Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 27 - Who’s Ugly?

Yu Mai hurriedly turned to Shen Li and Shen Li walked ahead to pick him up but before Shen Li could pick him up Yu Mai carefully settled the little goat on the floor of the room.

Shen Li picked up Yu Mai and hugged him tightly , when Shen Li married Yu Dong , Yu MI was still a young baby and Shen Li used to take care of him because his father in law had a sickly body thus Shen Li was very close to Yu Mai.

The last time when Yu Dong wanted to sell Yu Mai , Shen Li didn't agree and because of that Yu Dong and Shen Li fought for first time!

Of course Shen Li wasn't a match for Yu Dong and he was locked up in a room while Yu Dong snatched Yu Mai from Ye Liu and sold the little boy!

Now that Shen Li was seen Yu Mai after a long time he couldn't believe his eyes " Yu Mai , how come you are back ? did your boss lady let you go ? "

Yu Mai shook his head and looked at Shen Li

" no how can that be ? the boss lady was very fond of me how can she let go of me ? I am a very hard working child of course she wanted to keep me it was my sister who brought me back "

Shen Li and the others were shocked they didn't know what to think about Yu Mai's proclamation however Yu Mai didn't give them chance to reel in what he just said.

Yu Mai's attention was soon attracted by the wriggling baby that was lying next to Chen Mi "Third Brother in law is this my young nephew ?"

Since Yu Mai was carrying a little goat in his arm and haven't washed his hands yet so Shen Li didn't dare to take Yu Mai close to little bun he only moved a little closer to little bun so that Yu Mai could get a clear view of little bun. Yu Mai leaned forward in Shen Li's arms so that he could get a better view of little bun but the second his eyes fell on the wrinkly baby Yu Mai's brows scrunched and he immediately frowned "Brother in law this baby does not look like my third brother in law at all. He is just so ugly like my eldest sister."

The ugly eldest sister named Yu Dong walked in the room just in time to hear her little brother calling her ugly. Yu Dong felt like she was shot in the heart while playing dead "You stinky boy what are you saying ? All the babies look like this when they just born. How dare you call your eldest sister ugly ?"

If this was before Shen Li and his brothers would have hid Yu Mai behind their back however the three of them could tell that Yu Dong was joking around with Yu Mai so neither of them said anything.

Yu Mai who has never seen a baby before believed that Yu Dong was lying to him "Eldest sister don't worry so what if you are ugly didn't you get married and had your own kid? Little bun will find someone too !"

Yu Dong didn't know what to say, she felt that she wanted to cry but lacked tears. Her expression was so colourful that Shen Li and others were amused as well however they feared that if they pushed Yu Dong a little too much she might loose her temper on them therefore Chen Mi hurriedly interrupted Yu Mai "Yu Mai your sister is right. Xiao Bo is only a day old that is why he looks like this just wait for few days, then you will see how beautiful your little nephew really looks."

Yu Mai didn't want to believe after all how can something so ugly become beautiful in just a few days ? However because this was his kind third brother in law after all therefore he reluctantly believed on his third brother in law.

Everyone was amused by Yu Mai's torn expressions however Shen Li who was carrying Yu Mai his arms straightened up and his gaze fell on the things that Yu Dong was carrying. Frowning Shen Li couldn't help but ask "Wife, where did you get so much things from ?"

Only then Yu Dong remembered that she was carrying a bunch of things and the villagers saw her bringing all of this stuff in her house she was worried that someone from the old Yu family therefore she placed the blankets and the quilts down on the floor and then looked that Shen Li "Shen Li go and please close the front door because I was carrying so many things I couldn't close the door."

Shen Li was four year older than Yu Dong therefore he understood what she was trying to say thus he passed Yu Mai to Ye Liu to and walked passed Yu Dong to shut close the house front door. Yu Dong crouched on the floor and took the two goats out of the basket and placed them near the other goat that Yu Mai has placed on the floor .

Once the other two goats were placed next to the sick goat and the three of them started bleating. Fortunately Yu Dong's spiritual energy has healed the three goats and they were healed significantly therefore neither of the two goats dirtied the mattresses in the basket.

Yu Dong took out a mattress then turned to Ye Liu "Ye Liu put Yu Mai down and help Chen Mi and the little baby to the chair next to the bed."

Both Ye Liu and Chen Mi were shocked upon seeing the fluffy cotton mattress and Chen Mi who was the most timid of the three hurriedly spoke up "Wife there is no need to waste such a good mattresses over me. I and Xiao Bo are fine with this mattress that we are sleeping."

Yu Fong took a look at a frayed mattress that barely had any cotton in it and snorted "What do you mean by wasting ? I have brought quilt and mattresses for everyone and the shopkeeper will certainly not return the money if I were to to take these quilts and mattresses back so you might as well use these."

Chen Mi and Ye Liu had no other option left they could only do as Yu Dong has asked them to do. Ye Liu helped Chen Mi to the chair next to bed and removed the old mattress from Chen Mi's bed.. Once Ye Liu had removed the mattress Yu Dong cleaned Chen Mi's bed and placed the new mattress and quilt on it " Now you can rest on this."


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