Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer

Chapter 131

Chapter 131: 072. Skeleton King -2 (Part One)


Tina quickly supported Allen’s falling figure before looking up at the Skeleton King.

Sacred light oozed out from the humongous figure of the undead king and illuminated the entirety of the ancient tomb.

The hordes of undead permeating with demonic energy stared into that light while covering their eyes, and they also blocked their ears every time the giant skeleton’s voice reverberated throughout the structure.

As befitting the title of the Skeleton King, the creature boasted a truly terrifying level of majesty and dignity. But for some reason, Tina felt a sense of intimacy from it instead.

“It’s… a giant angel-nim.”

As she stood there dazedly muttering out, Damon hurriedly wrapped his arms around her figure to shield her from harm. He then looked up at the undead king.

It was a legendary existence that only Necromancer King Amon could supposedly summon. Yet such an existence was right before his eyes. And as expected of a legendary creature, its mighty aura was more than enough to contend with a dragon.

The Black Dragon’s whole body had stiffened up from nervous tension.

The surrounding air had grown noticeably heavier.

In fact, the dragon instinctively realised that the existence before its eyes was a real threat to its life. This undead really did possess the ‘strength to kill’ the dragon who had lived for thousands of years already.


The dragon had never dreamt that this single word could instil so much fear in its heart.

The Black Dragon hurriedly fired out another Breath of flames. At the same time, the undead king also made its move.

The latter swung the massive golden bone sword, and its terrifying strike containing divinity easily sliced through the incoming flames. However, the strike didn’t stop there and continued to fly towards the Black Dragon.


The dragon’s expression hardened in an instant and it violently tilted its body to the side. But its wing currently stabbed through by a giant bone stake got in the way.

There was no helping it; the dragon forcibly tore its own wing off.

The bat-like wing got ripped apart and the bones connecting the limb tore and broke off. Although the dragon howled out from the nerve-wrecking pain, it still managed to barely escape from the sword strike.

It was then, another stake pierced through the remaining wing, and its bone-white surface began opening up. The skeletons crawled out from the surface of the stake that resembled a spire made out of bones.

These undead clung onto the wing and made their way over to the dragon’s main body before forcing themselves into the open wound on the other side.

It was at this point that the Black Dragon felt a horrifying pain shoot through its senses. Its skin was wiggling around; some things crawling underneath were busy tearing and ripping apart its flesh.

This sensation was akin to parasites digging in and burying themselves in the dragon’s innards.

The Black Dragon screeched out in pain.

-Do not resist.

The Skeleton King’s voice rang out once more.

The dragon’s scales continued writhing and wiggling around. The skeletons dug deeper into the dragon’s body and ripped apart the muscles found within.

The Black Dragon glared at the undead king.

-Accept your death. That is the outcome my master wishes for.

What a laughable notion that was.

Did the dragon look so feeble that it’d get killed off by some measly pile of bones?!

The dragon used magic on itself. It poured icy-cold air and intense heat into its injured flesh.

Its wound was half-frozen and half-scorched, but that did close up the hole the skeletons used to crawl inside. A portion of the undead had already entered its body, that couldn’t be helped for the time being.

No, the priority was with the existence that brought ‘death’ to the world right before the dragon’s eyes. Only by getting rid of this bone giant could the Black Dragon survive this ordeal.

-This is pointless resistance.

The undead king said something that the dragon should be saying.

The enraged dragon screeched out and dashed forward. At the same time, it fired another round of Breath.

The undead king was struck dead-on and went up in flames. Just as the giant stumbled back from the intense heat, the dragon’s large body crashed into its torso.

For a moment there, it seemed like the Skeleton King was shoved back, but then, three arms reached down and grabbed the dragon’s body. Those thick, heavy fingers twisted and crushed the dragon’s hides.

Just as the dragon thrashed about in pain, its eyes spotted the remaining hand. That hand was slashing down with the golden bone sword.

The Black Dragon desperately flung itself away from there. The massive sword missed the dragon by a hair’s breadth and split apart the floor of the tomb instead.

It was as if the whole world was screaming; the air expanded and the ground resonated. The battle of these two giant monsters permanently altered the surrounding terrain.

Hans couldn’t withstand the shockwaves and got blown away to somewhere; meanwhile, Damon urgently protected Tina and the unconscious Allen.

-Oh, you foolish creature!

The undead king pointed at the Black Dragon with its bony finger.

The holy skeletons took aim with siege weapons and began firing powerful projectiles.

When the ballistas and other catapulted projectiles flew up towards their target, the dragon responded by casting appropriate magic. Flames and ice blocks materialised in the air to collide and deflect the siege weapons.

The dragon looked around.

It discovered that the undead king hadn’t moved from its spot. The dragon lowered its gaze to the floor and stared at the pristine lake where the Skeleton King’s lower torso seemed to be submerged in.

‘I see. It was the holy water!’

The dragon’s enemy had half of its body submerged under the lake of holy water, and that must’ve been the reason why it couldn’t move from there.

This meant that the area the undead king could operate in had to be only within the radius of that lake. It would not be able to leave the water’s boundaries.

In that case…!

The entire body of the dragon seemed to balloon up. It buried its arms and legs on the ground to secure itself. Then, it sucked in a deep, deep breath.

If the enemy couldn’t move from the spot, then eliminating it should be a straightforward affair. Although the ancient tomb would be destroyed in the process, it could always be repaired in the future!

Masses of flames crazily swirled inside the dragon’s maw. One flame was compressed first, then the second was followed by a third and fourth one. All four balls of flames combined into one much bigger mass and began emitting blinding rays of light.

Everything in the surroundings melted down from the intense heat. As a matter of fact, the dragon’s hide that boasted high resistance to fire was also getting burned from the heat.

‘I shall destroy you!’

This attack contained the greatest power the dragon could output. It had secured its limbs to the ground to prevent its body from getting blown away by the inevitable recoil.

Veins bulged on the creature’s flesh and its four limbs dug in even deeper.

This was it.

With this one strike, the Skeleton King should cease to exist.

‘Disappear from this world, and go back to the depths of hell!’


The glowing eyes of the undead king burned brighter than ever before.

All four of its hands grasped the hilt of the golden bone sword tightly. The gigantic undead let out a breath towards the blade made out of bones.

Divinity oozing with a bone-chilling quality entered the bone sword, turning the surface of the blade into a sea of white flames.

Since the Skeleton King couldn’t dodge, it wanted to clash head-on with the incoming attack.

“W-well, doesn’t this look kind of dangerous?” Hans asked while shivering away from pure fright.

Damon nodded urgently as if to agree with that astute observation. He quickly placed Allen on his back, hoisted Tina on his side, then ran away from there along with Hans.

They knew that they had to get away from this location as soon as possible.

While running away, Tina looked back at the undead king.

-I shall give you eternal rest.

The moment the Skeleton King finished saying that, the Black Dragon’s mighty Breath exploded forward.

The gigantic undead king’s four hands tightly grasped the golden bone sword and took a powerful swing.

Tina reflexively closed her eyes.

A mighty sand storm blew in and the pyramid was blown apart.

The undead king’s sword collided against the Black Dragon’s Breath.

The burning white divinity split apart the dragon’s flames in half, and the tightly-compressed flames scattered in all directions to puncture several holes throughout the ancient ruin.

Debris ricocheted and clattered everywhere as if a violent tornado was whipping through the location.

Within the choking, blinding dust storm, the undead king’s eyes seemed to flicker brightly. It turned its head to search for the Black Dragon’s current location.

It was at that precise moment that the dragon burst through the curtain of dust. As if going for the final hurrah, the dragon had its maw wide open to try and bite the undead king to oblivion.

-Truly excellent, oh the dragon of everlasting life.

The golden bone sword still tightly gripped within the four arms moved once more.

-It’s time to conclude your lengthy task and slumber away.

The blade rose up high into the sky before chopping down rapidly.

It was as if a massive pillar came crashing down from the heavens; the sharp bone blade scythed past the storm winds madly whipping about.

Along with the dust clouds, the dragon’s skull, neck, and its torso were cleanly sliced through.

A beautiful, blinding ray of sacred light burst forth and the ancient pyramid was completely sliced open in half.


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