Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

Chapter 49 Cultivation Techniques Ranked

That was right.

Everything that had just happened outside was actually all just a plan.

Captain Blind Eyes was caught between a rock and a hard place.

The professor in psychology part of Eros had used chosen his words wisely and put Captain blind eyes in a corner.

However, he had done this as a means of escape for the Captain. But it was a means of escape that only Eros could help with.

That entire laughing and hugging each other like old friends in front of those outside was Eros's brilliant solution.

After all, the entire situation can suddenly be seen as a joke between two old fellows.

Of course, there was always the option that Captain blind eyes would not agree with his plan.

But Eros had no choice but to propose it.

In fact, the reason why he was sure that captain blind Eyes would go with it was that, from the moment captain Blind Eyes gave the order that all members of Commander Tender Eye's crew be killed, Eros discovered one very Fatal weakness of the Captain.

And it was a simple one really.

​ Eros could tell that Captain Blind Eyes was shameless.

Yes. He was.

That entire Façade about Honor and Loyalty to the code was the Chain that was used to cage his underlings.

Eros was very aware of this. rules and regulations were never for those in power to follow. There were only there to act as aligners for the masses.

Also, Pirates were naturally very shrewd and heavily shameless people.

Rules and regulations amongst them were for nothing but to guide their Underlings shamelessness and cage it for them to control.

Essentially, it was poor excuse at discipline guided by the fear of being exempted.

For those that had reached the top in any field, rules were just letters bundled up together in a book.

Also, there was a saying in Eros's former world: The darkest place in the room is under the Lantern. This meant that those that protect the rules the most are also those that break them the most.

This was just the way the world worked.

A people are only as good as their rulers.

If the people were shameless, it was only natural to believe that the leader was also shameless.

If Commander Tender eyes could break the rules, didn't that also mean that the Captain of the pirate crew could break the code?

This was a foundation of human psychology that Eros had a strong grip on.

All he did, was a play on the power hold of the captain and his crew.

And then everybody outside would naturally assume that what had just happened was a bad joke between the captain and his old-time friend.

It was in this manner that Eros solved the crises on both sides.

This way, the Captain got to preserve the honour of his words with his crew members and Eros and the others got to keep their lives.

It was essentially a win win situation.

But Eros knew that he was not out of the forest yet.

For his plan to work, he had revealed a part of his strengths.

He was a god that once sat proudly in the heavens.

Of course he knew how to Mind Speak.

Such a skill was asking how a child knew its mother's tits were in its mouth for it to feed on her milk.

it was just preposterous.

But in this world, it was abnormal.

Eros suddenly felt some soul Pressure. It was from Captain Blind Eyes.

It was Eros's plan to make the light joke outside, but it was not his plan for them to enter the Captain's Cabin.

This was something that the Captain had done. The reason for this was something Eros could easily tell.

The captain was very knowledgeable and was sure that Eros was not a member of the royal family. And since Eros was not a high-Level cultivator, it only meant that Eros cultivated a very high-level Technique.

This was what he was after.

He was going to use his cultivation energy and suppress Eros until he had no choice but to give him the technique.

In Captain Blind Eyes' mind, such a technique should at least be at the Mystic state.

Cultivation Techniques were ranked:








Ordinary Techniques were the basic. These included battle stance and fighting techniques such as punches and kicks that were amplified with Soul energy.

Gifted techniques: These are also called Bloodline techniques. Just like the one that the shark man had used against Eros and commander half bra.

In this world, Mystic and above were very rare.

Even the royal family of the kingdom only had three mystic techniques.

It is said that the Golden Empire used to have more mystic techniques and even a legendary technique, but all that was rumours.

Captain Blind Eyes roused his Energy.

His aim was to crush Eros's will so that he could take the Technique for himself.

However, to his surprise, Eros looked at him with a smile on his face.

Once more, he increased his soul Energy again.

yet! nothing happened.

Once more, he increased his soul energy in the room. By now, a low light shone from his body, and even those outside the cabin could feel the Soul Pressure.

Many people could not breathe. Even the black guards outside the room had drops of blood run down their noses, and those were cultivators of the Soul Apostle Realm.

Those on the other ships like Commander Half bra and commander Full bra could not even move.

Fear gripped the hearts of all.

"Eros, please be safe!" Commander half bra cried in her heart.

The soul Pressure from Captain Blind Eyes even caused little ripples of water under the sea.

And yet. Even with this all, Eros still stood smiling before Captain.

"Hmmm! I'll advise you to hold back your soul Pressure. I'm sure that you do not want your battle wound to reopen itself."

immediately Eros said those words, Captain Blind Eyes took back his Soul pressure.

However, he had a very surprised look on his face.

If he still had his eyes, they would have been left wide open.

"How the fuck did you know...?"


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