Chapter 7 The Theory Of Origin, Soul, Body, And Energy.

Gehald has based his plan on the fusion of the path of perfection and divinity using the Theory of origin, soul, body, and energy. The path of perfection and the path of divinity are the two mainstream paths to power in the Void universe.

No matter the realm tree you call home realm, there will always be a relic in every plane with information about the two paths of power. Those that start along this path were referred to as extraordinaries because, during the early days of a plane, such power is extraordinary.

But it wasn't until later that that name became irrelevant because the power gained from latter levels was not something you could call extraordinary anymore, more like mountain-crushing and plane-destroying power. Still, the name stuck.

Many have tried to derive a different or better means to power but after numerous failures and disappointments, it was deemed a waste of effort. When you couple it with the increase in efficiency due to the effort of the ancestors of various races in the two paths, no one in their right mind doubted the two parts.

Each supreme race has streamlined the process of training and made it easier for future generations. So he doesn't intend to create another path but to eat his cake and have it still.

The two paths are based on the theory of Origin, Soul, Body, and Energy. It is the theory that believes that the entirety of the existence of an entity can be summarised with the four components of origin, soul, body, and energy.

This theory states that all living things possess an origin core, all sentient beings possess a Soul, the body is either physical or ephemeral and all the above have various energy that they use and can thus be improved or transformed using some other energy that is better.

In simpler terms, you can become stronger by using certain energies that improve the body, soul, and origin. That's why the paths of perfection and divinity both revolve around body, soul, and origin refinement with energy. They just use different sources of energy and approaches to refinement.

The path of perfection believes the realm tree is a mother and the world around them is the womb, so they refine themselves using external energy, energy from the world. While the path of divinity believes in converging the energy of faith from sentient creatures and using that for refinement.

The path of divinity falls short because even though it diverges from the path of perfection, it must return to it later on. Divinity itself isn't perfect, so those that use it will always return to the path of perfection in search of true immortality.

Throughout the years, a long time before the Ascension of the realm lord to the seat of power, people have been going through these two paths almost blind as compared to now that the stat screen is available.

In the past, it was difficult to gauge your level of power or compare it to another without fighting, it was also difficult to tell your level of progress within a level. But all this changed when the realm lord introduced the Status Update.

Since then, keeping track of your progress through your Stats has made it easier to become more powerful. Now you can track your growth in real-time and determine what is better at making you stronger.

The status screen has also made what he wants to achieve easier. When he succeeds, his status would no longer look like this.

NAME: Gehaldirah Oakstein

RACE: High Elf

BLOODLINE: Pure High Elf

POWER LEVEL: Sovereign

PHYSIQUE: Body of law

HP: 100%



VITALITY: 120,100,864

ENDURANCE: 31,116,082

STRENGTH: 20,012,912

AGILITY: 1,755


SPIRIT: 12,417,612,744



Seed of Power: Life


Life: 100%

Earth: 100%

Water: 100%

Air: 100%

Death: 61%

Fire: 100%

Light: 1%

Darkness: 1%

Space: 0.1%

Slaughter: 57%





STATUS: Healthy

The physique is the type of body possessed. It determines a lot of things, the most important of which is physical and magical defense. The physique determines the tenacity of the body to a large extent.

HP stands for health points, it is the state of the physical condition of the body. Stamina is obvious, it determines how long the body can maintain activity under exertion, and it is a product of the endurance of the body.

Energy is the type of energy and the form that the energy has taken, it is either world energy, mana, or origin energy. Vitality is the value given to the amount of life force of the body, it determines stamina and health recovery of the body.

The quantity of life force within a body determines how fast it regenerates while the quality determines the extent of regeneration. The quality of life force determines if limbs could be regenerated and the quality of the regenerated limb after regeneration.

The endurance of the body determines its Stamina. The strength of the body determines physical prowess while agility determines how fast the body moves. Perception is the value given to the reactivity of an individual, how quickly and how well the senses function.

Spirit is the strength of the internal aspect of the soul, while divine sense is the strength of the external aspect of the soul. The spirit determines how well and the ease with which the external world is manipulated.

The spirit also affects training speed during meditation on laws. The divine sense is the extension of the influence of the soul to perceive the world, it is superior to the inherent five senses, the value assigned to it is the length of the diameter of the circular area of influence of the soul if it is spread to the limit.

All the above-mentioned values are not universally applicable as a reference to determine the difference in strength between extraordinaries. They only function to keep track of personal growth and progress. A person will have a value of one all around for the first time the status is called up, but this value will change as the person grows more powerful.

Gehald's current status is a far cry from what it was years ago when he fought against the demon invasion. Back then he hadn't tried to master any other law apart from the laws of life. Life laws have more of an auxiliary effect than attacking. The laws of life boost the stats but are weak when used for attacking.

If not for the fact that he needs the seed of power condensed from life laws to perform his reincarnation plan and he couldn't use more than one, he wouldn't have chosen to become a sovereign using it. He would have chosen fire.

All in all, he has made great progress in his pursuit of law even though he has been met with difficulties with some laws. Like the law of death, the antithesis of life, space, and time laws because he lacked the necessary affinity for them.

But this will all change with his plans for the future, he will overcome all weaknesses and try to get the various powers that elude him.


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