Great Tang Idyll

Book 2: Chapter 51

Book 2: Chapter 51

Volume 02

Zhang Xiao'bao and Wang Juan were sitting in the carriage talking about all sorts of nonsense when they suddenly heard Shi'liu's voice. Out of surprise, they both stood up at the same time. They were short so their heads didn't hit the roof of the carriage. They pushed open the carriage door and they jumped down one after the other.

"How come they're back so early? It took them a long time to get there even though they travelled as fast as they could. They even travelled back by carriage. At the beginning, didn't we tell them to stop every few hours to let the poultry eat, and once they lay eggs, the eggs will be exchanged with the locals?"

Wang Juan looked at the poultry that only appeared from a distance with a hint of confusion on her happy face.

"This shows that what they gained from there was relatively good, so Xiao'hong and the others were unwilling to delay more time. In fact, they arrived at this time because they had slowed down, otherwise, they would have arrived before we left.

This is good now. After Li Xun helps us sell some local freshwater fish, we will start to promote the benefits of sea water fish. In particular, if the dried fish doesn't sell for at least 10 times its cost, I would rather let it rot away in my hands. "

Wang Juan nodded, and said to Zhang Xiao'bao, "It's called saltwater fish, not sea water fish. According to you, then fishes can also be classified into creek water fish, river water fish and lake water fish?"

"Of course it is classified like that. Yellow River carp--- no one shouts out freshwater fish for sale', and no one calls Chinese sturgeon as freshwater sturgeon. According to the needs of the region, there are different names. Naturally, fish from the sea is called sea water fish, or sea fish for short."

Zhang Xiao'bao brought out a few examples. Along the way, the two of them were in a good mood, so they kept refuting each other.

Wang Juan exhaled through her nose, "I just learned something new. Let me ask you, what should the fishes in our ponds be called?"

"Does this need to be asked? Of course it is pond fish." Zhang Xiao'bao said without thinking about it.

"I see. Then fishes in Green Sea Lake are called Green fish? Ba Prefecture is called Ba1 fish? Is that how it works?" Wang Juan asked.

"If this was not in accordance with strict requirements, then it is correct." Zhang Xiao'bao's reasoning was a bit weak, so he could only forcibly try to explain himself.

Wang Juan didn't continue to pursue this topic, and shouted to the other side, "Xiao'hong, Ying'tao, over here, we're over here."

Xiao'hong and Ying'tao over there were leading the poultry. Hearing Wang Juan's words, they increased their speed again with excitement.

A group of poultry ran towards the manor. Taking the lead were a few big geese, but they were not as smart as Rong'rong. When they saw people in front of them, they didn't know that they should not attack such creatures casually. They lowered their heads and pressed down their necks, and rushed over to Wang Juan.

Wang Juan grew up in the city so she didn't know how violent geese could be. Just when she was about to take a few steps forward, Zhang Xiao'bao suddenly stepped forward from behind her and pulled her to the back. The two geese's beaks clamped down on his leg instead.

"How could they be taken away? The bigger the goose is, the more tenacious it is. It can even take on the job of a watch dog and guard the house. Just wait for Ying'tao to come over."

Zhang Xiao'bao endured the pain, and he didn't kill the two geese since the geese and its egg were worth a lot of money. It was just a bit of pain, and it wasn't like he lost a piece of flesh.

It didn't take long for Ying'tao to run over, and once she saw that the geese hurt her little master, she immediately lifted up her leg to kick the geese.

"Don't kick them, they have eggs in them already. It was sort of like they gave me cupping therapy or gua sha therapy2. These geese are good; they can help guard the yard in the future." Zhang Xiao'bao looked at the two geese. The tone of his voice did not change at all, as if he was not the one that was injured by them.

Once Ying'tao took the two geese away, Zhang Xiao'bao grinned and said, "I'm dying from the pain. Someone, hold me." He stretched out his hand to Wang Juan.

Wang Juan was angry and amused, and at the same time, she was a little emotionally touched. She said to Zhang Xiao'bao, "Walk by yourself. Did it bite your tendon? When we get back, I'll help you massage it using millet soaked in wine. Who told you to try to be a hero?"

"Nope. If they really did bite my tendon, I'll kick them to death. Do they think they're that powerful because they have beaks?"

Zhang Xiao'bao bent over and vigorously rubbed the spot that was bitten. He motioned to Ying'tao, and then turned and walked to the side of the carriage. At the same time, he said, "If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have walked that far away from the carriage."

"Let me see, how bad is the wound?" As soon as he got into the carriage, Wang Juan rolled up Zhang Xiao'bao's pant leg. She gently touched the blue and purple bruises with her hand, and raised her head to speak to Zhang Xiao'bao, "Who would have thought that you're that manly? You were bitten this badly and yet you stood still the entire time while bearing with the pain."

"I deliberately did that. I wanted to try to see if I had reached the realm of being unhurtable by the elements of the world. This is called brute training of the ironclad--- it's a skill of the Thirteen Great Defense." Zhang Xiao'bao raised his chin while speaking.

"What are your thoughts after trying?" Wang Juan asked with a smile.

"My skills are a bit lacking."


Ying'tao and Xiao'hong were busy returning the poultry to each of the residents, and they also gave them money as compensation for the eggs. The manor took responsibility for the ones that died.

Xu Si and the others transported the goods to the warehouse. Naturally, it was transported to Zhang Xiao'bao's warehouse. Currently, his money was calculated separately from the main account of the Zhang and Wang families. It would have been better if the two families didn't take the items from his warehouse to do things.

With the return of everyone, the autumn harvest in this place was about to begin. Every household has prepared everything that should be prepared. Li Xun, who just ran to the final destination in the desert, also hurried back. He wanted to see what was the difference between his own Manor and Zhang and Wang manors during the autumn harvest. He postponed the third field survival training on flat terrain.

"Young Childe, you have returned? I have discovered one thing." Li Cheng, who has been treating Da'ya from the Zhang Manor to food and drinks this entire time, saw that the Young Prince had returned and hurriedly greeted him. He tried to pique the Young Prince's interest with his words.

"Oh? What is it? Tell me." Li Xun didn't expect that something would happen as soon as he came back. As for whether the matter was harmful to his Manor, he really didn't care. He just wanted to figure out what was going on.

"Young Prince, according to the time the crops were planted, we need to harvest the wheat first. Once we're done harvesting the wheat, it would be time to harvest the rice plants. However, it seems like the wheat and rice plants at the Zhang and Wang manors have matured at the same time. I really don't understand why this is the case?"

Li Cheng stood beside Li Xun to tell him about his observations. He really didn't understand. It would be understandable if the Zhang and Wang manors' crops were lower in quality, but from what he had seen, their crops were much better than other people's crops. Not only did their crop yield not drop, but their crop yield has been increased by at least by a tenth or a two-tenths.

"High. It seems that their top-quality farmland can produce nearly five picul of rice. I don't know what they used. I heard that the Ge Manor later used their rice seedlings. Although it was a bit late, their harvest should not be that different, right? But the difference was significant. I think that the rice seedlings they gave to the Ge Manor were not the same ones they planted in their own manors."

Li Cheng first talked about the matter, and then told the Young Prince about his own thoughts.

"Hmm, I see. Let's talk about it next year. We will see what they planted then." Li Xun also couldn't understand; he never studied agriculture before.

As soon as the harvest day arrived, all of the farmers became busy. Just like the previous year, the Zhang and Wang manors harvested all of the crops at once. The master family also prepared all of the food; there was meat, vegetables, soup and rice.

Following Zhang Xiao'bao's idea, all of the meat served in the past few days were replaced with fish. He specifically requested them to find larger fish, and cut out the pieces of meat without bones. The strips were dipped into batter and then deep-fried in oil. The fried fish strips were served with a dipping sauce on the side, and the eater would dip the fish into sauce before eating it.

This year, the Ge Manor copied the way the Zhang and Wang families prepared food for the residents. As long as they work hard, they would have food to eat.

Li Xun's manor didn't make a response at the beginning. By the second day, Li Xun, who had become accustomed to copying Zhang Xiao'bao, Wang Juan and their Manor methods, also ordered his residents to harvest everything at once, and he provided them with lunch and dinner.

"Young Childe, you can't do this, the amount earned will be reduced. Why should the residents be provided with two meals everyday?" Li Cheng was terrified when he saw the residents eating during the lunch break. He quickly found Li Xun to talk about this.

"Yeah, because of what? Because when someone wants to approach the young master and young miss at the Between The Water and Clouds Restaurant, people will immediately block them. Because when we used money to bribe their people, none of the residents were convinced. Because when Zhang Xiao'bao blew his whistle that day, everyone around the two manors immediately came to protect them.

What else needs to be said? Look at their harvesting speed. With the same sickle, the same wheat, and the same working method, they're twice as fast as us. The children in our manors are playing in the back while their manors' little children are working seriously.

What is this called? This is called loyalty. I have seen it. When our manor's residents meet their manors' residents, their residents stand with straight backs, while our residents have their heads bowed. Do you understand? "

Li Xun was not stupid at all. He noticed the differences through observing them, and he angrily shouted a few words to Li Cheng.

Translator's Notes

The Ba' character in Ba Prefecture also means tyrant' so Ba fish would translate into tyrant fish'.

  1. Cupping therapy, gua sha therapy

These are both Chinese alternative medicine therapies.

Cupping therapy is done by placing a heated cup onto the skin, and as the air inside the cup cools down, suction is created. Blood will be drawn to the surface of the skin, and can cause damage to the tissues. It is believed that doing so would remove toxins or stagnant blood in the body.

Gua sha therapy is done by using a smooth and hard object like a porcelain spoon to scrape against the skin. Usually this causes bruising and damage to the tissue. It is also believed that this can promote cellular repair.


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