Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 166 - Research Part 4

"Huh!?" They exclaimed.

"It is reasonable though, the defence I put in the skill is unreasonably high. And mind that it still grows," Joan explained.

They were in thoughts. A one-second skill has such huge mana consumption while it was still in its young stage. Making them think again on its name "Invulnerable". As they thought about it, they can't help but chuckle. It would be reasonable too to put it on Grandmaster rank. It was soon, they chuckled.

"I will master this skill to the fullest as my priority. Thank you Joan for being the first to lend it to me," He bowed his head.

"No, don't bow. I have many things to make too in the future. You are a test subject and I am your researcher. We are on equal grounds. You help me and I help you, that is," Joan said unperturbed.

He then shook his hands instead, he still was grateful to Joan even with everything he said.

"Next is Kenji of the Ronin department," Joan announced.

"So, Great Elder Kenji. In what ways would I be of help?" Joan asked.

"Drop the formalities, Joan, ahem. So we Ronins has such love for our blades. We devote our lives to it. We have a fast reflex in case of surprise attacks and has a keen sense.

"But this is bugging me, we have keen sense but can we still elevate its sensitivity? Many of us died to surprise attacks of invisible creatures in history. Undetected enemies are our bane. Also about the stamina that we desperately use to complement our speed.

"We have two problems right now but I think that we gravely needed the first one. A keen sense on enemies that hides or surprise attack us," Kenji said to him.

"Hmmm, the paralyzing zone would help but faster enemies will kill you before you can stomp your foot. One way is being fallen to traps too. And so we will make a sense that can be used for such predicaments.

"All your senses from the first to fifth sense will be heightened and also your sixth sense which you will badly need it in such cases you have told. I call it [Six senses]." Joan said to him.

"Then let's do it!" Kenji said excitedly.

Upon making the skill, Joan programmed it to heighten the senses for the sense of hearing, the sense of sight, the sense of touch, smell, taste. All were enhanced that they will have greater senses than before.

The sixth sense also will be enhanced. They will feel all the geography of the surrounding area and also the life of all surroundings. Limited to their willpower for the radius range and mana as it was consumed instead whilst expanded.

They can use it whoever they like as long as they will use mana as the maintaining factor for it. A buff skill but can be forever used if you have your mana regeneration cope up with its consumption.

Joan then extracted the skill and then lifted it. The glowing imprint was seen and Kenji approached him. He received the imprint and after that, Joan entered his soul realm. He placed the imprint inside his skill tree and then went out.

"Done!" Joan said to him.

"Well done Joan, I will immediately try the skill out," Kenji said to him.

[Six senses]

Upon his testing, He can hear them well without seeing them. Their hearts pumping and all the insects around. His sense of smell can smell their scents and can imagine their distances. Crouching then touching the floor, he felt the geography of the surrounding area. Opening his eyes, he can see them in the eyes of youth. The colours were vibrant and it was like his eyesight was restored.

"Wow, everything is amazing. Though maintaining the skill is still hard for young ones. I rank it, Master," Kenji said to them.

"Ah, yes of course. All six of your senses are heightened and it has a standard mana consumption that is set by Joan. Mastering it means lower mana consumption in the future but has higher effects," Mills said to him.

"Wait, increasing its mastery will make it have lower mana consumption? And will have greater effects?" Asked Roan.

"Yes, it is close to a buff first which has technique qualities to it. But it will turn out to be like a passive in the future in full mastery. You can use it all day and all night. But it has backlashes like being shouted at. If my calculations are right, that is," Joan said to them.

"Ah, I see. That is sure a good skill you got, Troan said to him.

"Thanks!" Kenji replied.

"Next is Herthall of Ranger Department," Joan announced.

"Yes, finally it's me," Herthall said as he approached. Cracking his neck while approaching.

"So, Sir Herthall, what would be it? Hmm?" Joan asked while touching his chin.

"Can you think of something that enhances the potential of a Ranger drastically? Something that is a buff and not passive. Something that can save you in perilous possibility," Herthall asked.

"Something like your mind's mental capacity of calculating things? Hmm, better to make it into a buff and not a passive one. I can already think of the name, [Calculative reflex]. You like it?" Joan asked.

"Yes of course! [Calculative reflex]. Something in between reflex and mind enhancer. A Ranger can be decisive with this skill. It can be a passive skill but the start will be trifling. Slow in its growth and development. The skill has to be a buff in case of emergencies," Herthall said to him.

"Yes, and with that, we proceed to create it," He announced.

At that moment, Joan chooses the buff skill as its fundamentals. Creating the imprint and programmed it to boost one's mind and accelerate its thought processes. Mana was consumed in the process of maintaining it aside from the one to cast it.

After focusing on making it, Joan gave it to Herthall. Making use of the time he had, he dived towards his soul realm and left his body. Making him see the skill tree that he needs to embed the imprint. Upon attaching it, he left the place and went back on his self.

"Ho! Done! Let us test it then," Joan said to him.

"Let's go! Kenji, try using slashes buffed with [Accelerate] on him then Herthall, use the dual wield skill and activate the skill [Calculative reflex]," Joan finished his instructions.

"Yeah, let's go!" Troan said to them.

Upon reaching the testing grounds, the two were positioned adjacent to each other. The stance was all set and then the two dashed towards each other.


[Calculative reflex]

The two clashed with each other and their blades sparked. They were in their high horses and brawled like never been before. As Herthall tested the skill, his predictive sense was enhanced greatly. It can boost one's reflex on the enemy attacks. Making your mind slow things down on you and process them to aid your final decision.

As Joan has said, it consumes mana while using it, but also drains stamina while moving your body. Willpower was also boosted and your mind was calm at the moment of using it.

They finished their clash and with great results. Herthall bested Kenji as he made his blade flung from his hands. Only using his two short-swords.

"Yes! Haha, I win!" Herthall shouted.

"Tsk tsk tsk. That is just a test dumbass! So what's the skill's rank?" He asked.

"Master, mana consumption is great for a beginner and I recommend it to the Master Rank. Mana consumption can be weathered out in Master Rank so I advise using it in that rank. Below will be having a hard time. It has to be a Grandmaster skill as it is a game-changer but Masters can already use it," Herthall explained.

"Oh, I see, nicely done! The two of you!" Joan shouted at them.

They all cheered at their success in their test. Another skill was made and it was not stopping anytime soon. They have to proceed to Rogue, Druid, Lycan, and last, Fighter. The day was still long and they all decided to take a break. Testing their skills at the moment to have further feedback. Checking it out if they will find an error in the skill before handing it to the students.

As they checked, they have found that no more problems were arising except the said aforementioned problems. Well, no skill has its perfectness. All skills have backlash or were offered in return. Making it a great beginning with them as a tester.

Time went by and they ate in the cafeteria. As for a half-day of skill-making, it was a good start for them. The Directors were happy that they have new skills to lend to their students. Upon Joan's fruits of labour, they made new skills that will change their job class forever. Thanks to him, they will have something to compensate for their current troubles and weakness. Their weakness will become their strengths shortly.

As they have something to learn in the beginning, their feeling of a new skill to learn was making them excited. It was like a child that received a new toy to have fun with. Eating some more, Joan was binge eating as he was tired. He needs greater energy for the upcoming training he will have every night. Pulling up an all-nighter will be his current goal.. And that was to reach Master in no time.


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