Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 15 - Rather Chuck Herself In River

The next day Yu Dong woke up before anyone else could , even though she was just going to keep up with the pretences , she would rather keep lying rather than be caught and burned . If someone in this world really found out that she was actually a different soul from another world and had something like inner world , who knows how these superstitious villagers might react to it .

Yu Dong who woke even before the village 's rooster thought that she was the only person awake in the village currently but when she walked out of her room , she saw that Shen Li was already awake and bustling around the kitchen , for a second she was surprised .

Shen Li who saw Yu Dong coming out of her room , nodded at her and smiled in a polite yet distant manner " you are awake ? I have cooked some porridge for you , you can eat before you leave "

" Ah En - thank you " Yu Dong could not come up with another thing to say , this was the first time that she was being taken care by someone in his life who wasn't her family . Her parents were researchers and they rarely returned home , so it the responsibilities to take care of her brothers fell on her - and with an apocalypse happening no one had the time to experience romance , every one were too busy surviving .

So , Yu Dong was pretty much a bachelor until she died , now that someone was taking care of her - she felt both happy yet awkward .

Shen Li paused when he heard Yu Dong say thank you , then without saying anything , he ladled some porridge in her bowl and placed it in front of her " I have packed some for Little Mai too , if you pass by shopkeepers Zhai shop remember to bring some porridge to him as well "

Yu Dong who was chewing the rice , suddenly choked and coughed - Startling Shen Li who was packing a portion of porridge for Yu Mai , he hurriedly gave Yu Dong a cup of water that she gratefully gulped .

" are you alright ?" Asked Shen Li looking at Yu Dong who was still coughing and spluttering , Yu Dong waved a hand indicating that she was fine but then immediately slapped her forehead , no wonder she had a feeling like she was forgetting something - she was forgetting Yu Mai , Yu Dong's younger brother who was a mer as well .

The previous Yu Dong didn't like this brother of hers , so she sent him away to work in a rundown diner as a dish cleaner . Because Mai was a young boy around ten and was a special child not many were willing to let him work but Yu Dong who didn't want to raise a special mer who could only eat and sleep and help with nothing , was adamant about selling her brother - in the end she sold Yu Mai to an old diner shop for four taels - really when Yu Dong thought that she couldn't hate and despise the original owner anymore , a new memory will pop out from somewhere and make her feel all shitty ! Selling her brother for four taels? Why didn't you just go and sold yourself ? Let's see how much your drug addicted ass was worth !

Last night Yu Dong had stopped reducing the damage to her brain and once again started on the damage to the body caused by the original owner , Yu Dong couldn't even bring herself to count how many body organs she treated last night , in fact it would be right to say that except her hands and legs every thing seemed to be either dying or deteriorating ! So of course such old memory from six months ago escaped her mind .

Yu Dong sighed really wishing that she could just chuck herself in the river - just when she thought she could repay , Wang shi 's money - she had another thing to deal with , and after contemplating she understood that bringing Yu Mai home was much more important than paying Wang shi right now .

" I will be off then " after such a heavy load on her head , Yu Dong was in no mood to eat anymore , she took some bite of the porridge , took the package from Shen Li and left the house . Leaving a very bewildered and shocked Shen Li who was looking at the bowl of uneaten porridge - he bit his lip and sucked in a breath , did he say something to upset Yu Dong ?

If Yu Dong knew that Shen Li was blaming himself for her foul mood she would have returned back and ate the entire porridge ! She was just person who couldn't bear a single grain of dust in her eyes , now that she knew that the original owner sold her special needs Brother to an old diner , she couldn't sit still anymore - she walked hurriedly and swiftly then observed her surroundings once she was certain that there was no one around she took out the tiger pelt , meat and bones including the deer antlers , pelt and meat as well , then with the original owner's memory walked off in the direction of the town .

Yu Dong wasn't used to a bustling town , in her memory , the town 's market was always filled with ire and fear but this town 's market was actually pretty crowded , thus it took Yu Dong a little time to find the medicine hall .

The helper in the medicine hall looked at Yu Dong's tattered and patched clothing and arrogantly asked " what are you doing here ? This shops doesn't sell medicine to beggars "

Yu Dong had never been treated this way , she immediately flared up. Looking at The helper 's face , she scoffed " I didn't know that your shop only sells medicines to emperors and princes , then why have you opened a shop in the middle of a town market where rich and poor all come to buy things !"

" You -" the helper didn't girl didn't think that a poor woman will be able to so affluently respond to her .

" what you ? A physician job is to treat patients whether young and old , or rich or poor ! To disdain someone just because of their background , since when physicians started to do such things !"

Yu Dong voice wasn't soft at all , the physician woman who was sitting in the back room heard , Yu Dong 's loud voice and came out to see what was happening - she saw that her helper was flushed in anger while the woman who was standing outside was glaring at her with fire rising out of her eyes .

" Little Lin what's wrong ?" Physician Zheng was a good natured woman , she took pride in her job, thus when a woman condemned her , she naturally couldn't stay silent .

" Teacher this woman -"

" I will tell you what happened who knows how your helper will twist the story around " said Yu Dong with a confident aura that didn't matched her poor appearance "I came here to sell something but before I could even say a thing, your helper was already shooing me away like I was a street dog or cat , she even called me a beggar ! That's what happened "

Physician Zheng heard Yu Dong 's explanation and looked at Little Lin whose face was white , as paper . Physician Zheng sighed , this helper of her was sent by her aunt and she was related to her thus she was arrogant to live in the town and help around her medical hall " Little Lin how many times I have to tell you that we treat people the same way whether they are rich or poor , if you can't understand such a simple thing - then you can pack your bags and leave for your village , the next time I hear a complaint coming regarding you , Don't bother explaining !" Then without giving Little Lin a good glance , Physician Zheng turned to Yu Dong and said with an apologetic smile " I'm really sorry about her , she is too young and sometimes makes mistakes but I hope you can forgive her , please show me what you wanted to sell "

Yu Dong looked at Physician Zheng she had a good feeling about this woman but she was still upset that This woman was still protecting the helper maybe the helper was her relative of something , Yu Dong rolled her eyes and took out the deer antlers velvet and said " I was going to sell these antlers I hunted a deer just this morning but clearly I'm not welcome here , so I will just -"

Seeing the fresh deer antlers , Physician Zheng's eyes lit up and she hurriedly stopped Yu Dong " wait wait wait , I will buy it and as an apology I will pay eight taels how about it ?"

Yu Dong did a mental calculation then looked at the little helper " nine taels and an apology, I will sell if not I will sell it somewhere else , just so you know I'm a fine hunter and might come to sell it again"

Physician Zheng was tempted in the end she could only glare at Little Lin who bowed her head and muttered "I'm sorry , I won't look down on people again "

" there you go - you want nine taels right ? I am willing to pay but the next time you hunt a deer the antlers should be sold to my medical hall alone ".

Half an hour later with nine taels in hand , Yu Dong was standing in front of the diner where Yu Mai was sold .


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