Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 24 - Don’t Pee And Poop

The old mer heard Yu Dong words and found it a bit reasonable. Yu Dong was indeed buying a lot of quilts and mattresses, so giving her a discount was something he ought to do.

The old mer nodded his head and picked up the three quilts that his granddaughter had thrown onto the ground "Al right I heard that you wanted to buy five mattresses and four quilts the total cost of these will amount you a total of 12 taels, I will round it off to eleven. I hope that you will be fine with that."

The old mer though asleep, he could still hear what Yu Dong and little Mei were talking about in his unsound slumber , because the order was too big he thought he was dreaming but now that he knew that Yu Dong was buying such a big order he found that knocking off a tail wasn't unreasonable. The winters were harsh but he was certain that if he and his granddaughter lived a bit thriftily and only spend their money on reasonable expenses then their winter will pass comfortably.

Yu Dong found the offer quite enticing . Twelve taels was not a small amount, in this period twelve taels was equivalent to a family annual income. And she was spending such a big amount in a single purchase, she was worried that if her husbands found out that she spent such a big amount in buying only quilts and mattresses they might kick her out of the house and demand a divorce !

Thus, if she could save a single tael she might find it useful in buying clothes for her husbands and little brother.

"Ok ! sir , please pack these four quilts and five mattresses, please make sure that the mattresses are comfortable because one of my husband just gave birth. He is still weak and I want his post birth rest as comfortable as possible."

The old mer was surprised upon hearing that Yu Dong was buying these quilts and mattresses for her mer husbands, when had he ever seen a woman treating a mer so well, their kind was treated with so much scorn that forget about a proper post maternity rest , their wife didn't even give them a full meal to eat.

The mers were treated as wild weeds if a mer was to die his wife would rather use the money in her house to buy a new mer instead of saving the life of the dying mer. When the old mer heard that Yu Dong was buying so many quilts and mattresses he thought that a family might have young men who were treated like rare gems because of their small population, he never thought nor did he imagined in his wildest dreams that one day a woman will come asking for purchasing good quilts for her mer husbands.

The old mer picked up four quilts from the pile of quilts and placed them all on the counter of his shop then he turned on his heels and walked towards the direction of the room where he stored good mattresses. However, he stopped after ten steps and looked at Yu Dong over his shoulder " Are you sure young girl , that you want to purchase five good quality mattresses for your mer husbands ?" Then he pointed at a stack of thin mattresses and added " These quilts good as well, usually the woman purchase these when they want to buy new mattresses for there mers, they are comfortable to and most importantly they are not expensive."

Yu Dong turned her head in the direction where the old mer was pointing at and took a look of the mattresses that were only half of finger thick ." No I wish to make my husbands as comfortable as possible these quilts are good but they are not soft enough I don't think that they will be any good."

Actually Yu Dong had a selfish motive for insisting upon a soft mattresses, the body in which her soul was inhabiting was a soft pampered little princess , her back would ache every morning because the mattress at home wasn't soft enough. Having fought zombies in her past life Yu Dong wished to live a comfortable life now. Thus, instead of forcing her body to get used to those harsh mattress at home Yu Dong wanted to buy a soft one and enjoy the feeling of living a comfy life. However, if she was to buy a soft, pricey mattress for herself and these cheap ones for her husbands and little brother, Yu Dong would feel really very guilty ! Therefore she wanted to buy the soft mattresses for everyone.

The old mere didn't refute her again, his job was to sell his mattresses and quilts, he could of course give suggestions and advices to his customers, his rights were limited to this alone. If the customer was inclined to buy soft and good quality mattresses there was nothing he could do !

Soon the five mattresses and quilts were wrapped up and Yu Dong found a new predicament facing her. These quilts and mattresses were just too heavy and big to carry. With this she was sure that Yu Mai would be of no help to her.

Yu Dong released a heavy sigh. She wanted to live an easy going life but it looks the road to an easy and comfortable life will one that was full of hardships. Yu Dong wished that she could keep all the mattresses and quilts in her inner world however she was accompanied by Yu Mai if she was to keep all these mattresses and quilts in her inner world she was, sure that Yu Mai who was just a child might blabber and slip out her secret thus, Yu Dong had no option but to carry these mattresses and quilts back home.

She hoped that this time she might be lucky enough to catch a ride on old Wang Shi's ox cart.

She picked up the quilts and mattresses, stuffed some in her basket that she was carrying on her back while she used her other hand to pick up the goats that she has took out of her basket and settled them on the quilts that she just kept at the bottom of her basket.. Yu Dong hoped that these goats kept a firm control over there bladder and don't pee and poop on her newly purchased quilts.


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