real swords with an edge.

I thought we would be using wooden swords for the duel?

I asked professor Genryu.

Is this not A real sword?

It is. Swordsmanship major cadets all use this sword. Is there any problem?

When I was asking the professor, Murasaki laughed at me and said.

Haha! Are you not confident? Are you afraid?

As a matter of fact, I was.

I was not confident and I was scared.

I was not confident I could control my strength, and I was afraid I might hurt him.

Saying this makes me look like Im showing off but,

What I meant by this was that my skills were vague, so I might not be able to swing my sword safely. I had practiced my swordsmanship by cutting down monsters from the very beginning, so I wasnt confident I could swing a sword against a person safely enough so that I wouldnt hurt them.

A real sword would be dangerous even without infusing it with my Auror.

Of course, during swordsmanship duels in the 21st century, we used real swords instead of wooden ones, as well. However, those were real swords with their edges blunted, as it was less dangerous to be hit by an elastic metal sword than a non-elastic wooden sword.

There would, of course, be medical staff somewhere in the school, but that didnt change the fact that there was a lot of risk involved in having a duel with real swords.

Sasuga Imperial Japans class! Negligence to human life is basic for them!

Anyway, whatever. If using real swords was the rule there was not much I could do about that. I would be as careful as I could, but if this guy got hurt, it wouldnt be my fault.

Jinjoo ni (Be fair)

Professor Genryu stood far from us and held his hand in between me and Murasaki to tell us to get ready. And a moment later, he quickly raised his hand as he shouted out,

Hajime (Start)!

As soon as the signal to start fell, Murasaki drew his sword like lightning and pushed off the tadami floor as he rushed towards me.

Whoa! Look at Murasakis movement!

Hes fast!

Someone shouted, admiring Murasakis movement. Certainly, considering how big he was, he was quite fast.

However, I calmly drew my sword, looked at Murasaki rushing at me and thought.



After everyone has gone their separate ways for their major classes.

Lee Yu-ha wandered around Kurobes classroom.

Lee Yu-ha said she was okay because she felt somewhat overwhelmed by Baek Cheol-yeon always being around her and being worried about her, but the truth was that she wasnt.

For some reason she felt weak, and the chills she felt in the morning had got better after getting some rest in the infirmary, but they had got worse after professor Kurobes class.

She felt it would be better to miss afternoon class and just get some rest.

It would be basic manners to let the professor know.

Lee Yu-has afternoon major class was a magic class with professor Kurobe from earlier. Lee Yu-ha, thinking it would be proper manners to let the professor know she would miss his class, walked back toward professor Kurobes classroom.

However, there was nobody in the classroom. Had he gone to get lunch? She turned around and was about to leave when,

Cadet Lee Ryuka.

A hoarse, cracked voice called out to her. She looked around and the person she was looking for, professor Kurobe, was standing in the doorway. He looked at Lee Yu-ha and continued.

If you have time, please follow me to my lab.

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