Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 942 The scary truth ——2

Chapter 942  The scary truth ——2


Chen Mi nodded as Yu Dong walked over to the back door and then instilled her spiritual energy in the lock before stuffing the things that were brought by Chen Mi and Fang Chi, in a few minutes they will have to run as fast as they can which was why they couldn't leave a piece of evidence behind.

With her spiritual energy, she was able to open the lock of the door easily, once it was open, Yu Dong snuck inside the house which belonged to Second Aunt Yu and Old Master Tong before heading towards the room where Old Master Tong slept while following the memories of her predecessor.

Fortunately, even though the weather was slowly getting colder, Old Master Tong still liked to open the window and sleep as he did not want to rush to the restroom and vomit when he felt sick at night, it was better to get sick in the flowerbed behind his room where he can easily wash the evidence when he was watering the flowers.

She looked at the Old Master Tong who was sleeping on the bed with a frown on his lips and then smirked before snapping her fingers once again as the green hue which was instilled inside Old Master Tong's head came floating out and then a mournful screech echoed out in the room.

The snores of Second Aunt Yu stopped as Yu Dong pulled her husbands behind her just in time for Old Master Tong to scream, "Stay! Stay away from me! Get lost!"

The door of Old Master Tong's room was pushed open as Second Aunt Yu came rushing inside, she was pulling an overshirt over her body as she hurried over to her father and shook him awake, " Father what is the matter?"

But no matter what, asleep or awake, Old Master Tong seemed to have lost his mind. His eyes were fixed in front of him and from the pallid expression on his face, he was quivering with fright as if he was watching a ghost. He rigidly looked at the front in horror as if he could see someone there and then screamed, "AHHHH! Leave me alone, I did not kill your daughter! Stay away from me!"

Second Aunt Yu frowned as she looked in the same direction in which Old Master Tong was looking but did not find anything, she thought that her father was only afraid since he had a nightmare but for some reason, the mer was simply out of his wits as he looked at the wall where the mirror was kept and continued to yell, " I did not do anything!"

" Father, what is wrong with you?" Second Aunt Yu tried to shake her father awake but the latter simply shook his head and then jumped on his bed as he pointed to the wall where he was looking and agitatedly spoke, " I am not afraid of you! You have long become a ghost what is the point of being scared of you? I am telling you don't even think of blaming me!"

Second Aunt Yu felt something terrible happening as she followed the direction in which her father was looking and shuddered, did her father catch something unclean when he went out today? Why was he acting like this?

" Father? Who are you scolding?" Second Aunt Yu asked with a shiver as she tried to take a step away from whatever her father was seeing. But before she could take another step back, Old Master Tong let out a wretched scream as he turned around and pushed her away before running out of the house like a maniac.

The more he ran the wilder his screams began causing many villagers to wake up. Seeing that she had done her job, Yu Dong asked her husbands to follow her as she rushed out of the house and then locked the door behind her once her husbands came out of the house which belonged to the old Yu family.

She could still hear the screams of Old Master Tong as he yelled at the top of his lungs,

" Yes, I sent your daughter to the mountain deliberately! I did not wish to see her anymore in the house as she was an eyesore! What could I do? Our wife was only paying attention to her and her children, it's her fault for being biased towards you and not caring about my daughter! I wanted your daughter to die, Cheng Le! Only then I knew that our wife would look at my daughter! So I sent her away on a rainy night… by pushing that idiotic grandson of yours in the vat to make him catch a cold but I only wanted him to catch a simple cold! How was I supposed to know that his brains will be fried?"

The frightened expression on Old Master Tong's was twisted into that of a furious one as he looked behind him and snarled while trying to act as if he was not the one in the wrong.

The villagers who heard his words were stunned. What did he say? Did he say that he pushed Yu Mai in the winter to make him catch a cold and then deliberately sent Yu Mai and Yu Dong's mother to the mountain because he wanted to see her die?

That was simply too ruthless!

The expressions of the women of the village changed as they pulled their mer husbands back and asked them all to go back home. They did not want their husbands to learn from Old Master Tong—— but before the mer could leave, Old Master Tong screamed once again as if he was getting killed.

The villagers thought that Old Master Tong had gone crazy but instead because of Yu Dong's powers, he was currently looking at Cheng Le's mirage, the biological grandfather of Yu Dong and Yu Mai as well as the second husband of Old Madam Yu.

The ghostly mer looked at the mer who was screaming at him before saying, " You killed my daughter and now you want to place a green hat on my wife's head? Tong Li, you really think I am dead don't you?"


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