Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 200: Oversleeping IV

Chapter 200: Oversleeping IV

Chapter 200: Oversleeping IV

Jason’s eyes shot open and he sat up seriously as it was finally time to discuss business and he was quite interested in what Adele had to say as it would give him a rough estimate of how much his performance was influencing the world around him and how much closer he was to his goal after winning his first league title.

“Speak then, don’t keep me waiting,” Jason ushered Adele to not keep him in suspense and say what she had started out to say.

“Okayyyy, let me first start by congratulating you on winning the league title, you deserved it,” Adele first started by saying, her words bringing a slight smile to Jason’s almost stoic face.

“Let me lead with the notion that your performances for Porto have not gone unnoticed and you’re garnering a lot of interest, both from football clubs looking for a player of your position to add to their ranks, as well as companies that are looking for an influential figure who can boost their sales,”

“There are a few unconfirmed rumors going about regarding transfers and you’ve received a few endorsement deals, so which one should we start with?” she asked Jason who was listening intently, his face a statue of seriousness.

“Well, I think I should start with the endorsements since I actually already have offers rather than the rumors I’m hearing,” Jason said without much thought as that was the better option for him since rumors were in the end, just rumors.

They were mere stories that had nothing concrete to them unless the rumors somehow became true, but until the moment when the rumors became true, then they were still nothing but rumors.

“Okay, you have five endorsement offers,” Adele acquiesced to Jason’s request and began talking about the endorsements.

“Five? What companies?” Jason was a bit surprised by hearing that he already had five endorsement offers.

“Well not all of them are actually endorsements… some of them are more like paid adverts… a one-time thing so to speak,”

“The companies seem to be adopting a wait-and-see strategy on you as despite your performances in the Liga NOS and even in the Europa League, you don’t really have that much international fame or anything, and maybe they also have the belief that your hot run of form may come to an end, especially since you’re still young,”

“It doesn’t help that there were many young players who were touted to have a lot of potential, but were over-hyped and by the time their form ran out, not only was it a problem for the teams, but the companies were also stuck with losing deals,” Adele explained to Jason in simple terms, not because she thought he was a simpleton, but because it was her job as an agent to make life as easy as possible for your client.

Adele was the kind that took her job seriously and this showed here.

“OK cool, so which ones are endorsement deals and which ones are paid adverts,” Jason asked, understanding the situation.

“Well, the first endorsement deal is from Gilette… ” Adele began but Jason cut in immediately,

“You mean those guys making shaving sticks?” Jason asked as he recognized the name.

“Yes, those ones,” Adele confirmed his thoughts.

“I don’t have any beards though?” Jason wondered out loud as he rubbed his extremely smooth cheek.

There wasn’t even any roughness that indicated the presence of a beard which was a bit strange because considering Jason’s hair growth, he should have had some hair on his face at 18 years of age.

Strangely enough, Jason’s hair growth was only fast on his head. Other parts of his body seemed to have stunted hair growth and even the few hairs that grew were extremely soft, baby-like hairs, thus Jason’s skin was very smooth to the touch and attractive because of the lack of hair.

This was one of the things that added to Jason’s charm, but this wasn’t what was on Jason’s mind at that moment, rather he was thinking to himself,

‘Why would a shaving stick company want to endorse someone who doesn’t have anything to shave off?’

“Exactly the reason why they should sign an endorsement deal with you,” The answer to his question came by the mouth of Adele, but she wasn’t done explaining.

“Even if they do a commercial or anything, it’s all for show as their goal would still be to showcase your fresh chin, and you already have that, so at most a little editing and you’re good to go, you don’t even have to do anything other than to look pretty and collect the money,” Adele explained further with a smile.

“I wouldn’t be able to grow a beard within the time of the contract though,” Jason muttered to himself as it was obvious that he could not have a beard when he was endorsing a shaving stick company.

“Growing a beard?” Adele said in a questioning tone and drew closer to Jason’s face, seemingly looking at the bottom part of his face.

“Can you even grow a beard?” Adele asked with a harmless voice, but inside Jason’s head, it was like he had been struck with an arrow in his heart.

“Nice one, nice one,” Jason closed his eyes to hide his pain.

“What was the next company that brought an endorsement deal?” he immediately changed the conversation topic before he was hit by another stray bullet and coughed up blood.

“Oh, they’re a betting company called BetFuse or something, I’m not sure I need to elaborate on what sports betting is… “Adele began, but Jason once again interrupted her explanation.

“I know what sports betting is…” Jason interrupted her words.

How could he not know what sports betting was, his car key that was staring at him from on top of the table was acquired all thanks to sports betting so how could he not know what sports betting was?

Becoming an endorser for a sports betting company was a different thing for Jason however, but deep down, for some reason, he had a bit of an aversion towards it.


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