Grandmaster Of All Job Class

Chapter 158 - Accolade Part 2

The Prophets were all rejoicing. Lifting Joan then tossed him in the air.

"Hey, hey, hey, wait," Joan almost shouted.

"Hurray!" They all said.

Joan felt a little bit shy about what was going. He felt that it was unneeded to do such a thing. But as the joyous mood was still ongoing, he felt that he will have to endure a little bit. For the ones who were happy for him.

Joan then was put down after their backs ached. The Directors shake their hands on him and congratulated him. Director Eldezar was impressed at the fact that he was one of the persons who stopped the resurrection of the Demon Lords.. The others too were impressed and said their greetings to him.

"Joan! I knew you are something strong. But to be acquainted with the Prophets! You sure will have our praise! I have recently discovered that you are the Child of Hope. What else do you hide?" Troan said as he shakes his hands.

Joan can only scratch his head at the moment. Thinking that his life will not be as usual from now on.

"As someone who made us ascend, I thank you with all our hearts. But for someone who stopped our doom, well that sure needs the thankfulness of all humanity. I can only shake your hands now but I wouldn't forget such bravery," Hildegard said to him.

"Thank you for your kind words Director of Paladins," Joan said to him.

"Just Hildegard, no need for formalities," He replied.

"Get stronger kid! You are still young and energetic. Your potential exceeds ours and you will become someone who will be one of the foundations of humanity. Train your skills and I hope you will surpass us. But you sure are knowledgeable despite your age. Well, I won't pry much on your secrets. You have the right to keep it," Weldebert said to him, patting his shoulders.

"I would suggest making him a Herald of all job class," Ion said to them.

Joan was shocked at the moment he brought up the idea. He didn't want to be full of statuses on his name.

"I do want such status embedded on me but I want this status on me being a Skill researcher as a secret. I don't want any students to know as it will attract unwanted attention from anyone. I hope it is clear, and I will also start my research this weekend," Joan said to them.

"Sure, anything you want to request?" Greaz asked him.

"That's all for now. And I will still train in the arena. I hope I can master all skills and reach Grandmaster in no time," Joan said to them.

"Grandmaster? Wow, we are stuck in that rank for many decades. And you on the other hand will just achieve it in months?" Bruck asked.

"Well, it is not impossible," Joan replied.

They were mesmerized by his remarks. It was unfair for them who cultivated for many years and trained just to reach that level. As Joan spoke, they were again impressed.

"You say it is possible?" Roan asked him.

"Yes," Joan replied.

"Ugh, my head hurts. This is unfair," Herthall said to him while massaging his head.

"I am sure that you will all be shocked but it is a technique that I have researched in the past. This knowledge is dangerous if lent into the wrong hands," Joan said to them.

"Kid, just who are you? How vast is your knowledge? This is impossible for a kid to know," Said Troan.

"That's a secret," Joan said to them.

"Ah, yes of course, well let us get acquainted with your friends the prophets first. Let us enjoy, this is your day right?" Said Mills.

"Ah yes," Joan said to them.

It was then they approached the Prophets who were talking with each other. Upon their request, they were all introduced to know each other. As the fact that they were inside the same campus but not close to each other was unbelievable for Joan. They were operating in the school but the Prophets were secretive in their base. As the Job Class Directors were all busy in the school affairs, they have limited time to have acquainted with them.

As Joan was the main reason as they have a comfortable ambience to chat. They have been formally introduced by Joan. As the fact that Prophets were unaging and were as old as the foundation of the Kingdom and they were just kids compared to their age. As such, they respected them with the uttermost respect they can give. They were existences that gave an end to the dark times where the Demon Lords attacked the Kingdom and nearly brought it to its extinction. As the legends say, they were the masters of the heroes of humanity. It means they were far greater existence than what a director was.

Upon greeting each other, they went to eat at a table reserved for them. As a gathering of this many high ranking individuals to didn't have a feast was an utter disappointment on the host's side. Especially when it was the King.

They began eating and both sides were getting alongside each other. Joan felt nervous as well as excited to see such friends get along. While eating, Joan's favourite foods were present. They were the grilled ones and soup. Vegetables were also offered in the meal. As they chuckled at each other's jokes and fancy tales that they once encounter, Joan heard some of their tales when they were younger.

The Directors in the past were just a ragtag team of adventurers. Travelling in the past where the dark lands were yet unexplored. They met the Principal who was their friend and they were assigned to the directors of each department. It was a fact too that they were a lineage of the founding fathers of Job classes that founded the Academy. They were a run away in the past and wanted freedom but destiny has called for them. They accepted the role and then guided the next generations. As for the ones already in the positions, they replaced them as they were acknowledged as their masters in the past.

As the party went by, the King left to rest in his quarters. Making only them talk to each other. It was then, Joan became the topic of their discussion. As the directors wanted to ask Isaias and the others about his battles in the past. Starting on him meeting Isaias till the last battle of the Demon Lords. Joan also told them some of his story of him losing his parents and his students. As well as some happenings of his life while Isaias was not there to bear witness.

In turn, the Directors told the Prophets of their side of the story. Riling up the Prophets and were on their toes as they were listening. As far as the story goes, they arrived at the current event. Telling of the story of the Principal and many other events that happened in the school. Making the merry mood last till it was time to go home.

Exiting the halls and escorting Joan to the teleportation pillars. The afternoon came and the sun was ready to set. Painting the sky into a reddish hue and making the sun's rays dim.

"Bye Joan, let us meet again soon," Said Isaias.

"Yeah, bye. We will meet again sooner. We still have something to do," Joan said then winked.

"Hahaha, looking forward to that," Isaias said to him.

The directors then activated the pillar and a spiralling light was seen summoned. Giving off a light that took away the darkness.

"We will enter the teleportation pillar now. It is nice meeting and knowing you all," Mills said to them.

"Yeah, it is fun," Troan said to them.

"Enjoy the rest of your day. And once again, the pleasure is ours," Isaias said.

"It is an honour to meet you all," The Principal said.

It was then, they all entered the portal and the light was put off. Making the Prophets leave in their turn. The time passed by and Joan emerged on the teleportation pillar of the school.

"Everyone, thank you for your presence. I wouldn't survive unscathed without your witnesses and help. The King is a cunning one. I might end up my tongue cut off if I didn't have you all," Joan said to them.

"Don't worry about it. We already knew that the King is one heck of a problem. So we went with you just in case," The Principal said.

"We should all show our support. We are all Legends thanks to you!" Roan said to him.

"Yeah!" Ion said to him.

Others nodded in agreement.

"Goodbye Joan, we will leave as we needed to do some things. Have a good night," The Principal said to him. Other Directors said their goodbyes.

"Thank you all for your efforts escorting me," Joan bowed his head to them.

Joan then was escorted to his dorm and then the Directors disappeared without a trace. No one has seen them so far. The wind blows as no one has even left their presence. Silence replaced the wind and so, Joan smiled and closed his door.


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