Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 971: Snatching thieves

Chapter 971: Snatching thieves

" If you like eating tomatoes and cucumbers so much, then why don't you make a smashed cucumber salad?" Yu Dong suggested as she looked at the account books trying to figure out how much money they had spent while trying to build the greenhouses.          


" I can?" Yu Tong raised her head and looked at Yu Dong in surprise, these tomatoes were more than three taels half a catty. She couldn't be blamed for thinking that she couldn't take extras with her.      

Yu Dong raised her head and then flicked a ball of paper at Yu Tong which knocked Yu Tong on the forehead and smiled, " Of course, I will not ask my family to control their cravings for the sake of earning a few taels. Any way we can afford to let you eat a few tomatoes, it is not like you will eat every single one of them?"      

Now that Yu Dong was starting her business startup to build a mall, she had started growing more and more vegetables and fruits in the backyard and with the construction taking place they had enough space to expand their small vegetable patch to a vegetable garden.      

Yu Tong happily cheered before giving Yu Dong a hug and taking the tomatoes with her to the dorm. These tomatoes were going to come in handy when she started feeling sluggish, for the sake of marrying Li Hanjing, she had to save as much money as possible!      

"Why don't you learn how to cook a few dishes?" When Yu Tong left the Yu house, she went to see Li Hanjing and his daughter. Once she bid them goodbye and left, Xiao Hua stepped out of the house and then questioned Li Hanjing, " That way you can cook something delicious for her and then send it to the docks, I bet sister Tong will be happy."      

Li Hanjing helplessly looked at Xiao Hua and then replied, "It's not that I don't want to cook but you know how expensive those vegetables are, if I were to cook something with those vegetables whose prices are heaven-defying, then I will have nothing in my hands."      

" Who says every day, once in a week is enough," said Xiao Zimo as he walked out of the house with a basket in which he was carrying all sorts of peppers, Yu Dong's backyard was currently filled with vegetables and thus she asked the mers in helping her to grow the ghost peppers that she experimented with.      

With his hands clad in gloves, Xiao Zimo placed the ghost peppers inside the oven which he asked Yu Dong to build for him and then turned to look at Li Hanjing, " Cooking for your beloved once is not that bad."      

" She is not my beloved," Li Hanjing refused to let any relationship form between him and Yu Tong. She was a young woman with a bunch of opportunities in front of her and he was just a mer who was once sold and forced by a woman. More importantly, he now had a child whose mother did not even know about her existence! How can he even think of getting close to Yu Tong?      

With a helpless sigh, he added, " Miss Tong's mother hates me, she has been asking me to leave Yu Tong alone for ages now."      

" She is just nosy," Xiao Hua huffed as he sat down and then started doing his nails, he picked up a brush with a little pink rouge on its tip and applied it at the corner of his nails to make them look dainty. " Yu Tong doesn't even listen to her which is why she is targeting you. That woman thinks you are the easy target and thus points flaws at you, Brother Hanjing. You should give her a piece of mind by marrying Yu Tong! I am sure she will understand that you are not some soft persimmon as she thinks!"      

Li Hanjing did not reply and only smiled, he was glad that his brothers thought so highly of him but he knew where he belonged. And that place was certainly not next to Yu Tong because she might be willing to marry him now but when he doesn't give birth to a child for them, she will surely hate him.      


On the other side of the docks, Yu Tong did not have any idea what was going on in Li Hanjing's head. She worked hard from morning till noon and once she was done dumping the last of the sack inside the ship, Yu Tong arched her back and then rushed to get her money from Sister Kang.      

" You did a good job, Ah Tong," Sister Kang handed Yu Tong three hundred copper coins as Yu Tong rushed ahead and placed three hundred sacks of luggage inside the ship.     

Yu Tong smiled happily upon receiving the praise and carefully placed the money inside her pouch. With this bit of money she had saved more than three taels after working for six months, as long as she earned two more taels, she would be able to buy a small plot of land.     

After that she will formally propose to Li Hanjing and ask him to get engaged, once the engagement was done, she will think of a way to build a house and then marry Li Hanjing! As her husband, he deserved the best of everything!      

" Thank you, sister Kang!" Yu Tong went to have her lunch after stashing her money. However just as she took out the tomatoes and sliced them up to eat them along with vegetable buns, the scent of those sweet tomatoes caused three devils to rise from the dead.      

Yu Tong did not even get a chance to pick up the tomatoes and cucumber slices before they vanished into thin air!      

Yu Tong: What kind of magic is this?      

She turned to look at the three women standing behind her and then shouted angrily, " You lot! What are you doing and sister Kang you too? How could you?!" She couldn't believe that the ever-stoic Sister Kang would also snatch her cucumber salad!      



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