Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 938: the Empress is dead——2

Chapter 938: the Empress is dead——2



" Yu Mai! What are you doing?" Yu Dong almost dropped the steamer in her hands if not for Chen Mi reaching out and holding it tight. She handed the streamer to her husband and then went to pull Yu Mai away from Lang Ru who was smiling and laughing. " How many times I have told you after the age of seven, mer and girls should keep their distance!"      

" Oh, I am sorry sister.." Yu Mai lowered his head as he too realised that he did something wrong but he was too excited to see Lang Ru that he forgot that he needed to keep his distance from her. He then turned to look at Lang Ru and said, " Welcome home sister Ru."      

" Yeah, it's good to be back home, Mai," Lang Ru smiled at Yu Mai ignoring the glare which was pointed at her by Yu Dong. She then turned to look at her family and then happily smiled before opening her arms, " Mom aren't you going to hug me ?"      

How can Lang not hug her daughter? She immediately washed her hands and then went to take her daughter in her hands as she hugged Lang Ru tight. " Why did you not tell me that you were coming? Why did you travel alone in such a dangerous situation ?"      

"It is not dangerous mother if anything staying in the capital is more dangerous," Lang Ru replied with a sigh as her mother let go of her, she hugged her father and younger brother who were teary-eyed before turning to look at her mother and announced, " The Empress is dead. Thus the entire imperial palace is in turmoil."      

" What?!" Yun Xuan turned to look at the little girl who announced the death of the Empress, his eyes widened and he said, " When did it happen? How come I did not hear about it?"     

Even Xian Lei was stunned as she dropped the meatball that she was holding in her hand on the counter.      

Lang Ru did not speak at once, instead, she turned to look at Lang and said," Mother, can you bring my teacher and her children from her carriage first? They were the ones who helped me leave the capital with them but they are sick and travel-worn."      

Though Lang did not understand what was going on but she still did as Lang Ru said.     

" I will come with you," Yu Dong's eyes flickered as she turned to head out of the house. The carriage that Lang Ru spoke of was nothing but a small cart which was driven by a little mer with a canopy of cloth over it. How in the world Lang Ru did not fall sick while travelling in such a carriage, it was a surprise to Yu Dong and Lang.      

The two of them brought the unconscious woman along with the twin sons who were sitting inside the carriage. This was the first time, Yu Dong was seeing boys rather than mers, which was why she couldn't help but find them a bit ugly when compared to the mers.      

Though she did not say anything and picked up the brothers one after another as she took them inside the house.      

" The reason no one heard that the Empress has passed away is that the eldest princess has suppressed the news," Lang Ru was telling what happened at the capital to Yun Xuan who looked a bit flustered. " My teacher said that the eldest princess has not found the imperial seal and the stamp which would give her the full authority of the royal family, which is why she is keeping things hushed as the forces of the second princess and the third princess along with the eldest mer prince are eyeing her closely."      

" So they don't know anything?" Yun Xuan asked with a furrowed pair of brows. He was quite surprised when he heard that even the eldest prince was calm in the face of the death of his mother.      

Lang Ru hesitated before she sat down the teacup that had warm water inside it and then answered, "That's because the eldest princess had hidden away the corpse of her majesty and announced to the world that she had gone away to recuperate. She has also sealed off the capital and started tyrannical assassination and killing against everyone who went against her."      

She sighed and looked at the unconscious woman and continued speaking, " Teacher Situ was against such a mass killing which was why she submitted her resignation and left. But she is one of the few who knew about the situation inside the palace as she is the headmaster of the academy. She was almost killed by the forces of eldest princess but her husbands blocked the blows one after another and gave her a chance to escape with her children."      

" Because she had nowhere to go, I asked her to come with me as all the students were taken away by their parents and I was the only one left…at least I was the only one alive and not from the capital."      

" That bastard !" Yun Xuan banged his fists on the table, though he had expected that sooner or later Eldest Princess would do something like this, he did not expect that she would do it so soon!      

On the other side, Lang was furious with her daughter as she smacked Lang Ru harshly on the back and said, "Why did you not call for me? Do you think you have gotten too old that you can do anything? Is that why you tried to go against the heavens?"      

" Why are you hitting the child?" Zhu Lian's heart ached for his daughter as he wrapped his arms around his daughter and reprimanded his wife, " She tried what she could do, cannot you see how much she had suffered?"      

Lang also knew that her daughter had suffered but how can she stay silent after seeing that her daughter did not even write about such tribulations in her letter, not even once?      


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