Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 1931  Twenty-Six

Chapter 1931  Twenty-Six

Ryu sat in silent meditation, swirling lights dancing around him. 
He had never spent so long on a cultivation method before. Even his current self-created Mental Realm cultivation method had come to him through natural enlightenment. 
It could only be said that deducing the remaining path of his Body Realm Cultivation Method was far too difficult, but how could it not be? He was trying to find a method of maximizing treasures that stood near the pinnacle of Existence itself. 
Maybe it would have been more efficient to just go out and conquer the Holy Worlds he needed, but Ryu didn't do that for two reasons. 
The first was because he wanted to settle his mind down. He was constantly being pulled in too many directions, and the matters with Ailsa didn't make things any better for him. 
He wasn't used to extended periods of closed door cultivation, and unless he did get used to it quickly, he would find himself stuck one day. 
He wasn't arrogant to the point that he thought he didn't need secluded cultivation. Maybe there would come a day where he would need to retreat for many centuries, or even longer. 
The road of cultivation was long, and unless he was willing to walk it, he didn't have the right to have such thoughts. 
The second reason he chose to do things this way was because there was no shortcut that existed that didn't come without a price. 
Sure, getting those Holy Worlds would save him a lot of time and effort. But it had to be remembered that those Holy Worlds only allowed him to see through to the pinnacle of what was allowed in *this* world. 
Who knew how many worlds that were several times more powerful were out there? If he pigeonholed himself here, he would end up regretting it in the future. 
By taking the long way, he would be able to have the best of both worlds. 
On the one hand, he would be able to excavate the full potential of this cultivation method, and on the other, he would be able to use the Holy Worlds he would conquer in the future to speed it up and strengthen himself with immediacy without also being stuck at a bottleneck in the future. 
It was truly killing two birds with one stone… 
And that was when his cultivation began. 
It was a beautiful sight to behold, but no one could see the level of pain that Ryu was undergoing… and no one could possibly expect anyone to withstand that sort of pain for an entire ten years. 
Light began to converge into his body along with Darkness. Ice penetrated into his very cells, boring holes into his body and making it seem as though he would become a sculpture of frigid energy any time now. 
It was a beautiful sight to behold, but no one could see the level of pain that Ryu was undergoing… and no one could possibly expect anyone to withstand that sort of pain for an entire ten years. 
The Nine Pillars in Ryu's body began to crumble apart, only to be replaced by new kernels. 
A Seed of Darkness… A Seed of Light… Gaia Essence… Lightning Elemental Spirit… A Blackhole… Infinity Mist… Origin Flame… A Rainbow Wind… 
The pillars condensed and Ryu himself became the core. 
His body shattered and then reformed… before shattering and then reforming again. 
Several Spirit Bodies clashed, trying to fuse into one, and yet not quite being able to do so. 
Wobbling Fairy watched all of this from the sidelines. By now, Eska had returned to Ryu's Inner World. Of course, in these years, she had had some interaction with the woman and they couldn't be said to be strangers any longer. 
However, it was still hard for Wobbling Fairy to accept what she was seeing. 
Her gaze was sharp. She knew that despite Ryu's calm expression, it couldn't possibly be the case that it was as painless as it seemed. 
This cultivation method was even more sinister than the Life Destructions of the Body Realm. She had never seen someone willingly put themselves through this after having already surpassed the threshold of Godhood. 
It was one thing to have the mental fortitude to make it through something that you would have to no matter what… but to do it when you didn't have to… 
That was the most shocking. 
Ryu didn't show any signs of stopping, he continued for years on end, never once using Wobbling Fairy's energy… 
And then, some time during the sixth year, he finally began doing so. 
The power flooded into him and his Body Realm cultivation began to skyrocket by leaps and bounds. 
Every step it took was only more exaggerated. 
On the seventh year since Ryu began cultivating… 
He broke into the Transcended Realm despite not having actively cultivated his Qi Realm at all. His Dao seemed to just naturally spill over, maintaining its peak and even seeming a bit stronger than what Wobbling Fairy remembered. 
She had simply never seen a Dao this powerful before. 
However, by this point, Ryu's Body Realm had long since reached this level, and had already surpassed it. 
Strength swirled through his body and his power only became more and more exaggerated. There were only three of his elements at play right now, but these three were already enough for Ryu to sweep through the geniuses of this world with just his body alone. 
On the eighth year, Ryu's body stepped into the Omniscient Realm and a blazing intent rolled and rumbled through him. 
His Qi Realm cultivation had entered the Higher Transcended Realm despite him not actively cultivating it at all. 
What no one realized was that the very act of deducing the paths of his Natural Treasures was a path to Ryu improving his Dao. As for the energy of his cultivation, he had an entire Chaos Plane to access. At this point, so long as his Dao progressed, the natural spill over of energy between himself and the realm would cause his cultivation to increase. 
On the tenth year, Ryu finally reached the very peak of the Omniscient Realm with his Body, while his Qi Realm naturally reached the Peak of the Transcended Realm. 
Almost a quarter century had passed. 13 years just to finish the final form of his Body Realm Cultivation Method, and another ten just to finish his recultivating of it… 
Ryu slowly opened his eyes and the world went still.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om


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