Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 9 - The Baby Is Coming

However , just as Yu Tong was about to throw the bowl , someone gripped her wrist , angry and enraged Yu Tong turned her head and started cursing " who the fuck dares to - oh its you cousin " though Yu Tong was caught she wasn't afraid of Yu Dong this cousin of hers , Yu Dong always wanted to ride on her brother Yu Cheng 's coattail so Yu Tong knew that Yu Dong wouldn't get angry at her at all but this time she was wrong because her cousin Yu Dong was gone and replaced by the modern Yu Dong who never relied on anyone but herself.

" He can't talk to you like that but I can right ? " harshly wrenching out the bowl out of Yu Tong 's hand Yu Dong walked over to Ye Liu and examined him with her spiritual energy , once she was certain that apart from being extremely terrified , he was alright , Yu Dong sighed in relief , she could see that the little mer was fine but scared so she patted his head and said " its alright I'm here now "

This action of hers shocked both Yu Tong and Ye Liu , however Yu Ding didn't care about their shock instead she looked at Yu Tong in annoyance and asked " what are you doing here ?" As far as she remembers , The host and the Yu family renounced each other because her uncle and her cousins were worried that Yu Dong will add up as an additional baggage to them after the host's mother passed away . If she was right , Yu Tong was quite supportive of her father's decision back then .

" Cousin what do you mean why I am here ?" Yu Tong was a smart woman she could feel that something was different about Yu Dong whether it was her aura or maybe it was her first time seeing Yu Dong who wasn't drunk out of her mind " I'm your cousin , can't I come to see you ?"

" See me ? Why is it that you never came to see me when I needed you the most but now that I don't need you , you come rushing here ?" Said Yu Dong placing her butchering knife on the kitchen stand " speak what you want , don't try to muddle things up with me . I know you are here because you want something or else you wouldn't have come to see me , a cousin whom you have renounced "

Yu Tong blushed , she was really starting to miss the drunken Yu Dong , if she was still drunk as always , Yu Tong was certain that she might have took the meat and got away after hitting Ye Liu as well but now she has to suffer in silence with no chance to let out her anger and also be embarrassed by her cousin - however she really wanted to eat some meat , her brother's studies cost a lot and they hardly ever get the chance to eat meat especially ever since Yu Cheng started school at town " Cousin you know how studious Brother Cheng is , my father wants to cook something good for him , can you please give me half a kg of pork belly and hock ?"

Ye Liu 's brows jumped this was the best past of a boar , and half a kg for free , why don't you go ahead and just rob us !

However before he could say anything , Yu Dong nodded " alright "

Yu Tong felt smug while Ye Liu was bursting with exasperation he knew it for the sake of being close to Yu Cheng , Yu Dong will agree to whatever conditions Yu Tong put , Yu Tong thought so too , her smirk was full of smugness but before she could relish her victory , Yu Dong burst her bubble rather cruelly " That will be nine hundred cents , pay up "

Hearing Yu Dong mention the price , Yu Tong was stunned , pay ? What pay ? "Cousin what do you mean we are family-"

" we are no longer a family , if you are confused you can go and ask your father to bring out the renouncement letter he so desperately fought for just a day after my parents were buried and if I really did have any obligations left for you and your family , I fulfilled it when I left the house that my mother built with her own earning - don't try to pull that family card on me . From that day onwards we have no relationship , you want pork I will give you but you gotta pay "

Yu Tong spluttered " but nine hundred cents is too much "

Yu Dong snorted and picked up her knife slamming it on the kitchen counter tip first so it ended up embedding in it " Then you go ahead and buy it in the town lets see how much they sell you half a kg pork belly and hock for ? Why are you here ?"

Yu Tong blushed even more , pork belly and hock was just as pricy as lean meat - if she were to buy it in the town she might have to fork out at least one tael and five hundred cents .

" Cousin are you really not going to share some with us ? My brother is really carving some pork meat "however Yu Tong didn't want to give up , her mother's salary for a month was two tael and most of it was spent on Yu Cheng 's study the rest of the expenses were taken care of from the income that came from the fields .

" I am really not going to share anything with your family ever again " said Yu Dong with so much conviction that both Ye Liu and Yu Tong were shocked " I have a child and three mers to take care of , if I give up half a kg of pork belly that amounts to nine hundred cents , how will I afford their expenses , will you help me raise them ?" Asked Yu Dong raising her eyebrow .

Yu Tong who was embarrassed again and again couldn't take anymore , no matter how thick her skin was she was still just eighteen " fine then don't come asking for my brother's help when he becomes an official "

If this was the old Yu Dong she would have gotten anxious but not her , she calmly smiled and said "Of course I won't because I know your family will rather throw away your help in a pit then give it to me , just like your mother who was turned out as nothing but a white eyed wolf , my mother wanted to send me to the academy but your mother took that opportunity at that time she promised that she will take care of me - look how she took care of me , your care and help is just so precious that I don't dare to even think about it much less take it "

Yu Tong was rendered speechless despite being so furious , what Yu Dong said was right , she had no idea how to refute , in the end she could only grit her teeth and walk away but how could Yu Dong let her get away just like that ? She swiped her knife in front of Yu Tong so that it rested right in front of her throat "where do you think you are going ? What about the bowl that you broke ?"

Yu Tong was scared shitless when Yu Dong dared to swipe her knife at her , but she still spoke with false bravado " what about it ? Are you gonna make me pay ?"

" No , I won't but you might not know " smiling grimly Yu Dong looked at Yu Tong eerily " Karma bites everyone's ass who does wrong "

The people in the world and time period were really superstitious when Yu Dong said it like this , Yu Tong was really scared , she didn't dare linger at Yu Dong's house and ran away .

Once she was gone Yu Dong turned to Ye Liu and fiercely glared at him , the little mer immediately dropped his fake bravado and looked down " do you have any idea , what would have happened if I didn't come on time ? Instead of fighting with her you should have come to me ? Why didn't you ?"

Ye Liu didn't answer , how could he rely on Yu Dong who bullied him just as badly as Yu Tong ? Yu Dong knew how much her mers feared her but still she thought that instead of trying to do everything they might at least try to rely on her .

" You -" Whatever Yu Dong wanted to say was interrupted because from Chen Mi 's room , Shen Li shouted " Ye Liu , bring warm water and clean clothes , The baby is coming ! "


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