Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 922: The pitiful Qiao Nan

Chapter 922: The pitiful Qiao Nan

Song Zhi was surprised when he heard that there will be a gift waiting for him at the end of the month. He looked at the stamp card which was really cute with a calf, hen and goat drawn on it while the stamp at the first block was a cute little kitten paw.          


" Are you sure that there will be a gift?" Song Zhi asked as he looked at the stamp card. He had never heard of something like this before which was why he was surprised and couldn't help but reconfirm whether or not what Ye Liu was saying was true or not. He narrowed his eyes and then said, " Don't tell me the gifts will be something small like a handkerchief or something of the sort."      

Ye Liu nodded and explained politely, " There will indeed be a gift. Since we have promised then we are going to deliver. As long as you collect fifteen stamps in a month then we will gift you something which amounts to two taels and if you become our regular customer and collect thirty stamp cards then we will gift you something that is around ten taels."      

When Song Zhi heard that the price of the prize waiting for him was not small at all, he was overjoyed. He paid the money and then left happily,  on the other side Chen Mi and Fang Chi were still surprised when they saw that they were able to earn nine silver taels with just a few vegetables!     

" Thi...This is not a dream, right? Did we really sell our vegetables at such a high price?" Chen Mi was excited. When Yu Dong told him that they were going to use stamp cards, he thought that they were going to make a loss after all, who will buy such high-cost vegetables, what if the customers only brought a few pieces and took the stamp cards away, wouldn't it mean that the stamp cards which they came up with will go to waste.      

Yu Dong smiled at Chen Mi whose eyes were alight with greed and pinched his cheek. " This is just the start, Mi. There is no need for you to get overjoyed because of something small."      

What she did not tell the mers was that she had instilled a small part of her spiritual energy in these vegetables which they have grown in their backyard. Once her customers take a bite of these vegetables not only will they feel energized all day long but small ailments like muscle pain, blemishes on the skin and many others would be healed as well.      

But of course that will only happen if they were to buy the vegetables from her store since she was the only one who was growing vegetables with the help of spiritual enemies. As long as those customers were not stupid they will come to visit her again and again!      

The four of them continued to sit in the store but after their first customer came and went, it took a long time for another crowd of onlookers to arrive. When the mers who came out to shop with their wives saw the colourful vegetables they were immediately attracted to them, after all, one had to admit that it was not easy for such colourful vegetables on display when it was winter.      

" These tomatoes look really fresh!"      

" This pumpkin looks really high quality as well—- look at this," a mer tapped the pumpkin and was surprised to find that it did not sound rough like a drum but instead it was soft and mellowed which told him that the pumpkin was not only fresh but really good as well.      

However one of the old mer did not seem happy, he looked at the tomatoes which were bigger than his fist and then sourly said, " I am afraid that there is something wrong with these vegetables …how can there be tomatoes this big? Don't tell me that you have done something to them?"      

He couldn't be blamed for questioning Yu Dong like this, if one was to look carefully they will see that the mer looked sick and there were dark circles under his eyes. In the past when he was a young mer, he was poisoned by the concubine mer of his wife and lost his child.      

Back then that mer had used some weird concoction to make the tomatoes which came to their house large and juicy but as soon as he took a bite of those poisonous tomatoes the mer lost his child at once along with the ability to get pregnant.      

Though he managed to keep his position as the official mer husband since his wife felt sorry, he lost all his beauty and the affection of his wife. Now, even though he was in his forties he looked like he was in his sixties and his wife couldn't even look at him because his skin was rough and yellow in complexion.      

Now she was busy with those mers who were young and beautiful leaving him alone.      

Yu Dong did not pay attention to the gazes which were filled with criticism and contempt, she smiled politely and said, " Master, you don't need to worry about something like this, you see that?" She pointed to the stand where she had placed the free samples and continued speaking, " I know that some people will be suspicious of our vegetables which is why I have set up that free sample stand, if you feel that there is something wrong with our vegetables then you can take a bite of these vegetables. If you still feel suspicious then you can ask me to cut one of your choice,  I will do it right away and you can have a taste. Only when you feel that you are satisfied, place your order to buy the vegetables."      

Though the mer who spoke did not seem convinced he still raised his hand and pointed to the cucumbers which were sitting in front and then said, " Then cut the third one in the sixth row for me."      


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