Chapter 2 High Heaven Realm.

As Dylganihl hurled himself through space, he yawned and muttered and complained. He yawned because he was still sleepy. He muttered just like he always did about his father's insistence on shouting, and he complained about how unfair it was that only he out of all his father's sires was sent to go every Origin cycle.

But inwardly he was proud. Every dragon is proud of themselves. Pride is innate to members of the dragon race but this pride isn't about him being a dragon. It is pride because he is a special dragon. He is the little tyrant, the son of The Tyrant, he is the monarch of space.

Dragons live solitary lifestyles, only young parents spend most of their time together. After a dragon becomes a young adult he must leave the nest. Then he might not see his parents for another 10 Origin cycles. Just like the norm, the little tyrant so named after his father, and his siblings were left behind by their mother. Their father had been long gone even before they hatched. But the day he reunited with his father, he was named the little tyrant.

The little tyrant, a well-known name among the dragon race and other supreme races of the High Heaven realm. Well known because of his father and because of his mastery of space. By the time he became a full-grown adult dragon he was already a sovereign in his own right, but what made him unique was that he was a sovereign of space and not fire, like most of his lineage.

His lips curled into a smirk as he remembered his young days. He trampled all around High Heaven. Nothing could stop him and there was nowhere that could block a sovereign of space, well at least in a lower realm like High Heaven.

He went on to become a monarch of space and it is the major reason why he gets to stay with his father. His father tried to leave but Tssandulighafan couldn't ditch him. So his father accepted him and gave him the name Little tyrant.

A big honor it was, to be accepted and to be named after his father. It is another honor to represent his dad for the upcoming event in High Heaven. But he isn't just going to admit it.

High heaven is just like any other realm tree in this void universe, incredibly large, enough to dwarf his father. His father, gigantic as he is, with dark purple scales, can only occupy some inactive planes in their entirety.

The only different thing about high heaven is that it has a realm lord, which is kind of a sore point for his dad. His home realm used to be just Heaven's realm, but the realm lord added the "High" to it, just to remind everyone of his race. The realm lord also added something called The System.

Dylganihl shook his head at the mention of the realm lord. He doesn't have anything against the realm lord. In fact, he respects him. But whenever he thinks about the name of the realm he can't help but lament such naming sense. He would have called it Tyrant Heaven, too bad he was born too late to compete for that position.

High Heaven in particular has about 110,000 leaves which represent 110,000 planes of existence. A plane of existence can be as small as 500 million km square for the total surface area as seen in some inactive planes and could be large as 100 billion km square in some of its large active realms. That means Tssandulighafan is as big as 500 million km square.

An active realm is a realm that has evolved to contain life, it is actively being infused with mana so that powerful life forms can grow from within it. While an inactive plane hasn't evolved to Cater to life in the case of a new realm or a plane that has been a disappointment to High Heaven, a dead realm.

High Heaven has a single Sun and 10 moons that revolve around it. There are some rings that revolve around it. The upper rings are shining like halos, these are the lands of the puny gods, where they build their divine kingdoms. While the lower darker rings are the various levels of the abyss, home to the rowdy demons.

Even as a mighty dragon, he respects demons far more than those that gain power from faith. Demons know how to have fun and that is enough for Dylganihl.

The races inhabiting the planes of a realm tree are brought about mostly by chance and some by effort on the side of the will of the realm in terms of mana and Origin laws investment.

For example, a plane infused with a large portion of the law of fire and a small portion of mana is likely to evolve physical creatures with various levels of fire affinity or immunity. On the other hand, a plane infused with a large portion of the law of fire and high mana is likely to raise fire elemental creatures with near 100% affinity and immunity with fire.

Other realm trees might have more or fewer Suns, moons, planes of existence, and halos, but fundamentally there is nothing different about High Heaven, just another realm out there, rooted within the aether of the void universe.

Well, this time there is something special about High Heaven. The light shining atop the realm tree is a sign and a beacon. A sign of the completion of an Origin cycle, and a beacon to all her weak children to prove their strength and be rewarded.

She is calling them both within and outward, to come and partake in blood and glory within The Tower of Heaven. When he was a weak little sovereign throwing his weight around, he also went to the tower. That experience knocked the smugness out of him and he became more mature.

Even though he carted away some treasures, he didn't need them. A dragon of pure bloodline doesn't need anything to become an Origin god, not like those weak races. But he went anyway and he came back better for it, even though he might not have been able to come back at all.

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